32 The International Contract Co. Seattle, Wash., has about completed the new King county ferry boat Washing- ton, which is to ply between Seattle and Kirkland, and the launching was sched- uled for Jan. 21, the occasion being made a gala event for the residents of both terminals. failed to be a complete success as the boat stuck when half way down the ways and so far has resisted all efforts to move it. The new ferry is 160 ft. long and 40 ft. beam, with ample ac- commodations for passengers as well as for horses and wagons, automobiles and the like. It is planned to have the ferry in operation in April. DREDGING AT CAPE CHARLES CITY. Bids for dredging harbor Cape Charles City, Va., opened by Maj. Joseph E. Kuhn, Nor- folk, -Va., on Jan. 29: Names and Addresses of Bidders. Price Cu. Yd. River & Harbor Improvement Co., Philadelphia; Pav... 0.2.2. .5. 21 8/10c L. M. Lewis, Norfolk, Va....... 21 Ye Coastwise Dredging Co., Norfolk, Wa oe a to eles we ae 6 24 3/10c Norfolk Dredging Co., Norfolk, Va. 24 49 /100c BIDS FOR REPAIRING BUOYS. Bids received at the office of the inspector of the thirteenth lighthouse district, Portland, Ore., on Jan. 24, for repairing buoys, were as follows: *Astoria Iron Works, Astoria, Ore...... $1,690 J. Howatson, Portland, Ore.........66- 2,545 * Accepted. BIDS FOR LOCK WORK. Bids received at. the office of the U. S. en- gineer, Cincinnati, O., on Jan. 20, for raising crest of lock and dam No. 3, Big Sandy River, New Louisa, Ky., were as follows: 'Midland Bridge Co., Kansas City, Mo.$126,135 'Draw Contracting Co., Pittsburg, Pa.. 101,385 J. ©. Thomas, Louisa, Ky........+.. 62,380 Morris Turner & Co., Roanoke, Va.... 95,505 The Penn Bridge Co., Beaver Falls, Pa. 66,282 BIDS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids received at the bureau of supplies and accounts, navy department, Washington, D. C., on Feb. 4, for materials and supplies for the navy yards, included the following: Class 5--Mare Island--Red Sheet Rubber. William Wirt Clark & Sons, Balti- more, Md. Jones-Beach Co., 204 N. Fourth St., Perel ata base aa oa Oy a cca wes 3.50 National Electric Supply Co., Wash- MietOny Ca as eae vc co ' 24.65 Western Electric Co., 463 West St., EWE NOL Soe ys ec ces ie eins 7.95 Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, ee cnr sce Cass 28.86 Class 101--Pensacola--100 Sq. Yds. . Sheet Gum Packing. Avery Hardware & Supply Co., Pen- SACOla) la ee se cee ess is pon s00 Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire St. boston, Maco sis ee 1,375.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane St, New. York5.. 3) 72. 1,781.50 Bek. Goodrich' Co,;, Akron, O,.....; 525.00 Garlock Packing Co., 136 Liberty St., NGWe VOM ee 887.50 Quaker City Rubber Co., Philadelphia, Bees BO ae 1,236.00 .Excelsior Equipment Co., Pittsburg, ee See al eee 1,162.50 BIDS FOR REPAIRS TO WHARF AT ASTORIA, ORE. Bids received at the office of the i ms Ae thirteenth lighthouse district, Petar, re., for- repairs to wharf at lighth : fea oo as flows. Tee Hele erguson anston, Astoria, Ore... Fasteband, Palmberg & mee EO The launching however: THE Marine. REVIEW totia, OFe; 22.63. ee es seveccesteeste ae 0 Birch & Jacobsen, Astoria, Ores...ses% oer John Wattson, Astoria, Ofescc se: i oT ao Frederick Bros., Astoria, Ore...-++++> 568. * Accepted. BIDS FOR PILE WORK. Bids received at the U. S. engineer office, Grand Rapids, Mich., for the construction of sheet pile revetment at Muskegon Harbor, Mich., opened Feb. 5, were as follows: i Nelson, Muskegon, a ee ee George E, Culbert, Michigan City, Tide ee eae 28,291.92 A, J. Dupuis, Detroit, Mich...-...-- 28,776.12 Interstate Dredge & Dock Co., Du- Ge luth, Minn. .....2--sceseseeeceres 29,005. Columbian Construction Co., Muske- gon, Mich, soc 6s cee neces pete 29,888.53 M. Rabbitt & Sons Co., _O. Marquette Construction Co., 'Chicago, Ill. BIDS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids received at the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, ' Washington, D. on Feb. 11,. for material and supplies for the navy yards, included the following Class 45--Brooklyn--4,000 Yds. Canvas. James R. Michael, New York. 27.4. 3$35;320.00 55,271.84 Gyn (ara 6607 660 070 6 BUS e 85.05 Oe. C108 CHES neue Thomas M. Turner, 86 Worth St., New. (MOE vec b veins ce es 3,280.00 Class 46--Brooklyn--3,000 Yds. Canvas. James R. Michael, New York... 3... «$890.00 Thomas M. Turner, 86 Worth St., New "WODK 6; ies ht sk cei Cees 874.00 Class 47--Brooklyn--7,000 Yds, Canvas. De Grauw, Aymer & Co., 34 South Sto New York 0.50. ccs ose ae $3,507.30 O'Jaffe & Pinkus, 103 Franklin St., New York os. 7oice 6: Re ace ue 3,094.00 Class 48--Brooklyn--8,000 Yds. Khaki Canvas. Otto Goetze Co., 109 Worth St., New Vor re eee oe es $2,882.50 John H. Meyer Co., 75 Worth St. ING We VORK ohne oie bse s eae 6 sie ce 2,937.50 ' Class 63--Brooklyn--3,000 Ft. Rubber Fire Hose. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire St Boston, Mass. <2... sec ce $2,640.00 S. R. Fletcher & Co., 26 Cortlandt Sta News MOtk, ooh. coe cee aes »489.70 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane St, New York.uas. cc... 3,030.00 Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., 18 Vesey Stee NeW YORK ase. cack ee as ,625.00 Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey Sta New VOL se ete rosie ake 2,489.70 By f Goodrich. .Co,,, Akron, ©. ..... 3,000.00 Class 64--Brooklyn--450 Ft. Rubber Suction Hose. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire Sts. Boston. Wass... ke eee 6 $1,575.00 Diamond Rubber Co., 1876 Broadway, IEW ONO a hres Coe ee eee 1,041.00 S. R. Fletcher & Co., 26 'Cortlandt Stra News MONK i. ee ek pe aes 1,345.50 Richard W.. Geldart, 2 Stone St., ING Whe OMS ee eek es ass oes 1,350.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane cSt, New Yorks 1a. es 1,345.50 Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., 18 Vesey Dita NeWe VOUK ees. ssc eee sce 1,350.00 Manning, Maxwell & Moore, 85 Lib- ChLy. ot NEW VOtk. ee ers eo es 1,617.50 Manhattan Supply Co., 127 Franklin ite NeW MORK ce ea ss 1,345.50 Quaker City Rubber Co., 629 Market Ot. Pivladelpnia, Pa... cee. : 1,561.50 William R. Thompson, Brooklyn, N Y 1,350.00 Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey Di NCW, MOL iol be ccs oak 1,345.50 B. b.-Goodrich: Co,, Akron, O...2.:.. 1,215.00 Class 65--Brooklyn--3,000 Ft. Wash Deck Hose. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire Si Boston, Nass, 4... 1,650.00 Bureka Wire Hlose Co., 13 ee Wews MOnke ee ee aes 1,275.00 Fabric Fire Hose Co., Duane and Church -st., New. York... ....5..... 1,800.00 S. R. Fletcher & Co., 26 Cortlandt St., NeWONOHOU i ee 1,199.70 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Diane St. New Vork........05.... 2,100.00 Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., 18 Vesey ie New Mork, 0.0.0 Se, 1,260.00 Voorhees 'Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey i New Vokes 1,199.70 BE. Goodrich Co Akron, O..3..... 1,260.00 Class 186--Brooklvn--100 Hydrometers and 240 Salinometers, Holmes & Maurer Mfg: Co., 85 Cham- bere St, New York :..... Ie 142.00 Edw. Kessling, 1027 Madison St., Bos- ton, Mass, 8 NS O08 O08 886° 008 bi ae le 6 e886 114.20 lyn, N. Wiehe stele 6 Caer rer ecere 115.87 Philadelphia Thermometer Co., Phila- delphia, Pa, ..--+seeseeseeeees tees 140.00 Queen & Co., 807 Arch St., Philadel- phia, Pa, .ecseeeesseeeeeeteeseetes 215.00 'Charles F. Taglibue Mfg. Co., 50 Ful- ton St., New York.............04. 118.60 "Vermilye & Power, 17 Battery Pl, New YOtk 20.6... bc 0. ces ceer es 193.20 BIDS FOR NAVAL SUPPLIES. Bids received at the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy Department, Washington, D, C., Jan. 28, for materials and supplies for the _ navy yards, included the following: Class 61---Mare Island--10,000 Lbs. Oakum. Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md.. .... -$ 850.00 William Wirt Clark & Son, Baltimore, ey iio ea eles cones 799.00 Dunham, Corrigan & Hayden Co., San Francisco, Cale... ce ce beens 692.00 Richard H. Grey, 1777 Tenth Ave., New YOUR ceric. sss BiG rcaetetenraee s 749.00 R, W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New ore a ee a G. H. Josselyn & Co., San Francisco, GA ets core PDE ew ellos eereoie 769.00 J. B. Kendall, Washington, D. C..... 850.00 Vermilye & Power, 17 Battery PI, RNa We OTe eek elena eee 850.00 Old Dominion Paper Co., Norfolk, Va. 749.00 Class 62--Puget Sound--25,000 Lbs. Oakum. Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E, Lombard St., Baltimore, Md........$1,962.50 William Wirt Clark & Son, Baltimore, INE ea es caer Ce ee eats 1,997.00 Dunham, Corrigan & Hayden Co., San ranciscO, (Cale acs tee ctu scores oe e 1,780.00 W. O. Davey & 'Sons, Jersey City, IN i ee aie ee ae ne 1,750.00 Richard G. Grey, 1777 Tenth Ave., NeW. GV ORK eu i ee ae 1,872.50 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York 1,722.50 William G. Johnson, Seattle, Wash... 1,775.00 Schwabacher Hardware Co., Seattle, ips Wass 6 a se hese cae eee se sels Vermilye & Power, 17 Battery Pl., ING Ot vicass ou cen res cue 2,125.00 Old Dominion Paper Co., Norfolk, Va. 1,897.50 Class 63--Mare Island--20,000 Lbs, Oakum. Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md........ $1,570.00 ee Wirt Clark & Son, Baltimore, : 1,598.00 Dunham, Corrigan & Hayden Co., San eraneisco: Gale sare os os eens 1,384.00 Richard H. Grey, 1777 Tenth Ave., NeW VOU eee oe Seon fel he eae eu 1,498.00 R. W. Geldart, 2 Stone St., New York 1,394.00 G. H. Josselyn & Co., San Francisco, Cale as 1,538.00 Old Dominion Paper Co., Norfolk, Va. 1,680.00 Class 67--Mare. Island--2,500 Lbs. Strip Gum eee ee ree ee tee ee tere ee Gasket, Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire Sty Boston, (Mase. 0.0. ee Orie $2,750.00 Diamond Rubber Co., 1876 Broadway, ING Wi FY OF ee ec clos Ve viebae ee oes 1,950.00 BE. Goodrich Co;, Akron: (On. 2o... 1,750.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane. St: New *York 25...5 255. 2,550.00 R. C. Hoffman & Co., Baltimore, Md. 2,254.28 Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., 18 Vesey te INew V Orkid one ces 1,937.50 Quaker City Rubber Co., Philadelphia, Be ee es awa eae 3125.00 Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey Sty New York: |. ccc i. coe et 2,400.00 Class 68--Puget peteg he Lbs. Strip Rub- ber. Boston Belting Co., 256 Devonshire Siz: "Boston. Wass. ..0 02. oot Sees $1,210.00 Bowers Rubber Works, 68 Sacramento wt, oan Erancisco, Cal... .. 1.6.6. 1,067.00 Diamond Rubber Co., 1876 Broadway, UNG We oO Ce ir cee casks Gees fetes 1,858.00 By Fs Goodrich Co., Akron, ©O.....<. 770.00 Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co., 126 Duane St., Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co., 18 Vesey 1,122.00 Ot NeW MOre ne es 852.50 Quaker City Rubber Co., Philadelphia, a ee ik cy 6 kk oo ee 1,375.00 Trenton Rubber Mfg. Co., 'Trenton, ee Sees Oh we ee eee 880.00 Voorhees Rubber Mfg. Co., 48 Dey Di NeW YOtk. 6c eee 913.00 Class 84--Mare Island--67 Doz. Brass Gate Valves. Baker & Hamilton, 900 Third St., San Wrancisco, Cal 2... ee $1573.90 Chapman Valve Mfg. Co., Indian Or- enatd= Mass... ye ce oe ,703.20 Central Metal & Supply Co., 609 E. Lombard St., Baltimore, Md........ 1,436.60 Richard H. Grey, 1777 Tenth Ave. NEW VOT 8 ee oe 211.00 Manhattan Supply Co., 127. Franklin My NOW VOM oreo s cs cok 1,762.24 Class 224--Washington--4 Artificial Horizons \ and 16 Surveying Sextants, F. E. Brandin Sons & Co., 814 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y $1,284.00 Ce