s 56 THE MARINE REVIEW the cofferdam and on June 4 the pumps were put at work and at mid- night June 5 the dredge arose, but with a bad list on account of one of her spuds sticking in the mud. This. was lifted and the dredge put on an even keel, when she was taken to Detroit by the tug Harding. The Favorite next went to the re- lief of the bulk freighter J. J. Boland, which was stranded in the rapids abreast of Point Edward. Capt. Cunning advised lightering, but thought that if the master of the Boland could hold her bow up with anchors that the Favorite might be oy able to take hold of her stern and i ct Hi pull her off. . After breaking the Bo- | alt '()} $18, land's 12-in. tow line, the Favorite tk ae | : put out 1,800 ft. of wire rope and is | started to pull with both anchors, ' broken by the steamer towing her lta Mi striking bottom. Repairs to these parts were made in the Favorite's machine shop, Capt. Cunning saying: "In repairing same we used the fol- lowing parts of equipment: One hydraulic jack, one screw jack, one pneumatic hammer and 6% hours' use of lathe, 28%%. hours with working gang with tools, making repairs in such shape that it enabled barge | - to continue on her Anip." On July 5 the package freighter Lehigh lost her propeller wheel in the Straits of Mackinaw, and the Favorite was sent to tow her to Chicago. The next job was the releasing 'of a steel lighter of 800 tons which sunk in one of the harbors of Lake Erie. She was. found in 24 ft. of water, with seams so strained that she re- sembled a sieve. Three days were spent in cofferdaming, patching and raising her. In these operations two divers, 16 pumps, lumber, canvas and several bales of oakum were used. | : The Favorite went to the steamer 6-o-/6-6-6\o-0-9. but neither -the Favorite's nor the "gli Me! Boland's anchors would hold to per- | Relegl | 2 : ' Oe i mit the use of sufficient power to re- Test lease her. In concluding his report Tat £ upon this operation Capt. Cunning says: $ wis bsl v "I then paid out my cable again and i se 4 took in my anchors, then shortened : let gal": - my cable again until I was within lege ete: ps about 150 ft. of the steamer, after ol?s late! a which I put my rudder over, and L ghee: bake e was very much surprised to see the #1, : e Favorite waltz up stream, abreast of ' rie & the current alongside of steamer." : eee ; 'The Boland was released after 2,500 4 lePle: < tons of her cargo of ore had been : 'altel ale! " lightered. fe * : a The fourth operation was a little re- + 3 ; B pair job on the barge Bryn Mawr, +4 " : which had her rudder and quadrant Jeri te i > fa ° wn [a4 io a 3} ial fx 3 DIAGRAM WORniné HRESCURE