ol mL i a @ r 7 tt. | i ni ven uy tl ; L iL) Locker Room '0 Coal _-- L r 'Spud G that it can be used for pumping out the a compart engine toom in case of necessity. Feed gine room, boilers - and pony pumps, 'sanitary pump, etc., are ward. These Cas The MARINE, REVIEW ment next forward of the en- placed side by side facing for- e 12 ft. ro in, in have one stack in common.and are 'Oper- ated on the closed stokehold system, the | blower being in the engine room, ao >> MARINE REVIEW J _T 4 \ "placed | on the . bulktiead next the ee room. -- BOILERS, There are two Scotch boilers, built by OS yg Bes, of ee Mich., in 170 Ibs. saa) ; aa at s yu ul f € 1 i Hs alan, = IE {eu Slane \ ea | Citculetin p i € 4 Bafta LEE % Pr od Sarit Tie 2 au = Wye" a | = =|) Hatch Engine Room diameter and 11 ft. 6 in. long between heads, built for a working pressure of In each boiler are two Morrti- son furnaces, 44 in, diameter, with sep- arate combustion chambers. The boilers generators MARINE REVIEW SECTIONAL PLANS OF THE MOTOR-DRIVEN FIRE BOATS FOR THE CITY OF CHICAGO. OPERATION. In the operation of these boats, great speed is not required and, therefore, the and propelling motors are only of moderate power, less than one-