Average amount of coal burned per hour for all O05 0 ER ONS A OER OO Wie cr6 10 608 oere ae aaa Ok ea eo "TAE Marine Review Water evaporated per Ib. of coal, 10.2 from a' feed temperature of 196 degrees Water evaporated per lb. of coal, 10.9 from and at 212 Coal for all purposes per shaft horsepower per hour, 1.5 lbs. Coal per square foot of grate per hour, 24.1 lbs. shaft horsepower hour works, out as follows: Taking a mean displacement of 36,- 000 tons, this represents at 2414 knots per hour a consumption of almost 11 pounds of coal per 100 nautical miles, per ton of displacement. The coal used was half South Wales and half Yorkshire, practically the same as on the official trials. In the light of present day experi- ences, the adoption of turbines, even on such an-immense scale,. appears very different to what it did in the summer of 1903, and too much praise cannot be awarded to the late Lord Inverclyde for his courage. and far- sightedness, in this as well as in so many other matters, and also to the Cunard board- and their technical ad- viser, James Bain, for so heartily. sup- porting and furthering his progressive views. The largest turbines then con- structed by the Turbinia Works were those in the now historic Queen, built by Messrs. Denny, the pioneers of turbine-driven merchant vessels, in which the largest unit weighed some 35 tons, and to suggest jumping at one bound from a 35-ton unit to one of between 400 and 500 tons was most daring. The step has, however, been safely made, and the Hon. C. A. Par- sons' genius, backed by sound Brit- ish workmanship, has fully justified the demands made on it and the confi- dence placed in the possibilities of his © FULL-POWER TRIAL BETWEEN CORSEWA Draught, 30 ft. 4% in, 2/7 Per shaft ' ; a horsepower how officers are to be paid hereafter ac- Se a ew Gey eee iL. DS. ; ; i eel ee 114,000 Ibs. = 4:75 ibe ae ae re eae 32,500 Ibs. = 0.5 Ibs, | @8teed upon as a compromise of the oo 080 Te. oe is Navy pay amendment added to the bill purposes, 431% tons. : by the senate: degrees. i i s Admiral, $13,500; rear admiral, first nine, $8,000; rear admiral, second nine TABLE III, LL AND CHICKEN LIGHTS, AUG. 1, 1907. Displacement, 34,160 tons. Pressures. Vacuum Revs. Speed Slip of Time R . - L. P. at 30 in. per in Shaft propellers, Fo . ecr. lbs. Recr. lbs, barometer. minute. knots. H.P. per cent. ATSE Soman) oe ae t a iee 152 23% 28" 191.3 26.75 72,000 _ Séeeud: fun fie ee: 152 24 28" 1919: 2 2647 2 7O-B00 oe Meat ya See see ca 152 2% Zo" 191.5 26.46 72,400 13.2 TABLE IV. FULL-POWER TRIAL BETWEEN AILSA CRAIG AND HOLY ISLE, AUG. 1, 1907. Draught, 30 ft. 1 in. Displacement, 33,700 tons. Pressures. Vacuum Revs. Speed Slip of x HP: Li-®. at 30 in. per in Shaft propellers, Time. Recr. Ibs. __Reer. Ibs. barometer. minute, knots. H. P. percent. Pitst nun (ie ie 15:1 2s 28" 191.3 25.62 72,500 -- Second PUT Or cee aes 152 23% 287 191.1 26.36 72,000 -- Phard': une a oe 153: 3 28" 191.9 Zool 72,000 -- Fourth TUN eae ee ee 147 2% 28" 191.0 26.16 72,100 -- Fifth TU oe A eon on 149 2% 28" 190.2 25.26 70,800 a= Sixth} utes. 22 eo a. 149 2u% Zoe 191.2 25.95 71,800 -- Mean Of means. 5.0.4 150 2% 28" 191.2 2O1i/. 71,910 15.3 TABLE V. ACTUAL STEAM AND COAL CONSUMPTION OF MAIN AND AUXILIARY ENGINES AT VARIOUS SPEEDS UNDER CONDITIONS PREVAILING ON OFFICIAL TRIALS, VIZ., AUXILIARY CONDENSERS, OTHER AUXILIARIES EXHAUSTING TO HEATERS. TURBO-GENERATORS EXHAUSTING TO 68,850 Shaft Hl. eRe is Ges va ees 13,400 20,500. - 33,000 48,000 Speeds inv knots 362 6.466 3c. {EEG Palani mtanetee L577. 18.0 21.0 Zou) 25.4 Total consumption of auxiliaries in pounds per hour ..s...2e. "ais Wicd estes Sac 71,000 76,400 85.700 96,700 116,500 Total consumption of turbines in pounds, per WOuUt FPR Cees ae oes 284,500 353,600 493,300 668,300 879,500 Steam consumption of auxiliaries in pounds, per. H.. Pye houres 2... sie sie 543 3.72 2.6 2.01 1.69 Steam consumption of turbines in pounds, per He 2 hour... ee ee 21.23 17.24 . 14.91 13.92 T2727 Total steam consumption in pounds, per Wo Poor re ee 26.53 20.96 17.51 15.93 14.46 Temperature of feed water.............- ra 200° 200° 1992 179° 165° Coal consumption in pounds, per H.P. hour 2.52 2.01 1.68 1.56 1.43 Estimated coal ee a ee a : : autical miles, allpwing MAN tahoe aU oS | 2,980 3,190 3,670 4,520 5,390 20 tons for galleys, etc......++++seeees NAVAL BILL PASSED. The naval appropriation bill, which carries an increase of pay for officers and enlisted men of the navy, was adopted in both the senate and house marvelous invention. on report of the conferrees. Navy TABLE I. Ro MoS. LUSEPANIA. PROGRESSIVE TRIAL OFF SKELMORLIE, JULY 27, 1907. Draucht, 32 it. 9 in. Displacement, 37,080 tons. a Es Vacuum Revs. Speed ae of Hie. ee bs at e300! in. 3 per: in Shaft prope ite , Time. - Rect: the: Recr. barometer. minute. see eee ee : Hirst double run..........-: 157 5% Ibs. 28" ae pg 65500 155 Second double run......... 135 2% Ibs. a8 o. 23.7 51,300 14.5 Vhird double run; <.cs...- 110". % tb. 28.1" 174.2 22.02 45.500 ./-143 Be double run. 50... 34 Vans 28 Oe a a Mitth: double' run... ./..45+- 70 6%" Vacm. 2 ey 18.0 20,500 Lage Mixth double run... 6... 50 1014" Vacm. 28" 1 te 13,400 14.6 Seventh double run........ 35 14144" Vacm. 28.1 . 116. tLe , ' 'TABLE II. noes FORTY-EIGHT HOURS' FULL-POWER TRIAL BETWEEN CORSEWALL AND LONGSHIP ? jury 30 To 31, 1907. deco tone Mean Draught, 31 ft. 7% in. Mean Displacement, $9, wee ee Pressures. aed Slip o Wo tP. piper aoe =e - Shaft ---- Ti eae tbs Rect. lbs. barometer. minute. vee it A 2eeey es 146 2% 20 eg oa Er : ee TAD og 0. p58 0 08 wean eee € ; f 28 é oo ' ae : ae PM ae ete ee ae 27.9" 187.5 ae a a - os BME AE gh aes oes oe au, 27.8" 187.9 : ; - ; BN rac te eee ae eae e ouele eee {a --_---- : oF aE: ea ,850 15 Mean of means 146 2% 27.975 MeL? ae e or commodore, $6,000; captain, $4,000; commander, $3,500; lieutenant-com- mander, $3,000; lieutenant, $2,400; lieu- tenant, junior grade, $2,000; ensign, $1,700. Each commissioned officer be- low the rank of rear admiral gets 10 per cent additional of his current yearly pay for each term of five years' service in the army, navy, and mafine corps. All officers on sea duty and all officers on. shore duty beyond the continental limits of the United States shall receive 10 per cent additional of their salaries. The total amount of appropriations carried by the bill is $122,662,715. _ The Erie street bridge which spans the north branch of the Chicago river collapsed last week. The structure was 201 ft. long and 24 ft. wide. The draw has been so swung that nav gi- tion is not blocked. The steamer John Stanton, which struck at Houghton, has arrived at Lorain.