Under the auspices of the Amer- ican Museum of Safety Devices and Industrial Hygiene an exposition for showing the best methods of safe- protecting the guarding workmen, THe Marine REVIEW New York Exposition of Safety Devices tion, single-harded, of a crank handle on a threaded spindle. The move- ment inboard and over the rail is performed by the demonstrator with equal ease. The davit used in this *> EXHIBIT OF THE WELIN QUADRANT DAVI T AT THE EXPOSITION OF SAFETY DEVICES. general public, and displaying life- saving apparatus, is now being held at the McGraw building, 231 West Thirty-ninth street, New York City. The exhibits include apparatus for the prevention of accidents on railroads, street car lines, elevators and other systems of transportation. - Methods of safeguarding the life, limb and health of the skilled and unskilled workman are shown, and are both varied and numerous. Apparatus for the prevention of loss of life and property by fire is a prominent fea- ture, and includes all sorts of extin- guishers from the hand grenade to the most powerful fire fighting equipment. With this exhibit there are several types of fireproof and emergency doors. The marine exhibits are mostly life- Saving apparatus, and consist of life boats and rafts, buoys and belts, sig- nalling equipment and types of oper- ating gear. The exhibit of the Welin quadrant davit is particularly com- mendable, and consists of a section et =the déeck, rail, and cabin of a yacht, or other vessel, on which is installed a tender operated by a sin- gle davit. The tender, which is of goodly proportions and strongly built, can be. swung clear of the vessel with- out any effo-t simply by. the opera- exhibit has been especially designed for use on good-sized power boats and -yachts, where itis the practice to carry the tender or other boat on the top of the trunk cabin. Ordinary davits are, in such circumstances, more or less unsatisfactory, as it is imprac- ticable to give. them a sufficient amount of overhang to lift the boat outward; from. its. position in the chocks, to clear the side of the ves- sel. Welin quadrant davits are made in several sizes to suit requirements, ranging from size "L," suitable for steam launches or other craft of from 4 to' 7 tons in weight, down $0 Size 1 Of especially: light built-up gear for use on torpedo boats or yachts. .The heaviest life boat, equipped with the Welin quadrant davit, can be swung clear by two men in the remarkably short space of 20 seconds. Axel Welin, the inventor of the quadrant davit, was born in Stock- holm, Sweden, where he graduated in naval azchitecture and mechanical en- gineering at the Stockholm Technical College. During his recent visit to the United States Mr. Welin deliv- ered several. interesting lectures on the subject of his patent davit before various societies throughout the country, his paper on Appliances for Manipulating Life Boats on Seagoing Vessels, read before the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engi- eers at New York, in November, hav- ing already appeared in the Martne REVIEW. The Coston Signal Co. is exhibiting a splendid assortment of signals for ship, coast and harbor use, consisting of code, distress, and other night sig- nals. An interesting feature of the Coston exhibit is a water light for at- tachment to life buoys, so designed that by throwing the life buoy over- board the light becomes unsealed and ignites instantaneously, guiding the man overboard to the buoy and the helmsman in the life boat in the work of rescue. Breaking seas or spray cannot extinguish this light, nor yet the strongest wind. The light has a capacity of about 300-candlepower, and is designed to burn one hour. These light-equipped buoys are dis-: COSTON LIGHT BUOY. tributed a:ound the deck of passenger and other vessels, much the same as the ordinary life buoy, and are always ready for in- Stant. use. Jt has been found in 2c tual test that these water lights can be distinguished plainly for a dis- tance of from 15 to 18 miles. railing on fie : 4 4 4 | i :