"THE Marine REVIEW ny! beg "1 ee ore line {iG 28 on the other showing the framing of same, * ; A and B on this plan show the longi- tudinals under the spar deck. more rivets put in increasing the riveted connection but it is not necessary seeing that the web frame comes on the center of the deck plating, giving the aid of a OF The lower channel is 15 in. wide, is IY Olasl } re . continuous and treated as a longitudinal. The butt strap arrangement being made as previously explained. The longitudinal B is made. up with a continuous channel running under the _ firs. 2F_ a beams and intercostal plates riveted to the beams and stringer plates as shown by detail, Fig. 24. The intercostals E, Fig. 24, are made up with flanged plates to deck and fitted snug to the beams as shown by detailed e ° e © ° ° ° ¢ : e ° ° ° ° ° © e ° ° ° ° e ° 'e e ° fee 6 3 1 4 q \ y to! o || ° 1 | Cr my I" {! ical (eS i ion ¢ e o ° ° ° ° ° ° ° o ° @ ° ° ° ° ° ° g dD. -- £16.25 -- A is made up with two channels as number of rivets in the top flange of the sketch. channel and increasing the rivet value so that it comes up to the area of section of a continuous member. shown by detailed sketch Fig. 23. The standing channel C is intercostal between the arch beams and serves the purpose of stiffening the edge of the stringer plate inway of the hatch open- ings. The channel, although intercostal, com- Another method of lifting intercostals between the beams is shown by Fig. 25. The channel is the same section as the pares favorably with the example of Fig. 17. The channel C is fitted to the arch beam with double clips and fastened to same with six rivets. Even larger clips could be fitted and