F 2 , | 22 passing the necessary examination and holding an officer's position with one of the associated lines for three years, to the satisfaction of the man- agers. In case of a youth being with- drawn from the ship, or in the event of death, desertion, or dismissal for misconduct, no part of the premium for the current year is returned. A conduct prize valued at £10 will be open each year to boys who have been one year on board the ship, and have received not less than half the total number of marks for all subjects at the quarterly examina- tions. The commander, after conferring with the head master, shall select not less than three, nor more than five of the boys whom he considers to possess the qualities for which the prize is given. -He shall then submit these names to. the boys who have been assembled for the purpose, and each boy who has been on board six months previously shall then vote for one of the boys so se- lected. The boy who obtains the highest number of votes shall re- ceive the prize. Cadets will be received from 14 to 17 years of age, or cadets who have served two years on the Conway or Worcester will be received up to 18 years. On the expiration of their appren- ticeship they will be eligible to pass the board of trade examination for second mate's certificate, and on ob- taining same they will be qualified, and have preference for appointments as junior officers in the steamers of the White Star, Leyland, Dominion and Atlantic Transport Lines. Promotion will be granted there- after according to conduct and abil- ity, the intention being that the ca- dets will remain in the service, pass- ing through the various grades until they obtain their master's square- rigged certificate according to the board of trade special regulations when they will be eligible for promo- tion to senior officers of the watch. In school the cadets will be under the head master, and the studies will include English grammar, composi- tion, history, geography, arithmetic, algebra, plane and spherical trigono- metry, navigation, nautical astronomy, compass deviation, meteorology, ma- rine surveying, drawing charts,' ship construction and French or German. For nautical instruction the boys will be under the commander and his officers, and will be taught knotting, splicing (rope and wire) stropping TRE /\ARINE REVIEW blocks, moving heavy weights, stow- age and assortment of cargo, to: Hee the hand and deep-sea leads, patent sounding machine, hand and taffrail . logs, compass adjustment, use of sex- tant, observations of sun and stars, signalling, care and management of boats, rule of the road, fog signals, lighthouses and tides. - Lectures will be given on nawal architecture construction, outfit and measurement of boats, charter-parties, keeping of log books, etc., also on the different qualities of coal, steam raising and the rudiments of marine engines, etc. Cadets will work the ship, and in their ordinary duties will become familiar with the practical handling of the ship, making and taking in sail, repairing, bending and unbending sails, steering, etc., and will keep the necessary watches. In port cadets will be taugh swim- . oqe et ° . 4 ming, boat sailing, discharging, receiv- ing, stowage, ventilation, and care of cargo, surveying, mooring and laying out anchors. At sea the cadets will be divided into three watches under their offi- cer of the watch and cadet officers, in such a manner that. each watch shall have eight hours' rest each night, and in addition to keeping their four-hour watches on deck, have four hours in school or nautical instruc- tion daily at commander's discretion. A. Mndnieht: £0. 4. ok maa ce ee ue ae Deck . Aa Mle tO 8 Aol eee eo ore ek. Below Sea. me tO DOOM ee ee ea se School INGOM toe4 ep IMs oe ee cer Deck Av. tO MIGnIGNt, "ea Cece ee ss Below B. Gale TOG A. Mt ei an area Deck Silas Me tO. WOON 6 oie ee te. Below INGOn toe 40 p.m el ee School ADM t ON De Me Seas eee er Soe Deck Spe Mi. tO 4a hs oe ee Below Cy Sea. Me tO NOON et eee Deck SNOOn tO. 4p, Mm... 2 ee School ADM fOr ee De Mee cee Below Bop, mi tormidnight. 0.055 es ee Deck Midnight to 8 a. m.o0.5. ee . Below These watches to be changed dur- ing the day, on the last day of each month. , School hours will be from 9 a. m. to noon and from 1 p. m. to 4 DO. tm. but school will not be held on Satur- days, on which days cadets will have an opportunity of keeping their per- sonal outfit in order. In school. it may be arranged to divide the pupils into a senior and a junior class, but the commander will, if practicable, take one watch each afternoon on deck for nautical instruction, accord- ing to weather conditions. Two cadet petty officers will be ap- pointed to each watchand a coxswain to each boat. Cadet captains of sub-di- visions. or watches, coxswains of boats, etc., will be chosen from boys who by their exemplary conduct and ability are considered eligible for these positions of authority. Lists will be made out for the whole ship's company for fire and boat stations, and cadets will be ex- ercised in fire and boat drill at least once every week. The commander will inspect the ship each morning accompanied by the surgeon. Divine service will be held every Sunday. Leave will be granted to the cadets in. port as the duties of the ship will permit, and according to the commander's. discretion, and they must report both their leaving and atriving on board the ship to 'the officer in charge. No intoxicants will be allowed on board the ship, except sufficient quan- tity for medicinal purposes, under the charge of the commander or surgeon. In the -home port, when not re- quired for duty, the cadets will be under the charge and at the expense of their parents or guardians. The cadets will be periodically ex- amined in port, at. home, or aboard, as to their progress when opportunity offers, in addition to quarterly exam- inations by the staff on*board, and reports sent to parents or guardians. During the last year of apprentice- ship the headmaster will prepare them as far as possible for their board of trade examination. Full records of each boy's progress and marking at the regular quarterly examinaitons will be kept, which, to gether with the work books of the cadets, will be open to the inspection of an officer of the board of trade, who may at their discretion attend the examination in home ports, and report upon the efficiency of the ves- sel as a training ship in accordance with the special regulations. THE MAURETANIA'S DAMAGED PROPELLER. Shortly after leaving Queenstown on her westward voyage to New York on May 3, one of the propellers of the Cunard express turbine steamer is believed to have struck some sub- merged wreckage for a blade of her port propeller" was found' to © be missing. She completed the voyage outward and home with the three propellers, and_ thus crippled even did between 22 and 23 knots. She was placed in dry dock on arrival in the Mersey for repairs, and held back for a week, but even this period of time did not permit of the work be- ing completed for her keeping her