62 SHIP YARD NOTES. John W. Dickie & Sons, San Fran- cisco, Cal., recently overhauled the steam schooner Rainier. She was given a new deck and the house was stiffened by adding diagonal straps. The Tebo Yacht Basin Co., Brook- lyn, N. Y., is getting out the timbers for the non-magnetic yacht Carnegie from a grove of large trees near Jamaica, Long Island, within the confines of greater New York. It is reported that Philip Sloan, the well-known shipbuilder of Seattle, Wash., contemplates entering the shipbuilding and repair business at Tacoma, if a suitable site can be secured for the location of such a plant. The Union Iron Works, San Fran- cisco, Cal. was the successful bidder for effecting repairs to the lighthouse tender Kukui, bids for which were opened Feb. 6, its figure being $677. Other bidders were United Engineer- ing Works, $706; W. A. Boole & Son, $712. ~The American liner St, Louis was dry docked at the New York navy yard Feb, 10, in order to ascertain just what damage she had sustained in losing part of her rudder during her rough voyage across the Atlantic. It developed that the rudder post was not injured and it was only mneces- sary to fit the vessel with a.new rudder. While in dry dock she was also given a new coat of paint. There are three schooners under construction at Port Greville, Nova Scotia, one of 250 registered tons by G. M. Cochrane, one of 400 registered tons by Capt. George E. Bentley, and one of 275 registered tons by H. Elderkin & Co. At Parrsboro, N. S., Thomas Trahey & Son are building a schooner of 125 registered toris and Thomas McLaughlin is about to launch one of 150 registered tons. -- James Rees & Sons Co., Pittsburg, Pa., has shipped a knocked down steel tug to Cairo, Egypt, for service on the upper Nile. The boat, which is a stern wheeler, has been christened Egypt. She is 140 ft. long, 26 ft. beam and 4% ft. deep, with 21 water- tight compartments. Her engines are of the cross compound type. The Egypt will be assembled at her des- tination by workmen sent by the Rees company for that purpose. Bids received by Major H. Jervey,. corps of engineers, United States army, opened Feb, 11, at Mobile, Ala., for the construction of 61. wooden pontoons, were as follows: Ollinger & Bruce Dry Dock Co., Mobile, Ala., The Marine Review $16,000; A. F, Chastant & Sidoine E. Krebs, Scranton, Miss., $12,500; John- son Iron Works, Lta., New Orleans, La., $21,399; General Contract Co., New Orleans, La., $22,082; Gulfport Towing Co. Gulfport, Miss., $10,710; - N. M. Flechas, Scranton, Miss., $9,- 800; Thomas M. Favre, Gulfport, Miss., $9,120.22; Charles G. Ollinger, Mobile, Ala., $10,239; Gulf Dry Dock Co., Mobile, Ala., $10,991; Salmen Brick & Lumber Co., Ltd., New Or- leans, La., $26,000. Charlies R. McCormick & Co, of San Francisco, Cal., are to have a new steamer built at the yard of the H. D. Bendixsen Shipbuilding Co., Eureka, Cal. She will be of the steam schoon- er type 200 ft. in length and will have a capacity of 1,000,000 ft. of lumber. The new vessel will cost about $135,- 000. The McCormick Co. is the own- er of the steam schooner Yosemite which cost $110,000 to build and in two years and eight months earned $94,000 clear. The Risdon Iron Works, San Fran- cisco, Cal., was awarded the contract for repairing the steamer Admiral Sampson, which was recently pur- chased by the Alaska Pacific Steam- ship Co., on the Atlantic and taken around to San Francisco. The repairs to be made include fitting the vesse| with oil-burning apparatus, the con- struction of a steel house aft to, ac commodate 90 second cabin passen- gers, an increase of accommodations' for first class passengers to the num. ber of 84, and a new forecastle. The contract calls for the completion of the work in 45 consecutive days. The bid of the Risdon Iron Works was in the neighborhood of $75,000. Other bidders were the Moran Co., Seattle, Wash.; Union Iron Works, Moore & Scott Iron Works, United Engineer. ing Works, Boole Bros,, all of San Francisco. : oe William Cryer, East Oakland, Cal," launched the gasoline passenger boat Duchess recently. She is building for Lauritzen Bros., of Antioch, Cal., and is 85 ft. long over all, 15 ft. beam and 9 ft. depth of hold. The Duchess is of wood construction and is to be fitted with a 125-horsepower Atlas marine engine. She will have excel- lent accommodations for passengers, including a special cabin for Japanese, an entirely new departure on western craft. SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. The monthly summary of naval construction, issued by the bureau of construction and. repair, shows the following progress upon vessels: --1909-- Name of Vessel. Building at-- rie 1. eer a 3 BATTLESHIPS. South Carolina......sssseesceeeeee Wins 'Cramp & Sons: .% <3)... 2.2... 75.1 WCRI GAN. Cais c elec ess cece ec ene New York SB. ©o..5 2.6... 85.1 $97 Delawater: ool sec cues vec cede fees: Newport News S. B. Co.......... 59.0 64.1 North Dakotas iis casos owe eas More: River S.4Be COicc dese gieeles 67.4 70.6 lOridae si ses os ooo he wees vce ols Wavy. Yard; New "York..........: Se: 3.3 Utah..... ee te ese ae oes New. Vor: Ss. B. (Go.. cae c ss ce aoa: gal TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS. DMEM esses eG ee oe esc ee ses « wor Wime Cramp & Sons oss. cs cc es © 62.8 65.2 NEAMSOMN os cya ccs hs ro sss Cans eels Wms Cramp. & Sonss 5.5 5 sss oe 61.8 63.8 PrEStOW iss vse veec es os ie vale' CNG WwouNV ork. S Bi CO,.. ccc. cee 57.9 59.3 Flusser Doce pete Ses oie 6 goo alsie ss dis Bath rom WorkSs. occ c scat ce ea e's 50.0 55.3 Reid... Mee Oe hee Oc goose eC Uley sre opine Bath Iron Works..... Se. es 48.5 54.6 PPAUIGINE: cove cle vc vie vs Meee eee an Bath Iron Works... -. ccs ss ese Ss 3.0 3.7 WD PAVLOM GS ob cc neo e so oes eck s wes on Bath ion Works: .. c.. ss cc cass. s 3.0 3.7 ROC ee as ses dee Newport News S. B. Co.......... 4.6 10.2 POUY. ees n sc ences serene Pec cea Newport News S. B. Co.......... 4.8 9.5 Perkins....... Sees shee cee: Ae Fore River S, BisCo. 3. cs... ss 38 6.7 Sterrett...<.. Rite aleicis s.slcte soca icles sis Hore: River Sic Bs Conse cc. . ieee OS 6.7 WCCO, Goce eevee cence ee ee New York: Gi:Bi-Coenicis reece 84 5.8 Burrows Pics Ree Ti eks relelneieaee cc cum ecs New York) 6: 9BV-Co. ... v. eds. Lae se O83 5.8 'Warrington..... Peele souls vceee Wim. Cramp: & Sons... 05. ccc: eens 6.2 NAV CAT ccc c cee ks cess s secs Wm: Cramp & Sons... ...0......< Rens 6.5 SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. POMOC As es sss ce cco ce veces Hore River: S. B...Co.......0...<5 68.0 69.9 TALPOWs Cee coe esc vege tence Pore River S. 3. Co... ss... ie. ee 66.9 71.0 ponitay. ss Phi es See ola ole o Bore River S; Be Go.) ... cin cae 63.0 68.4 ONAPPCN eis vc ccc cece eck Resor a aeace Wore: River S..-B. Co... cen cocces 62.3 65.6 Dee. ences Pore Bivee'S 8. €o........1.... 58.7 zy (OGAVIIN GY oe secs cee cs ee cee s move khiver. S. BeCo. . os... cece es 57.4 64.7 Salmon' 4500. Macey ease cee < « Move; Riven Si. Bi Co... cece cee cs 54.9 61.3 Sealy Takersub, T. Bo... .5.: soc. 5. Newport News S. B. Co.......... xe eee COLLIERS. VOSA co si ce ces osc sels eae Navy Yard, New York 98.5 98.6 Prometheus) ....:.. Sanco nse: -»-+Navy Yard, Mare Island... oat 98.5 98.5 TUG BOATS. Patapsco...... Nav Ties cura caes aietecamant yy Yard; Portsmouth. ie 6 eees .s 90.0 97.0 WO yess sss es sess+s Navy Yatd, Norfolk..........0.0: 97.0 98.0