34 RAISING THE CREST OF LOCK. AND DAM. Abstract of proposals for raising crest of Lock: and Dam No. 3, Big lock, received in response to advertisement dated. pec. 20, 1907, and opened Jan. 20, Tre Marine REVIEW NO. 3, BIG: SANDY RIVER. : River, near Louisa, _Ky., andiconstructing steel gates for the ae 1908, by Lieut, Col. J. G. Warren, Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., at Cincinnati, O.: 2 (3) A) (5) Midland a e Co., Dravo D iccting J. C.. Thomas, cane os & ie Bridge Co,, Approximate Kariché City, Mo.. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. Louisa, ee a hie oano pe ee Falls, Pa, ificati Quantities, Unit. a ae Total. . Unit, £1 500.00 $ 1.50 $ 2,350.00 $ 0.54 § singp CAVAHOH 5.35565 e res ey. ; at ae : : : : eee cH pd ood 1300.) 2s poa00-- 9100 -17,400.00 4.00 7,600.00 7.00 13,300.00 7.45 14 saa poner be OR era els Peis 3 a PAE ae 3500.00 3°50 3,500.00 an Sen . ae eaed cg a 188 tprap FPN ST ge 6 Ce Dw. 8 Oh Pes eee ' . "4 0:00 4.25 2975.00 : : : : ; : : '0 ti oe 00 0:60 1300.00 1.00 500.00 1.00 500.00 0.75 ; 375.00 0.60 300.00 Removal of weir' sill). viump sum ie ae pons eet ee ee ee an e000 00 F000) a 4,600,002. 1000.00 <= "5,500.00 Ct OO ears 2.0007 2.50 5,000.00 2.50 5,000.00 1.50 3,000.00 2.25 4,500.00 2.30 4°600.00 oe a HB. M. 50,000 50.00 2,500.00 120.00 6,000.00 100.00 5,000.00 60.00 3,000.00 60.00 3°000.00 Bo ees Met BLM. 3000 150.00 450.00 120.00 360.00 100.00 300.00 140.00 420.00 100.00 300.00 ae ee "Go. ft. 4,000. . 6.90 3,600.00 1.00 4,000.00 0.75 3,000.00 0.50 2,000.00 0.40 1,600.00 ee a ee iS S00 "25.00 5.00 25.00 4.00 20.00 10.00 50.00 3.50 17:50 Le ee pounds 400,000 0.14 56,000.00 0.13 52,000.00 0.081 +---32,400.00 0.15 60,000.00 0.077 30,800.00 oe i hours. 1000.78 75.00 0.75 75.00 0.50 50:00 0.50 330.00 0.70 70 0g Raed bor bows, 700. 0.80 210.00 0.50 350.00 0.30 210.0 : 60 420.00 otal. oe ee eee ee a $126,135.00 $101,385.00 $62,380.00 $95,505.00 $66,282.50 GUIDE WALLS, DAM 13, OHIO RIVER. Abstract of proposals for constructing guide walls, etc., ber 27, 1907, and opened at Wheeling, W. Designation. co one TOR ee ns ek ee ee eae stele eens Che Vide ace ci F x OMe ae eee Fill = OV ee ce yal ce ora we digo s) nyse oust Guo de vo. 6,400 Base fot Pavine «ses ce es ccc te ee ese ee eee (Gible ele Sa aa edo 2,900 RED TAD 6 60 Ge we Nec gs Geet wan eresic wise eeriss: Cu Vila sce wes eile 4,800 ROund apiles 6. cc. soa ct tei ei to ree mien wees Wein ot cee ere 16,900 Sheet piles cscs. se het cies eee ener estes eee Bit Mee ns scl ete 220,000 gana Fs cee wee ew eles ie oe vere' Hp be Me eos. 4,650 Concrete, Class A.....es cece cess ce es treet tees Ci vdieo ee se 6,650 p@oncrete,, Class Bic. 60. re ce ee eee ewe cs Civdes ocr. 3,200 Stone maSONry ..... seer eee cece eter eee se ateceee Gu yd cies 175 Pointing Stone ..... eee eeee cree cece seer ee eects Od Vd eee te 210 Sewer ee ee eee oe cere wie 0 tae oa asiapeeel aye ceyee Nein Shee ec se eas 550 WPA ee he le eee cris oes die sn el Seeib ne Tne ees 655 Manholes, complete .......-eeee esse ee eeceerees INGMDER oa. 2 ine, 41m 6c cee cs ests reece teers Vie Et ee ears 370 Pipe, SC ee is eee ces wen etree Et ee es ae 2,050 Bipes LAC icc yc aes css ee cee ee ein ibe es ces es 2,700 CRON eerie sa Oe sls ote sows eles Pounde s62 5 3 5,850 Forgings, bolts, e€tCei sce eee ee eee eee tee Pond) ewes 8,700 MGA ee re ee es Ce wc este ee class Cece es oie *Contract awarded to Mollerbach & May Contract Co. pRuUSsCcoT The Dependable Marine Motor Made to withstand the most severe and contin- uous service. A practical design characterized by the accessibility, compactness and simple ignition gas producing and oiling features. Per- fect control. Four cycle type, two and four cylinders, from 8 to 65H.P. Smaller sizes of the two cycle type. Catalogue and copy of The Launch for the asking. Department 46. Truscott Boat Mfg. Co. ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN. for Dam No. 13, Ohio river, : Va., Jan. 25, 1908, by Captain F. C. Boggs, Corps of Engineers, ae SoA: received in response to advertisement dated Decem- The Hollerbach & May Contract. Go;, 3 Fisher, Riley & Carozza, Evansville, Ind. 1 James Skene & Sons, 5 Baltimore, Md. St. Louis, Mo. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. Rate. Amount. 100 $42,400.00 $ 0:40 .-$ 16,960.00 $. 0.75 .$ 31800 G0 0.50 3,200.00 0275 4,800.00 0.60 3,840.00 2.00 5,800.00 3.00 8,700.00 1.70 4,930.00 5.50 26,400.00 8225 15,600.00 3e25 18,000.00 0.50 8,450.00 0.50 8,450.00 055 9,285.00 65.00 14,300.00 60.00 13,200.00 80.00 17,600.00 45.00 209.25 60.00 279.00 60.00 279.00 10.00 66,500.00 7.00 46,550.00 8.15 54,197.50 F750 24,000.00 750 24,000.00 8.00 25,600.00 8.00 1,400.00 10.00 1,750.00 12.00 2,100.00 0.50 105.00 2.00 420.00 2.00 420.00 0.50 275.00 0.75 412.50 0.60 330.00 0:25 163.75 0.50 327.50 0.40 262.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 ee LS 425.50 1,25 462.50 2.48 917.60 0.95 1,947.50 1.00 2,050.00 1.16 2,378.00 0.50 1,350.00 0.75 2,025.00 0.72 1,944.00 0.07 409.50 0.08 468.00 0.05 292.50 0.07 609.00 0.08 696.00 0.08 696.00 $198,144.50 $147,350.50 $175,081.60 It's in the Book Don't stop to fig- ure it out. Consult the Thomas Dis- count Book. It will save you dol- larsin time. The tables are com- plete, practical and accurate and will prove of great val- ue in finding the net cost of goods-- making discounts for specified lists--making any specified discounts --comparing prices, etc. In fact, there is no end to their application. Place one on your desk. OR aa Yeats SIS OAtAy i ta Edited and compiled by MILLARD T. THOMAS. Sent post prepaid. Cloth $1.00 THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY CLEVELAND