gation in which the vessel may be employed. Every vessel shall have all lifeboats required by law with suitable boat-launching apparatus so arranged as to allow the boats to be clear of the ship's side ready for detaching in less than two minutes from the time the clearing away of the boats is begun. Every seagoing vessel subject to inspection carrying passengers for hire, and any such vessel navigating any of the northern or northwestern lakes, shall have each lifeboat fitted with an approved de- taching apparatus which can be operated by one man and which will detach both ends of the boat simultaneously. All steam and motor vessels carrying passengers for hire and engaged in a service which may at any time take them more than forty miles off shore, shall be equipped with an efficient wireless telegraph apparatus, and shall carry a compe- tent operator for the same. "Sec. 37. Equipment for river vessels.-- Every vessel subject to inspection, except ferry- boats and canal boats of less than 50 tons, navigating rivers only, shall have at least one substantial lifeboat of suitable dimensions, with lines attached, and properly supplied with oars, and kept in good condition at all times, and ready for immediate use; and in addition there- to every such vessel carrying passengers for hire shall have one or more metallic lifeboats of such dimensions and arrangements as the board of supervising inspectors by their regu- lations may prescribe, which boats shall be car- ried in the most convenient manner to be brought into immediate use in case of neces- sity. But where the character of the naviga- tion is such that, in the opinion of the super- vising inspector, the metallic lifeboats can be dispensed with, he may exempt any such ves- sel from carrying the same, or may require a substitute therefor, in his discretion. "Sec. 38. Failure to provide equibment.-- If any vessel be navigated without being pro- vided with the appliances or equipment' re- quired by sections thirty-five, thirty-six and thirty-seven of this act, or by the board of supervising inspectors pursuant thereto, the owner shall be liable as provided in section seventy-seven of this act, except that the pen- atly imposed shall be one thousand dollars. See. 391 motor vessel, sail vessel, barge, canal boat, and a vessel of any description carrying pass- engers, whether or not subject to inspection, shall not be navigated or operated unless she shall carry for each person on board one life preserver,:of a kind approved by the board of supervising inspectors, to be kept in con- venient and accessible places in readiness for immediate use, provided that. inspected pass- enger vessels shall carry at least one such life preserver so kept for each passenger and member of the crew allowed by her certifi- cate of inspection. 'The owner shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for. each life pre- server lacking or improperly stowed, "Sec. 40. False or defective equipment.-- Any person who wilfully and knowingly man- ufactures or sells, or offers for sale, or has in his possession with intent to sell, life pre- servers containing metal or other non-buoyant material, for the purpose of increasing the weight thereof, or who shall so manufacture, sell, offer for sale, or possess with intent to sell any other articles commonly used for the preservation of life or the prevention of fire on board vessels, subject to the provisions of this act; so defective as to be inefficient to accomplish the purposes for which they are respectively intended and designed, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than one thousand nor more than five thousand dollars, and may, in addition thereto, in the discretion of the court, be imprisoned not exceeding five years." Seagoing passenger vessels and every passenger vessel of 100 ft. and over on the great lakes and rivers shall have not less than three: water-tight athwartship 'bulkheads. All other vessels carrying passengers for hire shall have a collision 'water-tight bulkhead not less than 5 ft. abaft the stem. The provisions regarding fire protection are quite complete as fol- lows: -- "Sec. 43. Fire protection.--Every steam vessel subject to inspection carrying passengers or freight for hire shall be provided with suit- able pipes, necessary valves, and connections to the boiler or boilers, arranged to convey steam into the cargo holds 'and such other com- partments as may be designated by the board of supervising inspectors for the purpose of extinguishing fire: Provided, That other suit- able apparatus for extinguishing fire by the Life preservers.--A steam vessel, , "TRE Marine. REVIEw introduction of a vapor through pipes into such holds and com- partments may be substituted. All other ves- Sels carrying passengers or freight for hire shall be provided with such suitable fire-smoth- ering apparatus as may be prescribed by the board of supervising inspectors with the ap- proval' of the secretary of commerce and _ la- bor. The board of supervising inspectors may require any vessel subject to inspection to be provided with such number and kind of ap- proved portable fire extinguishers as, in the judgment of the board, may be necessary. "Sec. 44. Fire pumps and hose.--Every ves- sel permitted by her certificate of inspection to carry as many as fifty passengers, or upward, and every steam vessel carrying passengers, which also carries cotton, hay, or hemp, shall be provided with a good double-acting steam fire pump, or other equivalent. apparatus for throwing water. Such pump or other ap- paratus for throwing water shall be kept at all times in good order and ready for imme- diate use, having at least two pipes of suitable dimensions, one on each side of the vessel, to convey the water to the upper decks, to which pipes there shall be attached by means of stopcocks, or valves, both between decks and on the upper deck, good and suitable hose of sufficient strength to stand a working press- ure of not less than one hundred pounds to the square inch, long enough to reach to all parts of the vessel, and properly provided with nozzles, and kept in good order and. ready for immediate service. Every vessel exceed- ing two hundred gross tons burden and carry- ing passengers for hire shall be provided with two good double-acting fire pumps, to be worked by hand; each chamber of such pumps shall be of sufficient capacity to discharge not less than eighty-five cubic inches of water per stroke; and such pumps shall be placed in the most suitable parts of the vessel for efficient service, having suitable, well-fitted hose to each pump, of at least one-half the vessel in length, kept at all times in perfect order, and shipped up and ready for immediate use. On every vessel not exceeding two hundrd tons one of such pumps may be dispensed with. Each fire pump thus prescribed shall be sup- plied with water by means of a suitable pipe connected therewith, and passing through the side of the vessel so low as to be at all times under water when she is afloat. Every steam vessel shall also be provided with a pump which shall be of sufficient strength and _ suit- ab:y arranged to test the boilers thereof. "pec. 45, Stoves and stovepipes.--Every stove used on board of any vessel shall be well and securely fastened, so as to prevent it from being moved or overthrown, and all woodwork or other ignitible substances «about the boilers, smokéstacks, galleys, stoves, and stovepipes ex- posed to ignitions shall be thoroughly shielded by some incombustible material in such a man- ner as to leave the air to circulate freely be- tween such material and woodwork or other ignitible substance; and before granting a certificate of inspection the inspector shall re- quire all necessary provisions to be made throughout a vessel to guard against loss or. danger from fire. "Sec. 46. Watchmen on passenger vessels.-- Every vessel carrying passengets for hire dur- ing the night time shall keep a suitable number of watchmen in the cabins and on each deck to guard against fire or other dangers, and to give alarm in case of accident or disaster. For any neglect to keep the watchmen required by this section, the license of the officer in charge of the vessel for the time being shall be suspended or revoked; and every owner of such vessel who neglects or refuses to furnish the number of men necessary to keep watch as required shall be fined one thousand dol- lars. "Sec. 47. Red night lamps.--Vessels subject to inspection lighted by electricity and carry- ing passengers shall be supplied with red standing oil lamps, which shall be kept burn- ing at night. "Sec. 48. Fire buckets, axes, and water bar- rels.--Every vessel subject to inspection shall keep such fire buckets, axes, and water bar- rels as shall be prescribed by the regulations established by the board of supervising in- spectors. The buckets and barrels shall be kept in convenient places and filled with wa- ter, to be in readiness in case of fire, and the axes shall be kept in good order and ready for immediate use. Tanks of. suitable dimen- sions and arrangement, or buckets in_ sufficient - number, may be substituted for barrels. "Sec. 49. Equipment of barge carrying pass- engers.--Every barge carrying passengers other than the crew while in tow shall be subject to the provisions of this act relating to fire buck- ets, axes, and boats to such extent as shall be prescribed by the board of supervising in- ctors. : rE Sec. 50. Approval of life-saving equipment. --No kind of instrument, machine or equip- fire-extinguishing gas or ° Zo ment for the better security of life provided for by this act shall be used in any vessel which shall not first be approved by the board of supervising inspectors." The section of liability of masters and owners for damages will certainly be in- teresting to them as well as to admiralty lawyers. This section is very clear as follows: : "Sec. 51. Liability of masters and owners for damages to passengers----Whenever on any vessel subject to inspection damage is sus- tained by any- passenger or his baggage from explosion, fire, collision, or other cause, the master and the owner of such vessel, or either of them, and the vessel shall be liable to each and every person so injured, to the full amount of damage, if it happens through any neglect or failure to comply with the provisions of this act, or through known defects or. imper- fections of the hull, machinery, or equipment; and any person sustaining loss or injury through the carelessness, negligence, or willful misconduct of any master, mate, engineer, or pilot, or his neglect or refusal to obey the laws governing the navigation of such vessels, may sue such master, mate, engineer, or pilot, and recover damages for any such injury caused by any such master, mate, engineer, or pilot.' The section regarding complement of officers and crew contains matter of great interest. It requires that steam vessels engaged in runs of more than 48 hours shall carry at least three licensed engineérs and sufficient men in the engineer's force to stand three watches. Whether this applies to the lakes or not is debatable. The run from Buffalo to - Duluth is certainly more than 48 hours long. This section also re- quires motor vessels to carry on board at least one licensed pilot and one licensed engineer, though. on boats of less than 35 ft. length be- tween perpendiculars one person may act in the dual capacity of pilot and engineer. The phraseology of the section is as follows: ° "Sec, = 54: Complement of ofiicers and crew.--Any vessel subject to inspection under the provisions of this act shall not be nav- igated unless she shall have in her service and on board such complement of licensed officers and such crew as may, in the judgment of the local inspectors who inspect the vessel, be necessary for her safe navigation. Steam ves- sels engaged in runs of more than 48 hours shall have in their complement at least three li- 'censed engineers and sufficient men in the engi- neer's force to stand in three watches. No steam or motor vessel carrying passengers for hire, whether or not subject to inspection,.under the provisions of this act, shall be navigated unless she shall have in her service and on _ board at least one licensed pilot and one licensed engineer: Provided; That in open steam and motor boats measuring less than 35 ft. between perpendiculars, one person, if duly qualified, may act in the dual capacity of pilot and engineer. The local inspectors shall make in the certificate of inspection of the vessel an entry of such complement of officers and crew, which may be changed from time to time by indorsement on such certificates by local in- spectors by reason of change of conditions or employment. Such entry or indorsement. shall be subject to a right of appeal, under regulations to be made by the secretary of commerce and labor, to the supervising inspector and from him to the inspector general, who shall have the power to revise, set aside, or affirm the said deter- mination of the local inspectors. For every violation of this section with respect to the number of licensed officers prescribed the mas- ter shall be liable to a penalty of $500, and for every violation of this section with respect to the number of crew prescribed the master shall be liable to a penalty of $100: Provided, That if any such vessel, on her voyage, is deprived of the services of any licensed officer. or any member of the crew without the con- sent, fault, or collusion of the master, owner, or any person interested in the vessel, the de- ficiency may be temporarily supplied until her