ing three of them away; steamer ran aground; leaked badly. May 22--Schr. Mary Ludwig, owned by Augusta Johnson, Muskegon, Mich.; stranded on White Fish Point; released, uninjured. _May ..--Str. Mauch Chunk, owned by Le- high Valley Trans. Co., Buffalo; stranded in Lake Huron near Cheboygan; released, unin- jured, after lightering. May 22--Str. Joshua W. Rhodes, owned by W. H. Becker, Cleveland; ran ashore in heavy fog in Hammond's Bay; released after light- ering; 43 damaged plates; three weeks to make repairs. May 24--Str. Black Rock, owned by R. J. Dunham, Chicago; stuck in drawbridge in Chicago river; released herself, uninjured. May 31--Tug Elizabeth G., owned by De- los H. Smith, Port Washington, Wis.; struck by steamer Thompson in Sheboygan harbor; side crushed; surrounding property damaged. May 29--Bge. S. D. Warriner, owned by Calumet Trans. Co., Cleveland; struck bot- tom in Cuyahoga river at Cleveland, breaking rudder; docked at Cleveland. June 5--Str. City of Montreal, owned by Montreal-Lake Erie Steamship Co., Ltd., Mon- treal, Que.; broke rudder chain and ran ashore on Farran's Point; released on June 24; damage estimated at $45,000. June 8--Tug Tom Dowling, owned by Inde- pendent Tug Line, Duluth, Minn.; sank while at dock at Ashland; floated July 31; repaired and placed in commission. June 8--Fishing tug Deer, owned by W. C. Penoyer, Bay City, Mich.; destroyed by fire in Saginaw Bay. June 8--Str. .Mataafa, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded on sand bar in Lake Michigan off Indiana harbor; released, uninjured. June 11--Canadian steamer Wexford; ran aground in Buffalo harbor; released, wunin- jured, .after lightering 400 tons. : June 13--Str. Wilpen, owned by Shenango Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck Interstate bridge at Duluth; slightly injured. June 13--Str. Alexis W. Thompson, owned by Valley Steamship 'Co., Cleveland; stuck in draw of Superior street viaduct at Cleveland; released, uninjured. June 15--Str. Sligo, owned by <A. Mc- Innes, Windsor, Ont.; caught in heavy sea in Lake Erie; donkey boiler roller over; leaked badly. June 15--Str. George W. Perkins, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; struck pier while leaving Conneaut; large hole in port side; leaked badly; docked at Lorain. June 17--Bge. Peterson, owned by Warde Transportation Co., Chicago; collided with a dredge in St. Clair river; stem broke off be- low water line and planking, railing and an- chor carried away; repaired at Port Huron. June "17---Dredge No. 8, owned by C. H. Starke Dredge & Dock Co., Milwaukee, Wis. ; collided with barge Peterson in St. Clair river; dipper arm and upper works badly damaged; repaired at Port Huron. June 17--Str. Gilchrist, owned by Gilchrist Transportation Co., Cleveland; dragged bow along Reis coal dock at Sheboygan, doing considerable damage to hoisting rigs. June 18--Str. Arundell, owned by A. R. Lee, Detroit, Mich.; ran aground in Alexandria Bay; released on 20th, badly damaged; docked for repairs. June 19--Str. Kearsarge; struck State St. bridge in Chicago harbor; bridge slightly dam- aged. Vine 19--Str. Langell, owned by 'Comstock & Sinclair, Duluth; struck bottom in Niagara river; broke wheel; docked at Buffalo. June 20--Str. J. J. Boland, owned by York Transit Co., Buffalo; ran aground at Point Edward; released -on 22d, uninjured, after lightering. : June 20--Bge. Atmosphere; ran into steam- er City of Mt. Clemens in Bell river, dam- aging her considerably. June 20--Str. City of Mt. Clemens, owned by George A. Douglass, Cleveland; hit by barge Atmosphere in Bell river; loss estimated at $1,000. June 21--Str. Hoover and Mason, owned by G. A. Tomlinson, Duluth; collided with steamer H. L. Shaw at the Sault; slightly damaged; delayed about 24 hours to make re- airs. ine 21--Str. Howard L. Shaw, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; collided with steamer Hoover and Mason at the Sault; seven stern plates damaged down to_ bilge; docked at Lorain for repairs, which it took about two weeks' time to complete. June 22--Str. Cherokee, owned by W. S. Brainard, Toledo, O.; ran aground in Grassy Island, Detroit river; released, uninjured. TAE Marine REVIEW June 22--Schr. Chippewa, owned by W. S. Brainard, Toledo, O.; in tow of steamer 'Cherokee when she stranded on Grassy Island, Detroit river; released, uninjured. June 22--Bge. Nellie Holland, owned by Tonawanda Iron & Steel Co., North Tona- wanda, N. Y.; struck steamer Donaldson which was waiting to tbe locked through at. the Sault; hole 12 x 15 ft. just above water line. June 22--Str. Donaldson; struck by. barge Nellie Holland at the Sault; anchor carried away and damaged on starbord side. June 23--Str. John Stanton, owned by Pio- neer Steamship Co., Cleveland; dropped her anchor while leaving Indiana Harbor. June 23--Str. John F. Eddy, owned by Tonawanda Iron & Steel Co., North Tona- wanda, N. Y.; wheel chains parted in Niagara river. June ..--Str. Alexis W. Thompson, owned by Valley Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded on Gull Island reef, Lake Michigan; number of plates damaged; docked at Cleveland. June 26--Str. E. L. Wallace, owned by Dearborn Transit 'Co., Detroit, Mich.; lost her anchor in Sandusky harbor, June 28--Str. Kotcher, owned by Detroit Steamship Co., Detroit, Mich.; steering gear disabled; ran aground in St. Clair river; re- leased, uninjured. June 29--Str. Warrington; hit obstruction near Breakwater at Cleveland; lost rudder. June ..--Str. Lehigh, owned by Erie & Western Transportation Co., Buffalo; arrived at Mackinac with broken wheel; towed to Chicago for repairs. July 1--Str. W. H. Smith, owned by. United States Transportation 'Co., Cleveland; collided with steamer Ellwood at Lorain; two plates damaged; repaired at Lorain. uly 1--Str. I. L. Ellwood, Pittsburg Steamship 'Co., Cleveland; with steamer H. W. Smith at Lorain. July 3--Str. Philip Minch, owned by Kins- man Transit Co., Cleveland; ran on shoal in St. Clair river; released herself, uninjured. July 3--Str. Michigan; wheel chains parted; ran aground in St. Clair river. ; July 5--Str. Widener, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded on South Manitou island, Lake Michigan; tanks No. 7 and 8 punctured; 100 plates taken off; docked at Lorain. : July 5--Str. Nyanza, owned by James Mc- Brier, Erie, Pa.; ran aground on Gray's reef. July 7--Str. H. P. McIntosh, owned by Gil- christ Transportation Co., Cleveland; collided with steamer M. A. Hanna in St. Clair river; 20 plates and number of frames broken; hole 6 ft. wide and 12 ft. deep on her port side; filled with water and sank; released July 20; docked at Cleveland for repairs. July 7--Str. M. <A. Hanna, owned. by Mitchell & Co., Cleveland; collided with steamer H. P. McIntosh in St. Clair river; stern twisted and 20 plates broken; docked at Toledo for repairs. July 7--Bge. Alex Holley, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship -Co., Cleveland; ran aground in wind storm .on Lake Erie, off Lorain; bottom slightly damaged and dent in bow. Tuly 7--Str. Charles S. Webard, owned by Wilson Transit Co., Cleveland; ran ashore on White Fish point, Lake Superior; released her- self, uninjured. July 8--Schr. owned by collided owned by Wm. Sim- mons, 'Kingston, Ont.; ran ashore in storm on Bullrock point, Lake Ontario: wreck and cargo .later sold by owner for $500; recovered early in September and taken to Kingston for extensive repairs. July 8--Schr. Acacia, James G. Blaine, owned - by George Hall Coal Co., Ogdensburg, N. Y.; ran ashore in Lake Ontario off Oswego and was pounded to pieces; totaY loss. July 9--Str. Columbia; missed her course and ran aground while leaving Sandusky; re- leased, uninjured. July 11--Str. Tuscarora, owned by U. S. Revenue Cutter Service; ran ashore on Mack- inaw Island: released, uninjured. July 12--Str. Dunham, Chicago; lost rudder river; repaired at Port Huron. July 13--Bge. Chieftain, owned by James Davidson, Bay City, Mich.; ran aground in Niagara river, stern badly damaged; released on 15th after' lightering. : July 13--Str. O. M. Poe, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded in heavy fog at foot of dyke in Sault river; re- leased on 15th after lightering; leaked. July ..--Schr. Ira Lawson. owned by Harry Larsen, Chicago; stranded in Sturgeon bay; abandoned. July ..--Str. Orinoco, owned by James Dav- idson, Bay City, Mich.; disabled on ~ Lake inet Clair Black Rock. owned by R. J., $3 Superior near Duluth; shoe and rudder dam- aged; towed to Bay City for repairs. July 14--Str. Mary Horton; carried. away two gates from Lock 13 of Welland canal. : July 17--Str. H. W. Williams, owned by Dunkley-Williams Co., South Haven, Mich.; collided with steamer Lucy Simpson on Lake oe six miles east of Chicago; not dam- aged. July 17--Tug R. McDonald, owned by Dun- ham Towing & Wrecking Co., Chicago; burned to water's edge near Sackett's Harbor, Lake Ontario. July 17--Str. Frontenac, owned by H. C. Burrell, Lorain, O.; caught fire while at dock at Lorain; damaged docks of American Ship Building Co.; steamer raised and converted into a sand barge. July 17--Schr. Lucy Simpson, owned by Charles J. Sanderson, Milwaukee, Wis.; col- lided with steamer H. W. Williams on Lake Michigan, off Chicago; bow badly damaged and sails carried away. July 17--Str. Starrucca, owned by Union Steamboat Line, Buffalo; broke eccentric strap while out in Lake Huron; stopped at Port Huron for repairs. Jul- 17--Schr. Lillie; struck by steamer Dun- elm during a storm in Cuyanoga river at Cleveland; towed to shallow water, where she sank; floated on 19th and docked for repairs. July 17--Str. Dunelm; struck schooner Lillie in Cuyahoga river at Cleveland; Dunelm not injured. ; July 18---Str. Randolph; machinery became disabled in mid-lake on Lake Michigan; towed to Milwaukee, where she was docked for re- pairs. July 19--Str. Maricopa, owned by Pittsburg Steamship Co., Cleveland; stranded on_ shoal in St. Clair river; released herself, uninjured. July 19--Bge. Bryn Mawr, owned by Pitts- burg Steamship Co., Cleveland; in tow of steamer Maricopa when she struck in St. Clair river; struck by current and carried broadside down river, colliding with sunken steamer H. P. McIntosh, damaging her considerably; stern and boiler house of Bryn Mawr badly damaged and plates on side crushed in; towed to Lorain for repairs. July 20--Fishing Louis Thibert, Belle Saginaw bay; total loss. uly 20--Sand scow Junior; machinery be- came disabled while out in Lake Michigan, July 19--Str. Colonel, owned by Michigan Steamship Co., Detroit; ran aground in San- dusky bay; released after lightering 100 tons; four bottom plates damaged, as well as frames; docked at Detroit. July 19--Str. Sachem, owned by Argo Steamship Co., Cleveland; crashed into barge McWilliams in North Channel; not seriously damaged. July 19--Bge. McWilliams, owned by Hope Transportation 'Co., Detroit; hit by steamer Sachem in North Channel; mizzen boom dam- aged on starboard quarter. 2 July 21--Str. Havana, owned by George B. Taylor, Erie, Pa.; ran aground in Portage river; released, uninjured. July 21--Str, Charles A. Street, owned by J. B. Lozen, New Baltimore, Mich.; caught fire in Lake Huron; totally destroyed. July 23--Bge. Twin Sisters, owned by J. ¢. Gilchrist, Cleveland; broke away from_ tug Vigilant in Iroquois canal; ran ashore in Galloo Rapids; released Aug. 10 and repaired. July 24--Bge. J. R. Edwards, owned by H. McMoran, Port Huron, Mich.; caught fire at Port Huron in Wolverine dry dock; damage estimated at $300. July 24--Str. Ionic, owned by Northern Navigation Co. of Ontario, Ltd., Collingwood, Ont.: rudder braces smashed at Fort William; docked at Duluth for repairs. July 26--Schr. Isolda Bock, owned by J. J. Olson, Manitowoc, Wis.; hit by steamer Cor- sican on Lake Superior near Two Harbors; en- tire jibboom and forward upper bow carried away; towed to port. July 27--Str. Wm. Rudolph, owned by A. F. Temple, Muskegon, Mich.; blew out her cylinder head on Lake Michigan; towed to Milwaukee dry dock. July 27--Str. Huron, owned by Star-Cole Line, Detroit, Mich.; hit by scow in Cuyahoga river, Cleveland; two plates cracked; went to shi ard for repairs. ' Taly. 28---Scow, owned by Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Cleveland; rock went through her bottom on Lake Erie; sank. July 29--Str. Daniel B. Meacham, owned by Frontier Steamship Co., North Tonawanda, N. Y.; ran on rock on Passage island, Lake Superior, during heavy fog; released on 31st after lightering 2,000 tons; 40 plates and tug Alzora, owned by River; caught fire in