Str oe " " "c " " " " " "c " " " "cs "cc "c Str: "a "ce 6" "cc ThE Marine REVIEW "APPOINTMENTS OF MASTERS AND ENGINEERS GILCHRIST TRANSPORTATION CO., CLEVELAND, 0. City of Genoa City of Naples City of Rome Colonial -~Cumberland C. A, Eddy _C. W. Elphicke Gen. Garretson _ Gilchrist J. C. Gilchrist F. W. Gilchrist C. C. Hand John Harper FW. Hart F, J. Hecker Helena Hiawatha R. L. Ireland Jupiter Lake Shore Lansing Mars H. P. McIntosh Massachusetts - Thomas Maytham Mecosta Merida Merrimac Neosho Neptune Neshoto E. W. Oglebay © 'Olympia F. M. Osborne R. R. Rhodes G. H. Russel E. N. Saunders Saturn - KR & Schuck John Sherwin H.-S. Sill Steel King Tacoma C. Tower Uranus -Venus > Vermillion Volunteer Vulcan P. G. Walker Wallula C. W. Watson J. D. Weeks D. M. Whitney George F. Williams J. B. Wood Lewis Woodruff A. P. Wright . Antrim Magnetic Tyrone - CANADIAN LAKE 'Kenora Regina Wabana Corunna Nevada CAPTAIN. A. D.- Vorce D. B. Elsey C..5, Ellis L. J. Lavely W. S. Ritchie William Morrison G. Atkinson C. T. Gunderson Stanton Markle A. M. Shepard Charles Hinslea T. J. Moran L. Miskin R. J. Walder H. M. Clark George Dupuie R. H. Sturtridge J. P. Minskey J. B. Lyons Duncan Buie ~ R. Recor . John Smith E. L. Ennes - George T. Inman B. F. Ogden W. H. Stern M. J. Madden G. A. MacAulay Andrew Cowie C. C. Stewart Arnold Evanson Nelson Brown A. Perreault F, A. Dupuy J.B. Mackin Charles Hahn - Pierre Bouille A. W. Holmes G. L. Cudeback F. A. Goodell Alex Clarke W. F. Delaney John Lohr H. S. Ellis Charles Caughell | Frank Ott Hugh McCann Richard Call James Bucanan Ben Moshier W. N. Borthwick Ed Mooney Peter Full W: C. Butts Paul Gutch J. C. Byers Thomas Gibson B. McGregor F, E. Johnson S. Minskey R. E. Johnson TRANSPORTATION CO., CAPTAIN, E. L. Stephen Peter McKay W. H. Brian J. Cavanagh _ ENGINEER. Walter Patterson Lewis Fittinger Marcus Hill Carl Becker William J. Nolan William Stroble Peter Britz A. F. Hogle D. M. Foster John Parks - Henry Jesson F. O. Burrows A. L. Millet C.. J; Erickson A. L. Hatch William Sicken C.-T, Martin James Balfour T. FE. Higgins George Zanger J. Ro Engert Porter Robertson H. L. Mitchell Marcus M. Barns Daniel Flint Nelson Lockhart Charles Burns Gordon Potter Calvin Hatch Otto Elsholz August Dumar Thomas Harringer Peter Lamar William Brake Guy Squire John Mahar Martin Mitchell _D. T. Brown Joseph Berney T. A. Francombe Thomas Burns Bert Beauchamp - Peter Robertson E. Ellsworth I. ¥: Birch John Conley George B. Eaton H. B. Barden Robert Dornan John Seymour Thomas Morrill L. J. Mannion R. H. Reynolds C. A. Francombe Harry Stone John Fritz A. MacLaren August Lembke Wm. Marshall TORONTO, ONT, ENGINEER. William Byers 'C. J. McSorley Robert W. Ross H. McDonald William Linton DUNKLEY-WILLIAMS CO., CHICAGO, ILL. City of South Haven Eee Cc, Mary C. Elphicke William L. Brown G. Watson French John Mitchell Chili Phenix . F, A. Dority 1M. Mitchell + ELUPRICKE -& CO, Joseph Matthews Samuel Sexsmith W. W. Eger John Massey W. T. Sutherland Thomas J. Higgins Mike Madden J. Hanke Ts Edw. Donaldson D. W. Rice Walter Farr S.C, Davis E, T. Everill William Frazier LUSITANIA BREAKS ALL REC- ORDS. The Cunard turbine liner Lusitania on her latest 'westward trip smashed all records from Daunt's Rock to Sandy Hook, even eclipsing. her sis-_ ter, the Mauretania, which is generally regarded as the faster of the two. The Lusitania had Daunt's' Rock abeam at 11:35 A. M. Sunday and passed the Sandy Hook lightship at 255 A. M. Saturday, making the trip in four days, 20 hours and 22 minutes, the hourly average being 24.83 knots. Incidentally she smashed all records by the way, not only for the fastest voyage, highest average, but greatest daily speed as well. On Wednesday she made 632 knots, surpassing by five knots the previous record of 627 knots, her hourly average for this day being 26 1/3. knots. Had it not been for a fog which piled up on the last day the Lusitania would have aver- aged 25 knots across the ocean, but fog overtook her and Capt. Watt was compelled to slow down. The fog was a bitter disappointment to the Cunard Co: IMPROVEMENT OF RIVERS AND HARBORS. The members of the National Rivers anl Harbors Congress gave a dinner at the Hotel Astor in New York last week to a number of newspaper and magazine men in pursuance of the pol- icy of that organization to awaken public sentiment to the need of con- certed action in the development of rivers and harbors. Congressman Jo- seph E. Ransdell presided. The prin- cipal speaker was Congressman E. C. Ellis of Kansas: City, who has. a_ bill before the present congress for the establishment of 'a separate depart- ment for the completion and improve- ment of waterways. He said in part: "The lack of a national policy has been the cause of the opposition of waterway appropriations. It accounts for the criticism which has manifested itself in certain quarters at intervals. There have been two pronouncements, and two only, by the two great politi- cal parties respecting the nation's wa- terways. The Republican party put a plank in its first national platform advocating improvements on a national scale of rivers and harbors. The Dem- Ocratic party put a similar plank in its last national platform. Neither party has ever really championed the cause of our waterways. Neither party has ever appealed to the people in their behalf. "Again, so far as inland waterways are concerned, little. very little, has been done hitherto which has had the