28 (black) be established on Cheboygan reef about 1% miles from Cheboygan Point light- house, to replace nun buoy now there. Point Aux Barques--Lake Huron--That a siren fog whistle be established at this point in connection with light now there. Gary--That a lightship with fog whistle be established 834 miles east of Calumet break- water, South Chicago, and 8% miles north of Gary, Indiana. . This will serve as. a guide to five points, viz., South Chicago, Gary, Whit- ing, Indiana Harbor and Michigan City. South Chicago--That the light on the south end of the Calumet breakwater at South Chicago be changed to a lightning white flash. Milwaukee--That a lightship be established off this point as soon as possible. Caney Island--That a fog signal be estab- lished in connection with Caney Island light house. Little Gull Island (South)--That an acety- lene gas buoy showing a_ white light be placed on the south side of Little Gull Island, St. Martin's passage. Fisherman's Shoal--That a lighthouse and fog signal be established on Fisherman's Shoal to the east of Washington Island. Point Abino--That the lightship Kewanee now stationed at Southeast Shoal be moved to Point Abino as soon as replaced at Southeast Shoal by the Canadian lightship. "LAKE ONTARIO AND ST. LAWRENCE a8 RIVER. Niagara--That a lightship and fog signal be placed to the north and east of the mouth of the Niagara river outside of shoals in American waters, Thirty Mile Point--That a fog signal be established in connection with the light at this point, 30 miles east of the Niagara river. -Oswego--That a fog signal be established in connection with the light at this point. . Seven Isles--That an acetylene gas buoy be placed at Seven Isles shoal above Alexandria Bay on the south side of Wellesley Island. Frontenac--That an acetylene gas buoy be placed on: Frontenac Shoal, abreast of Alexan- dria Bay. Castle May--That an acetylene gas buoy be placed below Castle May Island about three miles below Rock Island. We regard the following as the most im- portant improvements of the list enumerated above: _ Gull Island light. Duluth and Superior lights. Fog whistle--Portage Entry. Buffalo improvements. 'Bois: Blanc siren. Point Aux Barques siren. Gary lightship. South Chicago lights. _ North Manitou lightship.. Big Point Sable fog signal. Niagara lightship. Thirty Mile Point fog signal, West Neebish ranges. Watson's Reef gas buoy. Soo pier bell. Point Aux Pins Point Aux Frenes. Sweet Point light. Tin Shoals gas buoy. Little Gull gas buoy. | Garden Island gas. buoy. Seven Isles gas. buoy. Frontenac gas buoy. Castle May gas buoy. CANADIAN IMPROVEMENTS. ' LAKE ONTARIO AND. ST.. LAWRENCE RIVER. Cole's Light--That an acetylene gas buoy be placed on the 15-ft. shoal south of Cole's Light. Main Duck Island--That a signal be placed on the of these islands. , LAKE ERIE. Point Abino--That a light and fog signal be established on Point Abino. Colchester--That a compressed air fog horn _be established at Colchester. « : ' Bar Point--That a red acetylene gas buoy be placed abreast of Bar Point on the east side of the channel about 11%4 miles north of the lightship. Fighting Island--That a red acetylene gas buoy be placed on the lower end of Fighting Island on the west side of the channel to re- place the lower buoy No. 8. This buoy to be placed in at least 20 ft. of water. Peche Island--That an acetylene gas buoy he placed at the lower end to replace the red stake now there. gas buoy. light and fog extreme west end lights THE MarRINE REVIEW Canadian Club--Tfat a post lantern light be placed on the Canadian Club dock. Post Lanterns--That this committee endorses the recommendations of previous committees relative to locations of post lantern lights in the St. Clair and Detroit 'rivers in Canadian waters. Stag Island--That an acetylene gas buoy be placed at the head of Stag Island. Sarnia--That the shoal abreast of the lower car ferry docks be dredged off. Michipicoten Island--Jhat lights and fog signals be placed at both east and west ends of Michipicoten Island. Pancake Shoal--That an acetylene gas and whistle buoy be placed on Pancake Shoal, | Parisian Island--That a light and fog signal be established on Parisian Island. : Batou 'Rock--That a light and fog signal be established on Batou Rock. Slate Island--That a fog signal be _estab- lished in connection with light on Slate Island. Gros Cap--That a lightship and fog signal be established at Gros Cap Shoal to replace red gas buoy now there. RECOMMENDATIONS. That we request the proper authorities to compel the contractors who are building the Detroit River tunnel to maintain and light a channel in deep water at least 500 ft. wide. It is the sense of the committee that there be maintained a minimum between piers of all bridges built across the 'Chicago river. That there have been a number of com- plaints that boats taking on provisions below the locks have refused permission to upbound boats to pass them, even though they could not enter the locks ahead of those upbound boats. We suggest that instructions be _ is- sued to the masters of such boats, that at all times where possible they aliow upbound boats to pass and enter the locks, they taking the turn which falls to them when they are through taking on provisions. That the outer lights on all harbor piers and breakwaters be lighted with the most im- proved form of acetylene gas lights. That when the weather is such that a lighthouse keeper cannot see a distance of five miles to seaward, the fog whistle shall be blown. This committee understands that the light- house tender Dahlia is about to be withdrawn from the service on Lake Michigan, and we would recommend that a very vigorous protest be made against this boat being withdrawn un- til such time as another boat can take her place. That we petition the lighthouse board to leave all of the aids to navigation out until the close of navigation each year. We do not see why this cannot be done, as the Canadian gov- ernment leave all their-aids out until Dec. f0. This committee partly endorses the projects recommended by the Ashland Advancement <As- sociation for the improvements for Ashland harbor, and wishes them success in their efforts. OIL VAPOR LAMPS. On the subject of oil vapor lamps President Livingstone says that the installation of the incandescent oil vapor system of lighting would enor- mously increase the efficiency of the and he announces that the lighthouse department has mended an appropriation to install the oil vapor system of lighting on the great lakes. The report by the light- house board recommending the ap- propriation is as follows. _ The use. of this vapor, instead of the oil itself, increases enormously the intensity of the light, which is, of course, the first con- sideration. It has also proved economical, ex- cept in the smaller lights: but it is in the smaller lights that the increase in intensity is greatest. By vaporizing the oil the following are, approximately, the results attained: A first- order fixed light has become four times as brilliant on one-quarter of the amount of oil consumed; a first-order flash light, seven times as brilliant on one-quarter of the amount of oil consumed ; a second-order lignt, seven times as brilliant on 88 per cent of the amount of oil, and a third-order light nas increased to 12 ® that width of 200 ft.' recom- -- times its former brilliancy, but the amount of oil consumed is doubled. President Livingstone estimates that it would cost about $30,000 to change the lighting system on _ the - great lakes and he recommended the adop- tion of a resolution urging that the change be made. / He also recommended the adoption of a resolution urging the lighthouse board to replace, as far as practicable, the present buoys with acetylene buoys, saying that the Canadian govy- ernment has already adopted this "polity, President Livingstone announces the lighthouse board has in- cluded in its estimates the sum of $40,000 for the extension of the sub- marine signal service. He submits a table showing the results of this system of signalling on the great lakes during 1908. It will be noted that in some cases. where vessels were light the distances at which the signal was picked up were ap- parently short. This 1s explained by the fact that in these cases the ships were not checked down in making clear weather tests, a speed of from 10 to 11 miles being maintained. With the practice the masters have had with the signals during the season they .have, been able to. locate tae direction very accurately. It will be noted from the statement that the direction is given as being from 4 to 34 of a point, and masters on many of the vessels equipped with the new type of apparatus report picking up the bell before they heard the fog whistle. Regarding the Detour station, it has been shown that the bell is lo- cated in a hollow and it is proposed to extend the cable: and place, the bell about 1,700 ft. further out in the lake. There is also incorporated in the report a summary of the field work performed during the season of 1908 by the United States lake survey. Attention will be paid to this feature by the Marine Review later. President Livingstone renews _ his' recommendation that pensions be pro- vided for members of the lifesaving crews and a retiring list formed for age and disability. He requests that every member of the association write the member of congress from his dist- rict asking assistance for the passage of a pension bill. Regarding the crewing bill, President Livingstone says: During the session a bill was introduced by which it was posed to regulate the hours for crews "on vessels and to provide that the local inspectors of steamboats shall enter in the certificate of spring, pro- of Congress last