Re ale NO donment of "TAE Marine REVIEW Iron Ore Shipments During 1908. The complete returns covering the shipments of ore from the Lake Su- perior district during the year 1908 show that there was moved by lake and by rail 26,014,987 tons exclusive of 148,000 tons shipped from the Helen mine via Michipicoton. Of the total given 587,893 tons was shipped all-rail. All-rail shipments are chiefly from the Mesabi range to the Zenith furnace at Duluth, from the Newport and Hemlock mines to Mayville, from the Illinois and Mayville mines in Wisconsin to Chicago and Mayville and from some of the Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co's Marquette range mines to the charcoal furnaces of Michigan. The total shipment is rather larger than generally anticipated and repre- sents the maximum predictions for the year. As compared with 1907, there was a falling off of 16,251,681 tons or a little more than one-third. The Oliver Iron Mining Co. shipped 14,123,957 tons as compared with 22,- 710,898 tons last year, a decrease in about the same ratio as the decrease in the total shipments, so that the proportion of production by the steel corporation shows no_ appreciable change from the 56 per cent of a year ago. From the Marquette and Menominee ranges there was shipped but little more than one-half as much ore as in 1908. A better proportion was main- tained from the Gogebic range. For the first time since 1894, the shipments from the Vermilion range fell below 1,000,000 tons. This was due to a general curtailment and to the aban- the historic Chandler mine, whose period of activity extend- ed over 20 years yielding about 10,- 000,000 tons of ore. The Mesabi range, whose shipments ordinarily include several totals of more than 1,090,000 tons from individual mines, records such shipments from only three mines. The Hull-Rust, Fayal and Burt prop- erties shipped almost up to their 1908 records and sent out 2,926,683, 1,439,- 879 and 1,460,998 tons respectively. How rapidly the requirements and status of the mining situation may change is well illustrated by the fact that the Mountain Iron mine which until 1907 was the largest producer, shipping 2,563,111 tons, was called up- on last. year for . only 206,698 tons. The record in detail of the shipments for the past year is given by the ac- companying figures. The properties producing for the first time in 1908 include the" Wash- ington on the Marquette range; Kel- logg, Sliver. and. Sweeney on the Mesabi, and on the Menominee range the Berkshire and Zimmerman. Sev- eral mines from which no ore has been taken for many years are cred- ited with shipments for 1908, including the Mitchell on the Marquette, the Minnewas on the Mesabi, and the Gibson and Quinnesec on the Menom- inee range. The aggregate shipment from the new and rejuvenated prop- erties amounted to 131,595 tons. -- For the first time the shipments of the Mayville mine are included in the supplement which will accompany the next issue. This mine has been operating since 1892 and has produced a total of 345,088 tons, the ore being shipped to the furnaces of the Northwestern Iron Co., by which interest the mine is owned, Owing to the fact that the annual chart giving ore shipments in detail. has been standing for many years, some typographical errors crept in and to cor- rect these and make other revisions, the time of publication has been delayed longer than usual. SHIPMENTS BY RANGES, GROSS TONS. 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 Marquette. Range 2.¢3). 1. 2,414,632 4,388,073 4,057,187. A;215,9/72 2,843,703 3,040,245 Menominee Range ......... 2,679,156 4,964,728 5,109,088 4,495,451 3,074,848 3,749,567 Gogebic ~ Range os. eo ee 2,699,856 3,637,102 3,643,514 3,705,207 2,398,287 2,912,708 Vermillion Range. 240.2646 841,544 1,685,267 15792,355 1,677,186 12282,513 1,676,699 Mésabi: Rance aso since cca 17,257,350 27,495,708 23,819,029 20,158,699 12,156,008 12,892,542 Miscellaneouss< scc.. es kes 122,449 95,790 144,589 132,001 ~ 94,042 «36,749 POtA oe yee tess 26,014,987 42,266,668 38,565,762 34,384,116 21,849,401 24,308,510 : : SHIPMENTS BY PORTS AND ALL-RAIL, GROSS TONS. 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 Hsearnabe 6 57 isc oe sts 3,351,502 5,761,988 5,851,050 5,307,938 3,644,267 4,277,561 Marquette: 6 is ak os eo 1,487,487 3,013,826 2.791.033 2,977,828 1,907,301 2,007,346 SAN eos on See Gels 2.513.670 3,436,867 3,388,106 3,485,344 2,288,400 2,822,915 Wwwoe Tarborses) ce ay es 5,702,237 8,188,906 8,180,125 7,779,850 an68nt migeere Gladstone 25 6 ce oma Sees agit Ce ee er eee ; Super «65 ee 3,564,030 7,440,386 6,083,057 5,118,385 4,169,990 3,978,579 Waheed he ee hoe Ss 8,808,168 13,448,736 11,220,218 8,807,559 4,649,611 5,356,473 "Lotal by. lake-. ..- 0. <3. 25,427,094 41,288,755 37,513,589 33,476,904 21,226,664 23,649,550 'Otel by. Tail. fe... sss 587,893 975.959. 4,052:173. -* 907,212 622,737 659,164 .» 26,014,987 42,266,668 38,565,762 34,384,116 21,849,401 24,308,810 TEOtal es seers ic ue The chart will ap--- 19 pear as a supplement to the issue of March 18. Production by Mines. GOGEBIC RANGE. Hue 163,020 Anvil <3... 35,937 Hull-Rust 2,926,683 Ashland =: 43: (259,611 Iroquois «42, - Jol071 Atlantic 2. 22; 41,465 Jennings 18,313 Brotherton 96,776 Jordan 118,529 Cary Ce ied Kellogg 31,331 Superior)... 96,358 Kinney 176,510 Colby. 4 "58,305 La Belle, 51,638 Eureka sae) 122,004, Larkin... Bez Iron Belt 7: 2,508 sora) i 14,030 Ironton 92,932 La Rue 79,313 Mikado. 86,617 Laura 176,725 Montreal 177,006 Leetonia 289,490 Newport 579,390 Lincoln , 379,219 Norrie Group 773,243 McKinley 1,399 Ottawa (QOd- Mahoning 611,592 Nala sera. 33,093) Malta a, 93,072 Pike Gr eae 6,303 Mariska 30,226 Sunday Lake 111,130 Miller 1... 224,321 Tilden <.... ° 111,184 Minngwas -525 Yale (West Minorca 80,330 Colby). 14,874. Mohawk 119,439 -------- Morris 528,154 Total . 2,699,856 Morrow L571 MARQUETTE RANGE. Mtn. Iron 206,698 American 23,2232 (Miveree st. 150,249 Austin 111,229 Onandaga' 30,887 Beaufort Pettit. es 57,140 (Ohio) 61,035 Pillsbury 59,889 Breitung Rust = 125.6% 227,079 Hens eNO. 2 55,849 Sellers 354,780 Cambria 85,977 Shenango 461,887 Champion . 313 Sliver 49,291 Cleve'd-Cliffs Spring 20,516 Group 438,379 Spruce 430,633 Empire, =... 53,537 Stevenson 516,770 Hartford . 278,366 Susquehanna 182,352 Imperial 48,231 Sweeney 7,979 Lake Ange- Tener osc. 174,033 line see. 220-410 "Uroy <7 e, 40,283 Lake Supe- Union 20,937 TOL ee 261 955: Utican a7... 57,194 Tillie: cee 8,632 Victoria 21,310 Lucy (Mc- Virginia (Oli- 'Cumber).. 1,115 Very es oe . 661,329 Mia aS <2 sae cae 29,036 Webb. 19,610 Mary Char- _ . Winnifred lotte os s.. 99,104 (Day) 61,341 Mitchell 11,539 Yates: 3... 86,308 Negatinee . 232,219 Yawkey 84,446 Princeton ar (Swanzy).. 36,033 Total... 175257,300 Oueen (Blue) 104,098 MENOMINEE RANGE. Republic. ... 67,999 Aragon 226,354 Richmond . 60,994 Baltic ...... 129,037 Rolling Mill, 52,147 Berkshire 3,440 Stephenson 52,588 Bristol 190,300 Washington . 20,625 Calumet 15,222 Caspian 102,628 Total . 2,414,632 'Chapin 391,620 VERMILLION RANGE. Chatham... 45,826 'Chandler 50,639 Crystal Fall. 296 Pioneer 477,506 Dober (River- Savoy 82,521 fon) 47,073 Sibley » 127,544 Dunn ....« 8,829 Soudan (Min- Florence 140,354 nesota) 53,070 Fogarty 32,560 Zenith 50,264 Gibson ....- 4,548 Great West- Total $41,544 ern =. -- 124,246 MESABI RANGE. Groveland 9,123 Adams 765,592 Hemlock 83,834 Adriatic 108,129 Hiawatha 138,190 Agnew 164,486 Hollister ~ 10,671 Albany 64,860 James .---+ 59.760 Alberta 51,143 Loretto . 13,354 Alexander 35,747 Mansfield 44,633 Bessemer 120,350 Michigan... 603 Biwabik 365,781 Millie (Hew- : Brunt 636 ith) = see 3,322 Bart 2. es 1,460,998 Munro 27,113 'Canisteo 2,760 Nanaimo 305 'Chisholm 228,386 Penn Iron Cincinnati 4,790 Mining Co. 176,211 Clark oa, 334,594 Pewabic . 365,341 'Commodore 116,069 Quinnesec 1,410 Corsica 77,674 Saginaw (Per- 'Crosby 152,084 kins) 38,669 Croxton 154,868 Tobin ....:. 161,642 'Cyprus 115,745 Vivian 10,056 Duluth 149,185 Youngs 70,094 Mlbac.e- 147,916 Zimmerman . 1,832 Maval: (sa oes 1,439,879 Herest _ 2,420 Total = 15 2, 0n 20 Fowler 21,511 Grand Total.26,014,987 Franklin 8,246 MISCELLANEOUS. Gilbert 336,927 (In Wisconsin. ) Cian 272,142 Mayville 341 Hartley ere Pinois . ...+-. 51,108 in 248,24 thee 1682 Total. ...-+ 122,449