Bi i gate he was held up, and asked who, and what, he was. 'John Wilkins, coalpasser, Liverpool, he answered. 'Fhisisis no place for you' said the gatekeepér ssor- rowfully, as he gently slamined theddoer: : Poor Wilkins turned on his heel, and made his way to the lower regions. There, also, he was held up, and the same conversation took place. As the gate- keeper was about to shut John out in the cold he inserted his foot in the doorway, saying "They don't want me up above, you won't have me down here. Don't, for pity's sake, compel me to go back to Liverpool.' " "Wilkins retired without comment," continued the Third, "and for the space of a few moments helped the other watch get their ashes up. I could see that he was turning something over in his mind. He was incidentally keeping his eyes on me. Presently he sidled over and busied himself in my _ vicinity. 'Mister, he said, 'did you ever 'ear o' the fireman 'oo coughed out and went to 'ell?' 'Can't say I did, I answered encouragingly. 'Well, said Wilkins, 'this 'ere fireman goes to 'ell." 'Wot are yer?' asked ould Nick, clappin' eyes on 'im. 'Ship's fire- man,' sez the man. 'Take 'em three in the wing' sez ould Nick, p'inting out some fires. In a couple 0' second's back comes the fireman, sayin' 'Gimme a han'- rag.' Ould Nick p'ints to a locker in a corner an' sez 'Take wan out o' that box. It's full 0' ould chief engineers. That's wot we uses for 'and-rags,' sez ould Nick, 'as it is about all they are good fer!' "Wilkins certainly got the drop on you, Jones," said the laughing Fourth, as he arose to leave the room, "I guess he made you feel kind of cheap ior a little while." "Nevertheless," answered the Third, "he's a handy little man. If he gets a berth--and I hope he does--he comes on my watch." THe "STAND-BY" MAN. WHAT THE NAME "ALBANY" MEANS. Forty years ago Adam Cook established the Albany Lubricating Compound & Cup CG, inthe €iee of < Albany, Ny YS manufacturing Albany Grease and spe- cialties in oils and lubricating devices, and now for 17 years the entire manu- facture of these world wide products have been solely made by Adam Cook's Sons of New York, the firm being composed of the sons of Adam Cook, the originator of "Albany Grease." The name "Albany'--on lubricants-- means that the article is above the com- mon, and that the highest skill known has been employed in the making. It means also that years of experience have served to perfect it. Adam Cook's Sons now occupy two large building located at 313 West street "TRAE Marint KEVIEW and 520 Washington street, New York, hav- ing increased its output and capacity tre- mendously since the founder started busi- nessiin ithe .\Adbamy .hole-in-the-wall;"' at ithat ntime 'supplying' aclocalrtrade dnly; while' the sdemand' todayisfor "Albany" specialties is world wide. The "Albany" products are pure and adapted to all kinds of machinery in all climates, and are always corivctly brand- ed. The trade-mark also the word "Al- bany" insures this, and these are regis- tered in all countries of the world. Every engineer associates them with the first lubricating grease ever put upon the market, and it still remains to him the first in every respect,--in lubricating qual- ities, in economy and cleanliness, in its certainty to keep an engineer out of hot box troubles and all along the line in its lasting qualities. Adam Cook's Sons, who are the only makers of "Albany Grease" attribute the magnitude of their business to the great care that has continually been given the manufacture of their product and in a great measure also to persistent advertis- ing. "Albany Grease" can now be had from responsible engine and mill supply houses, hardware, oil and auto supply dealers in every country on the globe. Years of experience have been necessary to perfect this advantage. NUGENT OILING DEVICES. W. W. Nugent & Co., manufactur- ers of oiling and lubricating devices, 18-30 West Randolph street, Chicago, have recently issued Catalog No. 7 superseding all former issues. This catalog contains. much of interest to engineers, especially a chapter on "How to Oil an Engine," by Wm. W. Nugent, and one on "Oil vs. Grease as a Lubricant," by Wm. M. Davis; The Nugent oil and lubricating de- vices for steam and gas engines have AA--Nugent's patented anti-packed telescop anti-stand, dust proof, crank pin center or cen z 1 gent's patented anti-packed telescopic crosshead pin_ oiler. won wide reputation and have been warmly endorsed by engineers throughout. the world. To quote Mr. Nirgent}: heshas -"striven to give the enginéer "and engine builder the very best oiling devices for the reciprocat- ing bearings of an engine as well as sight feed valves for oiling system that excellent design, skillful work- manship, practical experience and modern methods can produce." WILL BUILD TWO BLAST FUR- NACES. Corrigan, McKinney & Co., Cleveland, have practically completed negotiations for the purchase of a 40-acre tract on the west bank of the Cuyahoga river near the site of the Cleveland Furnace Co., in that city, and will erect two modern Dlast furnaces. Plans have not yet been pre- pared in detail, but it is'expected that the building of one of the stacks will begin at a not far distant date. The site is bounded by Clark avenue on the south, by the Wheeling & Lake Erie and the Newburg & South Shore railroads on the west and the B. & O. on the north, and the furnaces will have admirable shipping facilities. This firm was formerly an active factor in the foundry pig iron trade in Cleveland, having operated the furnace of the Upson Nut Co, under lease for a number of years. Its other interests in- clude the Scottdale furnace, Scottdale, Pa., the Josephine furnace, Josephine, Pa., the Genessee furnace at Charlotte, N. Y., and extensive iron ore and vessel proper- ties. Frank N. McClure, who was for many years identified with the Joy Steamship Co., has been appointed contract agent for the Brunswick Steamship Co., as well as for the Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic rail- road, of which the former company is a subsidiary. 2 i I a u | eo | ic eccentric oiling device. B--Nugent's patented trifugal oiler. C--The top guide oiler. DD--Nu- E--Nugent's indicator reducing motion, attachable to any Nugent crosshead pin oiling device.