GREAT LAKES DREDGE & DOCK CO.""S NEW DRILL BOAT. The Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co. has just recently completed at its Cleveland yard, Drill Boat No. 4, de- signed for work-in the new Living- stone channel at the mouth of the Detroit river.. This is the first drill boat to be completed on the great lakes which is built entirely of steel. It is of especially' substantial con- struction in all parts with a view to withstand the long and continuous hard service to which such vessels are usually subjected. -- The -dimensions of the boat are: Lenegth,. 132 fts-breadth,- 32 ft. 8 in.; depth, 7 ft. The hull of the vessel is divided into five separate water-tight com- partments, with communications to these from the deck only, so that the vessel is practically unsinkable by any probable damage which she might re- ceive in service. The. deck house en- closes a pump room, blacksmith shop, 4 OF THE GREAT LAKES DREDGE & DOCK CO.'S FLEET. LAUNCHING PHOTOGRAPH AND SECTIONAL VIEW OF DRILL BOAT NO.