Zo. Speed Trials gad Service Performance of the Cunard Turbine Steamer Lusitania | It is with feelings of some diffi- dence that I place before the mem- bers of this institution this brief rec- ord of the trials and running in ser- vice of the Cunard turbine steamer Lusitania, for, apart altogether from the fact that the propelling machinery consists of Parsons turbines, and is a THE Marine REVIEW BY THOMAS BELL. tinguished members of this institution. Very full.reports of the trials have been published in the technical press, but. your council considered that the subject had not yet been exhausted, and it is hoped that this brief paper may furnish material for an interest- ing discussion on some points con- Pig i ARRANGEMENT OF TURBINES AND SHAFTING. 35 further practical exemplification of the Hon. 'C. A. Parsons' wonderful inven- tion; the leading proportions of the design of the ship and machinery are the outcome of most careful delibera- tions 'on the part of the techni- cal: staff of the Cunard company, of the turbine committee, of the Hon. C. A. Parsons and his assistants, of the British adimralty, of Lloyds com- mittee, and of the board of trade, in conjunction with the staff of the three firms entrusted with the design and construction of the two express Cun- arders, so many of whom are dis- -*Read before the Institution of Naval Ar- chitects. 4/TURBU GENERATORS PuMP ROOM "0... "45 50 ss 60 6s 70 75 80 wis W.T.B. WTB main CIRCULAIING PUMPS oRY] AIR AIR OUMPS, CIRCULATING PUMPS WATER CONDENSER nected w:th this great Cunard enter- prise. As already described so fully in the technical and other journals, and as shown on accompanying diagrammatic plan, Fig. 1 (Plate 1), the turbine ma- chinery of the Lusitania consists of two pairs of compound turbines, a pair consisting of one high-pressure and one low-pressure unit, each of which lactuates a line of shafting, so that there are four lines in all. The high- 'pressure turbines drive the wing shafts, and the low-pressure turbines the cen- ter shafts. At. the forward end of the low-pressure turbines are placed the rangement, lL P TURBINE BRINE PUMP & EVAPORATOR ROOM turbines. This particular ar- in which the two center propellers are used for maneuvering purposes, was forced on the designers astern by exigencies of space as the only possible one, and has proved most sat- isfactory. The boilers, as will be seen from DECK SHELTER DECK UPPER DECK SURFAC! HEATER MAIN DECK LOWER DECK 85 90 95 100 105 WT.8 Pume AIR Pump ge ing CO & HP TURBINE Ss OO) Stone ior OO ortnes° CX) | HP URBINE Seine AIR BILGE PUMPS PUMP Fig...2. ape divided into four equal groups in separate watertight compart- ments. The coal bunkers are situated only at the sides in the three after boiler rooms, but in the forward boiler room, owing to the fineness of the ship, the capacity of the side bunkers is comparatively small, and a large athwartship bunker becomes necessary, in addition to those at the sides. The following are the principal di- mensions and particulars of the tur- bines, boil- condensers, shafting, and ers; Ba Cae os eer en Ae POOR RT © Se ae Rt Re a Oe OR