BOSTON MARINE NOTES. Boston, June 10.--The British steam- ship Falls of Orchy, one of the foreign steamers chartered by the navy de- partment to transport coal from At- Mantic ports to the Pacific fon use of the battleship fleet, arrived at Mystic dock June 1 to unload her cargo of nitrate of soda which she secured at five different ports on the west coast of South America, 'Part of her cargo was discharged at New York. After discharging her cargo at this port the Falls of Orchy sailed for Newport News, Va., where she will load 7,000 tons of coal on a government contract for Auckland, N. Z., for use of the 'battleship fleet. The port of Boston shipped a total of 436,118 bbls. of apples to ports in Europe during thé season just passed, as against 509,228 bbls. last year and 430,994 barrels the previous year. In the shipment of apples all ports were led by Montreal, New York came sec- ond. Portland, Halifax and' Sydney followed in order named. From all ports above named a total of 2,491,316 bbls. were shipped the past season, compared with 2,291,193 bbls. last sea- son and 2,186,251 the previous season. On her maiden trip. from Naples and Genoa, the new steamship Prin- cipe Di Udine of the Lloyd Sabaudo, fast Italian mail line, will arrive at this port in the near future. The steamship, which was recently launch- ed at Glasgow, was built at the ship fords of Barclay, Curley & Co. The new boat has a displacement of about 14,000 tons, quadruple expansion en- gines of the most modern design, and is expected to turn up 20 miles per hour on her trial trip. The Principe Di Udine was ae after the young son of the Duke of Genoa, admiral of the Italian navy, and it is rumored that the duke will take passage on this steamer when he comes to this country to attend the wedding of his cousin, the Duke of Abruzzi, to Miss Elkins. The Principe Di Udine has cabin accommodations for 350 first and sec- ond class passengers and for 1,200 Steerage passengers. A. gymnasium has been fitted on the upper prom- enade deck, a winter garden, a cafe, a children's play room, and the cus- tomary saloon and smoking rooms. saloon has been decorated by noted Ttalian artists. There are no upper erths in any of the first class cabins, nd these are located' on the prom- nade deck, including a number of In a most elaborate manner the dining | "TAE MaRINE. REVIEW chambres de luxe, composed of a bed room, sitting room aud bath room, all with large windows and elaborately furnished. On this steamer as well as on her sister ship, Tomaso di Sa- voia, on schedule to arrive here in July, is a special cabin fitted for a dental parlor for the accormmodation of passengers. At the port of Boston for the week ending May 29, impurts amounted to $1,520,259, against $2,685,842 for the corresponding week of last year. Ex- ports for the same week of this year amounted 'to $1,756,531 as against $2,644,401 for the same week of -last year. Commander C. J. Boush, in charge of this lighthouse district, gives notice that on or about June 17, Handker- chief lightship No. 4 will be tem--: porarily withdrawn for repairs, and the station will be marked by relief light vessel No. 9. The latter will have the same characteristic lights and fog signal as light vessel No. 4. Notice is also given to shipping in- terests that the fog signal 'apparatus on Hens and Chickens lightship No. 86 is deranged and' cannot be relied upon to sound correctly the charac- teristic fog signal. The defect will be repaired as soon as possible. On on about June' 1/7 "Shovelful Shoal lightship No. 1, Nantucket sound, will be withdrawn for repairs, and the station will be 'temporarily marked by relief lightship No. 9, which will have the same lights and fog signals. Pollock Rip Shoals lightship No. 73 will be returned to her station about June 14 and tthe relief lightship now .marking that location will be with- drawn. President Huntington of Boston University preached a significant ser- mon at the baccalaurette service for the graduating classes of all depart- ments of the institution. in Jacob Sleeper Hall, June 1. He said. in part: "Our. strenuous president asks for battleships, but we must remember that he -helped to close the- deadly strife between Russia and Japan by arranging for e¢he treaty of Ports- mouth, and his military provisions are only meant to make peace more -im- possible to disturb." In a letter received at Provincetown from Captain Dunham of the whaling ~ schooner William A. Grozier, dated May 29, it was learned that in 23 days, 135 barrels of sperm oil have been se- 15 cured by the crew of the Grozier. The whaling schooner Ellen A. Swift, which was also on Hatteras ground in company with the William A. Gro- zier,' had succeeded in aoe 85 barrels of sperm oil. Civil Engineer Ernest R. Gaylor, U. S. N., who has been at the New Or- leans naval station for the past couple of years, has been transferred to the Boston navy yard as assistant head of the yard and dock department at that yard. The ltalian bark. Pretrina of 1,243 gross tons has been chartered by 1o- cal parties to load a cargo of' lumber for Rosario, South America, at the rate. of $8-per,, 000th: "Lhis: 4s fie lowest rate paid for some time past, $10 being paid for the last charter to'. Rosario. A detachment of 22 marines under © command .of Sergt. Barrett. has, de--- parted from the Boston navy yard for . Panama, going via New 'York on the. Tacoma. The entire number of their own free will volunteered to be transferred, The former Gloucester fishing -schooner Olga, has been purchased by Captain E. Krauss of Punta Arenas, and is now about to sail for Chili via the Straits of Magellan to Punta Arenas. On her voyage 'to Chili the Olga will carry 15 crates of house- hold furniture, and will also take on 50 tons of bituminous coal for ballast. A company has been incorporated called the Chilian Commercial Co., with a capital of $1,000,000. Among those interested are Charles Benson ot Chicago, John Lockett and Charles . Duval of San Francisco, and John Davis of Pittsburg. The associates of Captain Krauss will make the trip with -- him in the Olga, which has been fitted with a 60-H. P. gasoline engine to be used during calm spells. ine Krauss, his young wife, will also be a passenger. The .vessel will en- gage in carrying sheep from Pata-. gonia to Valparaiso, and on _her- re- turn voyages will carry... general freight. Prospecting .for gold which ought to succeed with the aid of such-. a craft as the Olga will no doubt be - attempted. , The U. S. S. Salem (scout cruisér) being built by the Fore River Ship Building now engaged in run- ~ ning off her trials in Massachusetts bay. ~ Mrs. Kather-.