"TRAE Marine REVIEW The Upson-Walton Co. CLEVELAND, OHIO--------_ MONG the first vessels that we fitted out was the Nellie Redington. That was nearly forty years ago, but the Nellie Redington is still afloat. Among the latest vessels that we have fitted out is the Henry Phipps. - The Redington carries 1,500 -tons; the Phipps, 12,000 tons. As 1,500 is to 12,000 so is The Upson Walton Co. of thirty-six years ago to the Upson Walton Co. of today. Our reputation as Outfitters of Vessels has grown year by year. 169 Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO ILLINOIS INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS Geo. - Mites EVERY PASSENGER STEAMSHIP has, or should. have, a refrigerating system. 'Yet how many of these installations repre- | sent the best engineering practice? An ammonia refrigerating plant, to operate economically, should be equipped with WELDED pipe line joints. Such joints _ eliminate leakage losses and avoid mainten- ance charges. 55. 4 Write us regarding our THERMIT PROCESS for welding pipe joints IN PLACE without the aid of outside power of any kind. Our Pamphlet No. 16-E gives this information. Goldschmidt Thermit Company 90 West St. NEW YORK 432-436 Folsom St. SAN FRANCISCO | Manila Rope That Wears 'When buying rope for marine service quality should be considered first. A small cut on the price will not make up > for 40 to 50" longer service to be had from first-class Manila. They will show Let us submit samples. the quality. Buffalo Ship Chandlery Q Supply Co. | e613. BUFFALO, N. Y. MAIN ST., eee