Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 4 Jul 1907, p. 56

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56 TAE MARINE REVIEW INDEX: OF ADVERTISERS The star "*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate The dagger (+) indicates that advertisement appears once a& '+Akers Steering Gear Co...... -- | Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.. 59 CS ei as ae 71 American, Blower Cov... 203%. no Dowmes,.<Groi.., Jr... Je. ne ee 72 American: Injector Co......... 13 | Drein, Thos., & Son...... eee PAC HCAT TINE os ae oe ose os tees 71 | Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging American Sawdolet Co......... 61 COE er a. Ec ce i ee 68 American Ship Building Co... 4 : American Ship Windlass Co... 2 | Elphicke, C. W., & Co........ 72 Armstrong Cork Co.....0...:. 76 | *Emerson Shoe Co..........- 16 *Armstrong Manufacturing Co. 63 | {Empire Shipbuilding Co...... 65 a ee ee 12 | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co..-... 63 De aay a ge i Bix se. S., OHS ce cc eek 4 Atlantic Works, Inc...:..4.'... Ti Phher Woe A. a. i: 71 Hoee, Me Wal oe 4 Babcock & Penton... 25.3... 73 ' Baker, Howard H., & €o...... 76 me River "oe Building Co. a Melcher, < Vredy Pec eke go, pe Uretenety Be Seer tees Ol Na | oped ce cc nee laure ee 4 . 2G *Boston & Lockport Biock 'Co. 65 | Gichrist, Albert Joos ls2Lll) 22 po One e MRE Co. The H. E, a +Goldschmidt Thermit Co...... 55 rs fe MS & Cols ee. ' | Goulder, Holding & Masten... 73 Pe Monin H., & Bros.... oe ee Lakes Dredge & Dock - PA ree ee ee Oe oes Brown & Co.............+.++ 72 | Great Lakes Engineering Wks. 18 7tBrown Hoisting Machinery Great Lakes Register..:...... 61 Buen Disdeinc: Co Sete ean ce a *Great. Lakes. Towing: Co... ... .. 57 Buttato Dry lock. Co. wi er Soi Hall, John Bas soe ee. 72 +Buffalo Ship Chandlery & Hanna; Me Au. 86 Coe. a... 41 Uppy COL a ess 55 puardy & Dischinger> Co:..... 72 Rumer = bo A. a. 76 | Hawsood, "W. A., & Cows... Le Eiatad,? Diss deo ee (COR ee. Ch eas 72 Chase * Machine: -Co...3. 5... 56: lp blolmes, (Samuel) 2.05 30a. 72 Chicago Ship Building' Co..... 4 | Boys, Dustin: & Kelley. oi s...: Le Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Hane Robert W.; & Co...... Td COs Rie eee 7 | atenimson -- & Cons... 6... 72 Cleveland City Forge & Iron sin Hyde « Windlass. Co... .. 22 670 pe ee ee tIdeal Pump Governor Co.... 15 "Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. 5 | International Mercantile Marine _ oe ee ee 6 é CO pp tecnnsecreteettee oes enikins Brothers) ...7. 0.8. 1.4 70 Cory, Chas., & Son..... Be ous 68 Jenkins, Russell & Ejichelberger 73 . re & Sons, S. & 8 Jobnsot "Bros. ws 5.0 esi ees 59 : Ones eke mace ee aes : 7Creseent Machine Co....... 11 An pda ee Sons, David.. 75 Cure eepert 66s Pees os 73 eid och & Co...eee.. a Dake Eneine + Co... 0. es 3 Se Foundry & Machine ae Drug & Chemical ' Piarale Co Bis 9 0 016 0 e006 0 ee 0100 6 Pe BG sabia pte wig aici enwies ofa get gene 1 Boe tReet Stet oe 8 Delany, Pp. REGO es 59 Kremer, ¢. E Sie a eiiw ose sa Neca? apr evel sya) 23 Delaware River Iron S. B. &, *Le Mois Scientifique et In- FE. Works ».....0.-. 400+ 67 Caastaial fe a. ec eke. 67 Detfoit Ship Buildine Co... 4 |/Leckwood Mfg. €o........... 74 Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co...65 |} Lorain Coal & Dock' Co....... 69 weeks. For addresses see advertisements on page noted. month. andi (Av Pew. ee eee oes 63 Con ee eee ee TLunkenheimer Co. ...240% 06. - Sor WROGt 3 Wiss Onmioosenecer es. KOSS ; Valve * CO.) hy. ae, IWMeCartiv.. 2b: Iki is5 Seine. 72 ' MeCurdy, Geos Io... c 25. cn - 55 | Safety Car Heating & Lighting McKinnon Iron Works....... 63 CO ee ee MacDonald, Ray @ Gro. 200. es 73 | Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Mallory line 2.0.03 6st: Zl CO ees ae Pen i ee *Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Sehrader's, "A., Son,;<Inc...... WING ss a a eee oe 68 | tScoville Check Valve Co..... Marine ) irom Works: 7... -. 7s | poenecs Chain. Co... *Marine Mfg. & Supply Co... 65 | Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes Marshall: Whéxander 00... 6. < 72 | Shelby: Steel. Eube Co... 33: Martin-Barsiss Co. .2c.. tiaw a. 71: Sherine: Mie Cogece Maryland Steel Co....... 7536. 10 | Shipping World Year Book.... Mavthami, rank? 020. seen: 73 |} Siggers .& Sigcers. 0, oo. Mehl, "Edward = 222 4... 72 | Smith cee & Dock '€o:. Stan: Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 5 1ey Bae ee Mitchell'. & = Cou. ctas i eee 72 Giunotl on Mis. Co 422. Poe pegs Morse, A. Jc, @ OOn. ee 61 | Fopence Mig." CO... s. sees, Mosher Water-Tube Boiler Co. 37 | Spencer, H. R...... eee ee Standard Varnish Works..... ' Nacey. & "iyndes. ...¢2.92 00%... 73 | Starke, C. H., Dredge & Dock +New Bedford Boiler & Ma- Gps eerie laa pas ee Chite: (€0. 2.28 Fa ae ee fl*| Stratford, Gédo., "Oakurm = Co... -. Newport News Ship Building Submarine Signal Company... & Dry Dock: Co.5 6 \SSullivan Ds. & C0. sa cee, New Te & Cuba Mail S. S. Sullanj We a. ee. es SE has Cas gon as 71. | -¥#Superior Iron. Works. ..2..... New Vbek Shipbuilding Co. 7 | Superior Ship Building .Co.... PNicholson: Shin. Log Coe... 2 Northwestern Dredge Co...... 69 | Taylor Water-Tube Boiler Co. Northwestern Steam Boiler & Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. Mite CO. fo. oi eas. 59 | *Toledo oa COE Be ik : Toledo ip: "Building: (Ca... 3s O'Connor, a. sl a elke 6:14 jello la eka 0 fe ogee Te .+Toledo White Lead Coc | TOster.: Mig. Crew ins c4ies oe 65 eae De 2 Se Otis]: Sfeel Coen eo res a. 61 Truscott Boat Mfg. Co........ Parker: sBrose ©Oy ca oe we 72 Ly -Walton Co Penberthy Injector Co:.....:. £3 ee ME eters ES Pickands; Mather & Co..0.2.5 69 United States Graphite Co.... Pittsburg Coal Co............ S/o Mance. & Joys. Co.s oes Prindivitte & C€ormpary. .... 35. 61 Walker, icaa. & Son obs: ar Bineo oe oe es Quintard Iron Works Co..... 14 Warner Dobe oe Reddy Star ines es weet ves Zio Warner se (Swaseyives soe. Reilly Repair & Supply Co. 53: | *Watsen-Stillman. Cos secur. Republic Belting & Supply Ce 16 | ¢Wheeler Condenser & Engi- Richardsota« 2 Win Ce sacs a. 72 HeckinG: CO. ook ck aes pRitehic. i. 5. &. SONS... .: . 68 | Willcox, Peck & Hughes...... Roberts Safety Water-Tube tWilliams: = Gauge Gover... a BONE: Cer cicienecchacre tric nec 14c) Williams. <b) bo Vale. Cae... Roelker! Hee (Be ee ee PATO Woode Wee PRS a aes tRogers Steam Oil Separator -FWoodhouse Chain Works..... Z 59 76 AUTOMATIC TOWING MACHINES ||| DOCKING ENGINES |||| HOISTING ENGINES The Latest and || Mooring Winches ||| Ofall kinds and sizes | iesCop er \e Latest Improved |||| and for all purposes Positively guaranteed |||} Types especially for ship use FOR THESE AND OTHER WELL atenae SPECIALTIES ADDRESS ALL INQUIRIES TO VNTR E Ny Wi pA NS WA CaAAO NY U ~~ **The up-to-date manufacturer of to-day realizes the importance and value of space in his trade papers and exercises good judgment in the pre- paration of his copy."--Printers Ink. VW Our Ad Designing Department makes just this thing possible. All you have to do is to give us a suggestion and we put it into attractive shape.

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