"TAE. Marine Review ELectric Suction Fan Evecrric LiGrr STEAM Hose CoupLinGs Te INDICATING PIPES Steam Pipe From THE BoitERS INDICATING Pipes --CaSsEOPEN-- RICH FIRE INDICATING AND EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM. Coston signals have been promi- nently identified with 'the efficient work of the life saving sezvice since 1873, the time of their adoption, the first lives saved by the use of these- signals being the crew of the Moni- tor,. which foundered off Cape Hat- teras in 1863. On that occasion the entire crew of the Monitor was saved by means of Coston signals conveying to the officers of the steamer Rhode Island the intelligence that the Mon- itor was in distress: Coston signals have figured prominently in the sav- ing of life at sea and along the coasts for the past 50 years, and are known throughout the ports of the world. The marine fire indicating and ex- tinguishing system of William Rich, of New York, forms one of the finest exhibits in the hall, and can be seen 'IN operation by~ those interested in methods of discovering, locating, and extinguishing accidental fires aboard Ship. As will be seen on referring to the drawings, a station case is placed ME InNoicATOR with Evecrric CoNNECTIONS FELEcTRIC Lieut S(GASE CLOSED -- " in any convenient part of the ship, preferably in the chart room or wheel house. Galvanized izon pipes are drawn from each hold or bunker, or other inaccessible compartment where fire protection is deemed necessary, into this station case, the lower end of.each pipe being provided with an THE MEYERS-ROGERS PROJECTILE, 41 end-bonnet-shaped smoke receiver of about 8 in. diameter. A clock, locat-. ed in front of the upper section of the station case, is set to keep regu- lar time, so that every. 15, 30 or 60 minutes, in accordance with the time desired, electric contact will -be made and a current operate a motor-driven fan placed-in'the upper part of the station case. This fan forces the air out of the top of the station case and, accordingly, draws air through the pipes from the several holds. and bunke-s with which the station case is connected. If there should happen to be a fize in any one of these holds Or compartments smoke will issue from that particular pipe. A flexible - steam hose attached to a stand pipe, and being part of the extinguishing apparatus, can be coupled on to the smoking pipe, and at a valve on the steam flows down ment and smothers the fire in its in- cipiency. The system can be ope:- ated by either the ship's dynamo Or: battery power, and works entirely on automatic principles. Tufned on stand pipe. The to the compart- steam The demonstration of the Rich ma- rine fire indicating and extinguishing system is intensely interesting, but, what is more eloquent than the words of the inventor. or demonstrator in stating the value of the system aboard ship is framed copies of letters from not only the owners and superintend- ents of shipping companies but the deck and engine room officers, the men who have seen the system in op- eration when fighting fire below decks. Silent but impressive testimony. An apparatus is exhibited by the Meyers-Rogers Projectile Co, of Se- attle,. with offices at New York, by which communication may be estab- lished between a stranded or wrecked vessel and the shore, and passengers and crew landed by the breeches buoy appazatus without any assistance pm