16 when the dams are to be raised, and more especially when they are to be lowered. This involves a care- ful study of the meteorological condi- tions, the water fluctuations, ice con- ditions, navigation needs, etc. In this locality of continually varying water, rainfall and snow-melting com- binations it is exceedingly difficult to forecast future river conditions often even only a day ahead, and the best of prognosticators are fre- quently at a loss to foretell the next day's probable river stage. Chanoine wicket dams were specially intended for such precise manipulation as to gradually transform pool to open river conditions, and vice versa, but with the erratic weather and river changes prevalent in this region this has been found a very difficult thing to accom- plish. No established rule has been developed, and each freshet must be studied and worked out on its own merits, and the dams maneuvered ac- cordingly. Few indeed are the communities in this land, that can boast of-a more extensive and efficient local artificial navigation than Pittsburg, reaching out in every direction and knitting together its various industries and interests. But, the full measure of its benefits can never be realized, nor can the great industrial center at the head of the Ohio valley reach the zenith of its. development until the mighty stream traversing that valley has been made permanently naviga- ble to its mouth. THE BRITISH ENGINEERING COMBINE. There are indications that the pro- posed combination of marine engi- neering firms on the North East coast which has been considered during the past three months has had to be abandoned owing to many difficulties as to terms. The number of engineer- ing firms agreeable to enter the com- bine has dwindled down tto some seven or eight, located on the Tyne, Wear and Tees, owing to disagreement as to valuation and capitalizations, general working capacity and output, all of which 'have, it is said, made the pro- posal virtually impossible of realiza- tion in its original form. BATTLESHIP NORTH DAKOTA. The photographs published herewith show the battleship North Dakota, building at the Fore River Yard, 67.4 completed. The photos pers cent were taken' on Jan. 1. "THE MARINE REVIEW ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. The monitor Cheyenne,. formerly the Wyoming, after having been out of commission for three years, has left the Mare Island navy yard for Conn., was sold at auction during the last week in December. The leading coast ship yards were liberal purchags. Bidders were present from Jack. Fla., middle Canada, anq ers. sonville, BATTLESHIP NORTH DAKOTA SHOWING HER 67.4 PER CENT COMPLETED. southern California, where she will undergo trials to test her oil burning apparatus. . A tender of $250,000 has been made to the Chandler-Dunbar Co. for land owned by them that is required in the from upper Maine to the Mississippi river. The first day 762 lots were sold in about three hours, the second day 582 lots of equipment, buildings, wharves, engines, piping and electrical appliances were sold in three hours BATTLESHIP NORTH DAKOTA SHUWING HER 67.4 PER CENT COMPLETED. construction of the new lock and eanal at the Sault and thas been ac- cepted by them, but we are advised by Lieut. Col. Townsend that the mat- ter has not yet received the approval of the war department. _ The equipment of the Eastern Ship Building Co.'s plant at New London, and fifty minutes. The third and last day 860 lots were sold by 2 o'clock. If the mail subsidy bill, which is now before the Cortes of Spain, should pass, which is regarded as very prob- able, the Spanish trans-Atlantic line will at once build steamships which will compare favorably with the finest