® hot Sunday in the summer. 'to the woods back of the location and 'I heard a slight noise. . Peter -White, 28 There were eight or ten of them and as I expected to have trouble with them told the boys that as soon as we landed the men and baggage to push out from shore as I knew they intended to. take the boat from us and start down the lake. Chapman did as | had told him. and sent the boat astern with a rush and lay on oars a short distance from the shore. They ordered us' to come back and help them carry up their baggage and camp with them, and when we refused commenced cussing in Ger- man and very bad English. -- We arrived home next morning and about a week afterward they were all back to the location again, a mis- erable looking lot, tired and hungry, said there was no Grand Island, could find no trail and had disagreed among themselves. We set them to work again and among our crew of labor- ers there were no better men. I have always been glad that I did not have to use the rifle that I had in the boat. In the winter word came to us that wolves were seen near the camp at the iron mountains and Bill Lemm went up and set some steel traps near the claims. One morning a trap was found sprung and a wolf's foot between its jaws. The wolf had gnawed it off and escaped. The next Sunday White rigged up a _ bobsled 'and Lemm and I went with him to 'the mountain. We found the trap sprung, but this time with a wolf in it who had but three paws. very humble and allowed us to tie his legs and jaws -together. We used him for a foot stove on our way back to the lake. We had him chained to a tree near the lake and Lemm finally gave him to the steward of steamer Napoleon. My first sight of wolves was on a I went come to an open space where the ber- ries were plenty. While picking them On _ looking around saw three grey wolves with their paws resting on a windfall about 20 yards from me and staring at me seemingly as much surprised as I was. I made up my mind that if they let me alone, I would not trouble them. I had a double-barrel shotgun 'and as they started back to the woods again I could not resist the tempta- tion and let them have both charges of small shot which did not seem to worry them. In the winter with the help of Harding and a. Hol- lander, I built the forge shop 150 ft. Jong, 50 ft. wide, 14 rt. high, put in a He was THe Marine REVIEW foundation of heavy timbers for the trip hammer. The building was planned for ten forges. In the summer of 1850 Mr. Long arrived as general manager and as my agreement with the company was ended I concluded to go back to Boston. I engaged passage on the propeller Napoleon on the up trip to Cliff Mine, Eagle River, and On- tonagon, and back to the Soo, where I met some of our natives from the location who said that they came to bid me good-bye. Among them were old Margaret and Lisette. DEPTHS OF WATER. Following is a table of depths of water at entrance and at wharves and quays of all important ports in the world. The figures given are at mean high water. The table is compiled by E. Corthell, civil engineer: 'Channel Quay depth, depth, existing max. Port and 'Country-- feet. feet. Aberdeen; Scotland .....-.:%.. 24 6 Miexandria. "Reyppy sacs. sss oo. 30 26 PAUBIORS ANI DCIIA cnc G sete ae chs 0 ore ve, 22 Amsterdam (canal), Holland... 30 30 Antwetp, Belgium 95. ... 50.005 3" 52 52 Auckland, New Zealand........ 43 36 Baltimore, United States....... 31:5 BSS Banvor.- United: States. 1-6. 5... 31 34 Barcelonay ne spain | sce. eat 24 20 Barry Docks, England......... x) 29 Bath, "United. States... fi. 2% 30 30 Belfast sbrelands oo sce caves 25.5 34.5 Bergen, . Norway *..:+.:....-.-.- 27 27 Bilhoase Spates ess ee os 28) 27. BIZEE ag ITS als seis coke 6 eure sacs 30 26 Boston, Wnited= Statesoe... 02>. 36.6 36.6 BOUlO gies EN rance ..) Wises et cite s cks 28 hehe Bremen, Germany? -.. 0002s cece ay ae Bremerhaven, Germany ........ 34 34 Brest. Mranee wee eee es ee 39 37 Bain disiv: italy Ge eee woe ee 26 of sBustol, Boland: 2106s iee ae ve oe 36 37 Brunswick, United States...... 29:3 23 Buenos Ayres, Argentina ...... Bord: Se Caleutta, "India es ves 275 QF (Cardithe Wales oe we ti 35 35 i(etheyMrance es ins oe tee Sie, 23 23 Charleston, | United: States... . 25 35 iCherboure..\ "Prance.. 0. Deep anchorage .. Christiania,, Notway-<.:... eo. 28 20 Civitas Vecchia, [talyi.. ios oe. 28 13 Colon, Columbia 0.0. ee 42 27 Columbia River, United States... 36 -- Constantinople, Turkey.......... 150 30 Constanza, sRoOMManian set sae ck 28 = Copenhagen, Denmark...,...... 26 26 (Corinth Canal, Greece. 2.2%. . -: 26 -- Danzice. Germanys oF oe) ee). 22 ES Dieppe Frances. ices oc ee ee es 28 23 Dublin alreland wesc. Cee be. 26 35 Dandees Scotlands) 0.4. ase. oi 3 Dunkin Wrance sb. 2 ho. oe res ee 29 32 Fernandina, United States..:.... 29 29 Migme; Hungary. feo... Deep entrance. 28 Galveston, United States........ 27.8 27.8 Genoa Pity. ie ee es ck 52) 30 Glasgow. Scotland >..s0 0 oe ewe 30 38 Greenock, Scotland. 2.50 6s cc 35 oo Hlelitaxcin Nova) OCOtlA. 2 hice. cle 83 45 Manmpune, .Germanyeos . ose oa 24.6 34.6 Wavrew Hrance sy cisco tee es. 30 = Heyst' (canal), Belgium... ....2. 26.2 26:2 Wonekong.. China. ..i.ises i. ce. -- ao Pigthe Mnimland oh ere. os eee ee en 28 28 Kaiser William (canal) Germany 29.5 - Key West, United States.......: 30 -- Comuosperc: (Canal). sus cs ote TS) -- Wemhorn. italy. oil ire cs wee as 26 19 Pets COUN Gs ve vs ae eee cael 2505 ar Petpet RIGha cen etc ales 22 28 Petsmon ROrtigals.¢.0is ss sce ee ck 39 37.2 Wiverpool, "Eneland...cec.cs ces os 50 56 Bondon, Eimeland.. 0. cca i ye < ees 44 43 Duheck.. Germany. <. ver. os ts. s << 22.5 16 Malwa SOA. s eter es se 30 23 Malmon eS weden. . os. Gries secs os 22 21 Manchester (canal), England.... 26 26 Maracaibo, «Venezuela. -:..2..:.. 15e5 36.5 Miansetilesy BLANC, ove ss\s ce es ss 55 39 Melbourne, Australia........... oe Wiessina, -Ltaly.<. we. «1a. Deep anch. Deep anch Middlesborough, England... 37... 33) 1) 3 Mobile, United: States... 2... <. 25.6 23.6 Montevideo, Uruguay..........: -- ie Montreal, Canada............... 28 . 29 Naples, Italy...... ponte eee neces 33 26 Newcastle, Australia............ 263: 28 Newcastle-on-[yne, England..... 30.5 44.5 New Haven, United States...... 23 22 New Orleans, United States..... 26). oa Newpott, Uuited States: .... 2... 18.7 16.7 Newport News, United States... 28.7 32.7 New York, United States....... 34.6 eS Norfolk, United States.......... 30:72 307 Odessa; Russia. .... 202. feces eee 30 25 Ostend, Belgium, :i....% 055.5. « oh 33 Palermo, Italy....3 Noes Serres 28 22 Pensacola, United States........ 32.6 29.4 Philadelphia, United States...... 28 32 Portland, Ore., United States.... 24 24 Portland, Me., United States.... 39.3 38.3 Port Lyttelton, New Zealand.... 26 26 Port' Natal, South: Africa..:7...... 26 26 Port Royal, United States...... 25.3 28.3 Port Said; Airica.;.......--.25 30 30 Port "Lampa, Plas. 2). «cies seis + are 24 oe Portsmouth, « England. .).:....... 30 30 Portsmouth, United States...... 49 49 Providence, United States....... 29.4 31.4 Quebec, Canada............+---. 92 42 Rangoon, India..............-+ 90 30 Riga, Russia..:..-:-.- 2-50. +e% 22 20 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil........... 34 -- Rostock, Germany.............. 17 16 Rotterdam, Holland......-....... 27.8 g3°8 Sabine Pass, United States...... 26.5 26.5 St. John, New Brunswick....... 36 48 St. Johns, Newfoundland........ 33.8 33.8 St. Petersburg, Russia. ......... 20.5 20.5 San Diego, United States........ 35.5 51.9 San Francisco, United States.... 39.2 39.2 Soo Canal, United States........ 21 -- Soo Canal; Canadas ys... eee 21 -- Savona, Italy... 0.0... eee ee oe 26 25 Savannah, United States........ 24 24 Shanghai, China............++-- 24 -- Southampton, England.......... 41 43 Stettin (canal), Germany........ ao 26 Stockholm, Sweden.............. 30 36 Suez Canal; Meypt... 60. es 28 -- Sulina, Roumania..........--0+: 24 24 Sunderland, England.........-... 26.5 44.5 Sydney, Australia..............> 34.5 35 Tampico, Mexico............++- 27.4 2 Moulom, Wrances .. o.. eso emo 36 ae Mrieste, -AUStrid. 6s. oe ee c's ole 308 Tunis, ee as oe eae bse 30 al Nalparaiso, Chile. 0... ...... 6. 3 --" = Wenice italy. yess oe tee es os 26 a Weta Griz Mexico... a. 3e es 31.5 31. Wictotia, Catlada. 2c... hes... 38 38 Washington, United States...... 22.5 re Wilmington, N. C., United States 22.5 22. Yokohama, Japam..........-..-. 30. 30 Average channel depth at mean high a water at [26- pOtts.....%....... aeveees 31: Average quay depth at mean high water at 106 pomtes. <0... oe see es ert aaa Depth at Constantinople taken......+-++: rc Depth at -Dieppe..-.-.-.-.-- os orem 2 * 'Average 31:63 with Constantinople.....- 150. Average 30.66 without Constantinople.... The Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway Co. has annonnced its intention to construct a large export lumber dock at Tacoma. The dock will be about 300 ft. long and 175 ft. wide and will be fitted with the best facilities for handling lumber. 'This arrangement will give the railway fully 1,000 ft. of dockage on the west side of the watet- -- way and 500 ft. on the east side, all of which will be completed during the summer. An order-in-council recently 1S- sued amending subsection b, article 28, of the Canadian Rules of the Road for the Great Lakes, which provides that @ danger signal shall be "several short and rapid blasts, not less than four of the whistle or siren of a steam vessel," 1 read "several short and rapid blasts of the whistle, not less than five." was