WRECKING STEAMER RELIEF. On June 21, the new wrecking steamer Relief, built for the Merritt & Chapman Derrick & Wrecking Co., by the Harlan & Hollingsworth Corpor- TAE Marine REVIEW a double bottom length extending the full of the vessel, and has bilge keels fitted. | At the hatches on deck the usual gear and hoisting engines are fitted for handling cargo. lit cad- WRECKING STEAMER RELIEF ON ation, from the plans and under the superintendence of Horace Seé, of New York, left New York on the fitst.of her trials, With a steaming radius of 8,000 knots at a steady average of 10 knots per hour, equipped to meet with any demand that may be made on her ser- vices as a wrecker, relief, or nepair steamer; fitted with evaporating-dis- tilling and cold storage plants; elec- tric lit throughout and with uwunex- celled accommodation for her propel- ing and wrecking crew, the Relief is the finest of her type yet produced. Her principal dimensions are: ENGINES OF WRECKING STEAMER RELIEF. Length over-all, 200 it; breadth molded, 30 ft.; depth, molded, to main deck, 20 ft. The hull is built entirely of steel, has two continuous decks, HER TRIAL TRIP, dition to these there is a large steam capstan: for handling the towing haw- sers, as well as a windlass for the anchors. One of the two life-boats is equipped with power. Her machinery installation of one triple-expansion engine with cylinders 18 in. diameter for high pressure, intermediate 30 in., and low pressure 50 in.; stroke 30 in. Valve consists 31 ing the vessel at a speed of six knots per hour. The Relief is built. for . a speed of 12 knots per hour. -In addition to the pumps wdritag in connection with the main engines, which are all independent, thete is -a- large wrecking pump of the duplex type, with cylinders 1814 in. diameter at steam end, 10% in. diameter at water end, with stroke 12 in. The ONE OF THE MAIN BOILERS steering, reversing and turning gear are steam driven. Two dynamos generate the _ electricity used for lighting and > other ~ purposes, =@ search light being located on the pilot house, and all running lights connected with an indicator in the pilot house. An item worthy of special mention is the complete equipment of repair- gear of improved. radidl type. ~The ine and overhauling machinery, a boilers consist of two single-ended, power-driven lathe, compressed-air for main steam, of 1234 ft. in diam- drilling machines, and all other neces- eter, length 13 ft., with three corru- sary tools being installed. In spite t » I : WRECKING 'STEAMER RELIEF IN DRY DOCK AT THE HARLAN & HOLLINGSWORTH CORPORATION, WILMINGTON, DEL, gated furnaces in each. A double-fur- nace subvertical water-tube boiler con- taining 700 sq. ft. of heating surface, on the main deck, is capable of driv- of the necessary compactness and economy of space, at no place is there any overcrowding of machinery or fit- tings. '