"THE Marine REVIEW 61 WIRE ROPE For Rigging--Towing--General Purposes ---- Our sales on Imported Wire Rope have increased very largely from year to year, for our customers have come to realize that it is cheaper to use for most purposes in spite of its slightly higher price--due to its higher quality and longer life. Our stock of both Foreign and American Wire Rope is one of the largest of any jobber in the country. © Send for Catalogue and let us quote you prices. Our accumulated experience with wire rope is at your service if you write us. THE UPSON-WALTON CO. Dept. B, 1302 River Ave., CLEVELAND, O. Geo. L. McCurdy 169 Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO ILLINOIS INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS A eck aE I LO | a , {i 7s * toes ee re A peed *e 5 ' 2 : et gee ae PS ' 4 2 ety eid, . at =" : \ = or aad = koe D> 4 ---- GG aes Pe EN Saori é fi = > a et Y the Thermit Process, steel sections of any size may be welded IN PLACE. All appliances are light and portable and may be drought to the job. Stern-posts, rudder-posts and stern-frames of steamships may be quickly repaired without dismantling the vessel. In the same way important repairs may be made to crank shafts, gear wheels and other broken steel sections. Write for Pamphlet No. 18-E. Goldschmidt Thermit Co. 90 West Street, New York. 432-436 Folsom Street, San Francisco. 103 Richmond Street W., Toronto, Ont. High Permanent Efficiency of the Reilly Multicoil Feed Water Heater High efficiency because the scientific and practical requirements for the rapid absorption of heat are fully embodied in our construction. Permanent efficiency because there can be no lodgement of scale or sedi- ment in the tubes to prevent the rapid transfer of heat. These and many other strik- ing advantages of the Reilly Multicoil Heater are fully discussed and explained in our new catalogue. Copies free upon request. The GRISCOM-SPENCER COMPANY - (Formerly, The JAMES REILLY REPAIR C2 SUPPLY CO.) General Offices, 90 West Street, New York SHOPS: ; nes eee ity---Pier B, North River, adjoining Penna. h. erminal. Pitindelpiia~We, of Washington Ave,, Delaware River, Room 1024 Real te Trust Building. : Bagels Departient--229 West Street, New York City. aay