58 TAE Marine REVIEW Las CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SERVICE \_ BOILERS FOR SALE PROPOSALS. U.S. Engineer Office, 57 Park St., Grand Rapids, Mich., June '26, 1907. Sealed pro- _ posals for Repair of North Pier at Holland, Mich., will be received .here until 3 P. M., oo 26, 1907, and then publicly opened. In- ormation 'furnished ' on application. B. Adams, Col., Engrs. DREDGING EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. > ONE COMBINATION DREDGE in - Fine -'Condition: -for':. sale, equipped with all appliances for ope- tating both clam and dipper, hull re- built and machinery put in first-class condition. two yeafs .ago. Gan: be seen, at. River Rouge, Mich. Also a- floating. derrick, care of Buffalo Dredge Co.,- Buffalo, N. Y. Address W. S: Carkin, Bennington, . HH, COAL HANDLING aeeiae ONE BROWN RAPID COAL: Handling Machine for sale. Now in use at Toledo Docks. This Machine is in very fair shape and is to be replaced by one of larger capacity.' Will be glad to furnish any informa- tion to interested parties. © C8 Ditty, P. A. 'Hocking Valley Ry. Columbus, O. ACENT WANTED » A GOOD LIVE AGENT WANTED to handle "KLENZOLA" for Marine trade. The best preparation known for removing machine grease or dirt of any kind. Put up in % Ib. cans. 'Retails for 10 cents, harmless, but effectual. Agents can make from $10.00 to' $50.00 |: a month extra beside their regular work. Write for sample and agents' prices. 12th St, rie, Da. VESSEL BROKER. | TALK WITH: BRADLEY.--Before buying or selling a boat. I have ves- sels of most every kind--from 10 tons to 6,000 tons--to sell for owners. Anybody wishing to buy or sell boats should call or write. -. Fred A. Bradley, 11 Brisbane bldg., | eo Ney: Bell. Phe ee: 1232. _P., complete with 14 Blackstone Bldg... fully |. mbazes 145: eft: Klenzola Company, 13-15 West SCOTCH BOILER,.7) «95:65 0 P., good condition. Also Cluff & Witt marine engine, fore and aft compound, 114% x 21%, 14" stroke, about 60 H. punips. Address WA, .Creech, ee Ohio. STEAMERS FOR SALE. THE, LIGHTHOUSE STEAMER draught, 500' tons capacity, 300 horse- power engine and boiler, suitable for passenger or freight business, fully equipped. Steam 'capstan, donkey boiler. Jacob . Ullman, 46 Lloyd street, Buffalo, WN. ¥. STEAMER BALCOM FOR SALE-- sidewheel, 80 x 30 x 6; tonnage, 48.41 net; solid oak hull; 2 steel boilers 42 x 10; 2 engines 12 x 24, operate separate- ly or coupled; 120 Ibs. steam; draught 3% ft. Also Barges: One car ferry barge 126 x 26 x 8: light draught, 18 inches. One 74 x 24; one 76 x 24; light draught 'each small scow 14. inches. All in first class' condition for service. Address American Lumber Co., Man- -hattan Bldg., Chicago, Ill. long,' 27-ft. beam, .9-ft. . BOOKS TRUE BEARINGS OF CELES- LIAL OBJECTS FOR THE GREAT LAKES, By rank Henrich, 325 Providence Bldg., Duluth. Price $3.50 postpaid. TUGS FOR SALE. TUG FOR SALE, 14 x 416:EN- gine, 44 ft. 4 in, length, beam, 11 ft. 2 in.; depth, 6 ft. 5 in.; hull and boiler as good as new. Price, $2,500.00. Write F, Alberts & Sons, evaeiaas Mich. FOR SALE, MISCELLANEOUS. NEAFIE & LEVY F & A-'COM. pound 26"-50" x 30" with Surface Condenser and' Pumps. 22° -50" x 30": for high steam. 13y% XK. W. Electric Lighting Set. Williamson Steering Engine. Two Hawser Pullers (Capstans). Two Providence Steam Wind- lasses. Wheeler Surface Condenser. Blake Vertical' Duplex Air Pump and Jet Condenser. 714" steam, 16" air, 12": stroke. Worthington Duplex Air Pump & Jet Condenser 9" x 12" x 10%; D. C. Sturtevant Blower & Engine. Two Scotch Boilers 12° x. 12, Two Scotch Boilers 17% 1. Two Scotch boilers 1314' x 12; MARVIN BRIGGS, INC, 154 Nassau Street, New York: IN. THE DISTRICT COURT. OF Tar UNI. TED STATES: FOR THE EASTERN DIS- ' TRICT .OF MICHIGAN, NORTHERN DIVISION: IN ADMIRALTY. In the Matter of the Petition of Frank S: Upton, owner of the steamer John. €.. Gault, "for Limitation of Liability. The' undersigned, Hezekiah M. Gillett, a trustee appoined by this court in the above proceedings under the provisions of the Re. vised Statutes. of the United States respecting limitation of liability, was authorized and em- powered by the order of this Court made and entered on June 14, 1907, to cause the said Steamer. John C, Gault, her engines, boiler, machinery, boats, tackle, apparel .and_ furni- ture. to be ,sold as said property now lies, at public auction. Now, therefore, by virtue of said order, notice 1s hereby given, that I shall cause to be sold at public auction, to the highest bid- der for cash, at the front door of the Post Office Building, so called, on Washington Street in Bay City, Michigan, that being the building in which are held the sessions of the District and Circuit Courts of the United States for the Northern Division of the East- ern. District of Michigan; on Saturday, the 6th: day* of July, 1907, at. 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, the said Steamer John C. Gault, her engines, boiler, machinery, boats, tackle, apparel and- furniture as said property now lies. Dated, Bay City, Michigan, June 17th, 1907. Hezex1AnH M. Giwett, Trustee, Bay City, Mich. Shaw Warren, Cady & Oakes, Detroit, Mich. Proctors for petitioner. Gray & Gray, Detroit, Mich. Proctors for libeiants in principal case. WILLGOX, Beck & HUGHES SUCCESSORS CHAS. E. & W. F. PECK NEW YORK, No. 3 South William Street, Insurance Brokers. Average Adjusters. BUFFALO MINNEAPOLIS -- REPRESENTED BY CLEVELAND SEATTLE NEW ORLEANS Gc. 7, BOWRING & CO., (Insurance) Lta., 5 and 6 Billiter Ave., LONDON, and at "LLOYD'S" LONDON. | HULLS AND CARGOES. ACEO, CHICAGO Lakes. on approval. | We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, hav- \ ng unequatked facilities for procuring, in the interests of our salionts, the best obtainable rates and ¢ Foreign and Home companies, -- es neem We Represent the Assured Time and Distance Tables for Lake Ships A. set. of tables showing the time required at different rates of speed, 8 to 15 miles an hour, to cover distances between all ports on the Great A time saver to the vessel owner or vessel agent as well as captain or engineer. Price $1.00 MARINE REVIEW, . - Send for it Cleveland, Ohio Se Will alter to '