* 36 cabin and silently. thanked his God __that he did not have to attempt the narrow. harbor entrance. on such a dirty night. While down below the faithful bilge pump and the noisy siphon labored away holding: the water in check until the gale abated. And the good ship Magnolia reached her destin- ation on time with bilges dry and decks rinsed clean. After placing his ship at her dock the skipper sat down and wrote a let- ter to the owner, the burden of which ran as follows: "Had a pretty tough voyage. Caught on fire on Lake Erie and bucked out a gale on Lake Superior. But, after all, it is not such a difficult task to navi- gate one of these boats providing a man has an engineer who mows his busi- ness.' Down ale. Currie was delivering a lecture to the young second engineer. "My son,, he said, "you are-'still young and have a great deal to learn. Let: me give you a little advice, and mark well my words. In all my time of driving them up and down these lakes it has always been my religion to take the most scrupulous care of the little things. And I have found that then, somehow, the big things will take care of themselves." WELIN QUADRANT DAVIT. For years attempts have been made to improve on the old form of boat been _davit which 'has continued in (uP To NOv.30Km) SHOWING YEARLY INCREASE OF INSTAILLA-.' ot OTMIONG:. dils 11g 46 use since 'man first canta the seas in _ high freeboard ships, -and, until 'the invention of the Baik quadrant davit, no life boat launching equip- their can manager, A. P. Lundin, 17° TARE Marine REVIEW ment had been recognized as: an im- provement over, the old style. There is no better evidence of the merits ofa device than its ready ac- ceptance. by those for whom it 4s designed. To better illustrate the in- creasing popularity of the © Welin davit- the diagram' herewith showing ~the. yearly increase, of installations has been prepared. © At the present time over 1,500 are in use or ordered for equipment on ships plying in evety quatter of the orl -record breaking from the Minnesota mines have been OO SAO or AT HEAD OF THE LAKES, Duluth, July 1--Theb predictions of shipments in June borne out by compiled figures. , This year 969,513 tons more were : shipped -- from three ports at the head of the lakes than in June, 1906. Of this in- crease the Missabe docks were' respon- sible for 499,385 tons or more than half and the Superior docks did over 37-per cent better than a year ago: The total shipment for the month was STEAMER AMAZON OF THE ROYAL MAIL PACKET CO, globe. The Allan line has installed them on their new steamers Victorian, Virginian, Crampian and Corsican. The Royal.. Mail .Steam, Packet Co. has complete installations on their 10,000- ton steamships Aragon and Amazon and are fitting out two more 10,000- ton liners with them. The North German Lloyd has equipped twelve of their new ships with the Welin davit. The Toyo Kishen Kabushiki Kaisha, the French line, Hambu:g- American, Holland- Pei the Lloyd Brazilliero and other lines too" numerous to mention are equipping new and old vessels with this appara- tus. : x It is interesting to note that such 'concerns as the Midland Railway Co. and Great Central Railway Co... at England, the Entre Rios -Railway, of South | 'America and the company. ope- 'rating the. ferry lines between San Francisco and Oakland have equipped ferry boats. with the Welin davit. This 'indicates. that this equip- 'ment is suitable for all vessels with light superstructure lake vessels, decks such as ferry and river steam- /@fs, etc. The catalog issued by the Ameri- Bat- tery place, New York, is a handsome one. It will pay any interested super- intendent or ship master to write fOr it, (195 ' (Manquette range 4,677,139 tons. For next month the prospect is for a much bigger output as the remodeled dock No. 1 at Al- louez was last week completed and the No. 5 dock at Two Harbors which was rebuilt this spring was put in service at 5 o'clock on Friday last. These two docks should make themselves in July. The shipments; by docks during the month were.as follows: Duluth, 2,156,- 216 tons as compared with 1,656,831 tons in June, 1906, Two Harbors, 1,303,- tons, against 1,165,207 tons a yeat..ago..and Superior 1,217,728 tons, against 885,588 tons. From the the shipments give promise of being less than last year particularly through Marquette while the Menominee range will do close to a quarter of a million tons better. At*Two Harbors the new No. 6 dock soon to be built will inaugurate the use of steel in the construction of the su- perstructure 'and concrete for the abut- ments. The -- superstructure will. be built of I-beams, angles and channels but the pockets will be lined with wood. The footings for. the steel up- rights will be of concrete resting on the usual cribbing. The new Uock will be located west of No. 5, will be 940 ft. long and contain 142 pockets. It will not be ready for service this season. While in the ore trade the past week new. records 'for