; "TAE MarRINeE REVIEW 2a WORK IN COAST YARDS McIntyre & Henderson, of. Balti- more, Md., are to build a tug boat 105 ft. in length for stock. The: J. N. Robins, Co., Brooklyn, N. cently underwent extensive repairs on the dry dock at the yard of James She- wan & Sons, New York, N.Y. 'The side wheel steamer T? V. Ar- PROCESSION OF CHINESE VESSELS ON A CHINESE RIVER. Y., has nearly completed the rebuilding oe the Fall River liner Plymouth. William J. Gokey & Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., recently repaired the propeiler Halcyon, owned by Capt. J. P. Rob- erts. The Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., recently repaired the bottom of the Standard Oil Co.'s barge No. 76. The E. W. Heath ship yands, Taco- ma, Wash., have recently completed a tug for the Pacific Coast & Norway Packing Co. The Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co., Hoboken, N. J., recently effected re- pairs to the New Bedford line steamer Pequannock. The Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co., Hoboken, N. J., recently completed re- pairs to the Metropolitan line steamer Herman Winter. - William J. Gokey & Co.; Brooklyn, N. Y., are repairing the schooner Judge Peipec owned by James. ia Philadelphia, Pa. aee . Hal. Bros Coa. Winslow. Wash., has a contract for building a 53-ft. steamer to cost in the a borhood of $160,000. W. E. Thomas & Co., Berkeley, Va., are to repair the itilce ute tender Juniper, giving her a new propeller wheel and minor repairs. The James Clark Co., Baltimore, Md., has recently installed a new boiler in the Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic Railway Co.'s steamer Joppa. The steamer City of Stamford re- rowsmith, of Washington, has recently been repaired at the yard of William E. Woodall & Co., Baltimore, Md. The Townsend & Moore Engineering Co., Broaklyn," N. Y., recently titted one of the Brazilian warships with new pumps and gave her general repairs. The McConnell Engineering & Ma- chinery Co., Tacoma, Wash., has taken over the business of the Puget Sound Dry Dock & Machine Co. of that port. : The . Standard Oil..€o, recently build for the Standard Oil Co. The T. S. Marvel Ship Building Co., Newburgh, N. Y., will soon deliver the new steel propeller Sea Gate, built for the route between the Battery and Sea Gate. The Kelley- Se Co., Bath Me, kas about ready for tumckee the first of the three barges which it is building for the New York, Ontario & West- ern Ry R. ' The Pusey & Jones Co., Wilming- ton, Del., have about completed the revenue cote Pamlico and she will soon leave the -yard: to undergo: her official trial trip. The Atlantic Transport tug Trans- port has been at the plant of the James Clark Co., Baltimore, Md., hav- ing her engine eo new - boiler installed. The big steam dredge: Ccdies of ties United States engineers' department has been receiving a new boiler at the yard of the Brown Dry Dock Co., Jer- sey City, N.-f. F. S. Bowker & Son, Phippsburg, Me., are building a 500-ton three-mast- ed schooner for Capt. John Trainer. This vesselis to be 37 ft. long, 34 ft. beam and 13% ft. deep. The Moran Co., Seattle, Wash., is preparing to launch the steamer Sew- ard for the Northwestern Steamship Co. This vessel is of steel and is to ply between Seattle and Valdez. The Skinner Ship Building Co., Bal- timore, Md., recently launched: the first of four 100-ft. tugs which it is to This A CAPSIZED RUSSIAN CRUISER ON THE COAST OF KOREA. awarded a contract to the Nilson Yacht. Building Co., Baltimore, for an 80-ft. power launch to be equipped with an engine of 100 H. P. tug will be known as S. O. No. 16. The Luckenbach tug Walter A. Luckenbach and the schooner barge West Point, also owned. by the Luck-