' : or London office as may be most con- venient in each instance. The appearance of this craft will be striking, as she will be painted black, her house and _ skylights will be teak, the awnings khaki, and with the two large stacks and good freeboard will suggest power and speed in every line. LOG OF WRECKER FAVORITE. The. Great Lakes. Towing Co. has issued as a souvenir the wrecker Favorite's log for the season of 1908. This log was published in the Marine Review of January 7, Ship Building issue, but those who are the recipients of the souvenir will be glad to pre- serve it. It is put together. in the most attractive manner. The souvenir is illustrated, not with half-tones, but with platinum photographs from orig- inal negatives. There are 15 of these . photographs illustrating various parts of the ship. The photographs of wrecking equipment and of the ma- chinery are. especially good. The souvenir closes with a_ facsimile let- ter from Capt, W.-W. Smith, marine superintendent of the Pittsburg Steamship Co., in which he commends the work of the Favorite highly. The concluding picture is an_ excellent portrait of Capt. W..W. Smith. AROUND THE GREAT LAKES. Mr, Godfrey Morgan has been ap- pointed manager of the Kellogg ele- vators to succeed. Mr. George E. Pierce who takes charge of the Wheeler ele- vators. The Northern Michigan Transporta- tion Co. purchased the light-house tend- er Dahlia at the auction sale last week for $5,400. The Dahlia was built in 'Philadelphia 35 years ago for service on the great lakes. The Great Lakes Steamship Co., To- ronto, Ont., which is a recent incor- poration, will engage in the operation of steamers in the lake trade. Nego- tiations are under. way for the construc- tion of one or more steamers for de- livery next spring. Bids were received by Major Charles Kellar on March 5 for improving St. Joseph Harbor and river, Michigan, as follows: The Green Stone & Quarrying Co., Sawyer, Wis., $2,714.40; Thomas H; Smith, Sturgeon Bay, Wis., $2,954.64; Bennett-Schnorbach Co., Muskegon, Mich., $3,042.00; Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Co., Chicago, Ill., $3,962.40. For improving South Haven Harbor, Mich., bids were received as follows: Thomas H. Smith, Sturgeon Bay, Wis., $3,598.95 ; Bennett-Schnorbach Co., Muskegon, Mich., $3,780.00; Great Lakes Dredge & . Dock Co., Chicago, $4,169.70. Sch. Julia B. Merrill 'TAE. Marine REVIEW 23 Appointments of Masters and Engineers of Lake Steamers. ALGER, SMITH & CO., DETROIT, MICH. VESSEL. CAPTAIN. ENGINEER. Str. Gettysburg Norman McGuire James Kimberley ARGO STEAMSHIP CO., CLEVELAND, 0. Sir: Argo 7 George Cottrell ~ )ooachem W. W. Randall ------ Bge. George Owen KR. ©; Sith ASHLEY & DUSTIN, DETROIT, MICH. Str.° Frank Eo Kirby AG Jo Fos Julius Holder J. E. BALL, MGR., MILLER STEAMSHIP CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Sire PoP Winter Frank Weinheimer William C. McDougall JOHN J. BARLUM, M. 0., POSTAL STEAMSHIP CO., DETROIT, MICH. - str... Thomas Barium A.: J. Mahon John Hughes . Johb je Barlom M. J. McIntosh Terence O'Connor C. BECK MFG. CO., LTD., PENETANGUISHENE, ONT. St. Bge. C. W. Chamberlain Bert Burke William H. Carefoot : GEORGE F. BELL, TOLEDO, 0. : Andrew Haganey C. F. BIELMAN, DETROIT, MICH. Jonn: G. "Ivers Alex Alex Wheelan BUFFALO DREDGING CO., BUFFALO, N. Y, a Tug Charles E. Williams Murry S. Maines . James H. Martin "Pliny B. McNaughton Thomas Green Joseph Morris oo) Walla 1: Inidicn William G, Fox William H. Calland THE CALVIN CO., GARDEN ISLAND, ONT. Bge. Charles Wall Str.c. Gok. Bielman Str. "Prinee Rupert A. H.. Malone RK... Veen "Simla P. Sullivan R. Mullen linge Charles Coons Te Sonat © ae Dp), Aalvig --_--_-- es we (CHiettain Co He; Phelix Thomas Gray ee Parthis D. Lefave George Sauve Tug Frontenac J. Harris Thomas Campau "Johnston William Phelix -- John Simons Sch. Burma _J. Ferguson ~ Ceylon C. Beaupre THE CANADIAN LAKE & OCEAN NAVIGATION CO., LTD., TORONTO, ONT. Stre "Scottish "herd Peter McIntyre R. R. Foote eo Purret Court Robert McIntyre L. McMillan o Vuarret Cape R. D. Simpson P. Bonham Se, dere (aes H. Boult A. E. Kennedy "3 3, Plone, William McLean Robert Chalmers a He Aames A. McIntyre S. Gillespie a (>) PP M,-Pellate W. H. Anderson W:; Hp Durham -- CANADIAN LAKE TRANSPORTATION CO., LTD., TORONTO, ONT. -- Str. Corunna DD. ©. Melbschian H. McDonald " Nevada J. Cavanagh William Linton * -- Agabian J. E. Mann W. H.. Taylor "Kenora William Brian William Byers " "Regina Peter McKay C. J. McSorley « "bagona j..3. Moore Robert W. Ross CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO., WINDSOR, ONT. James Carney Alex McDonald Charles Jenking Fred Merrill CARBRAY, SON & CO., MGRS., QUEBEC, CAN, Henry Russell _ George Adams E, T. CARRINGTON, BAY CITY, MICH. W. H. Bridges CENTRAL CANADA COAL CO., LTD., BROCKVILLE, ONT. Str. Samuel Marshall James Martin William McCabe - CHURCHILL LUMBER CO., ALPENA, MICH, _ Str. W. J. Catter William Ziem Horace Carter COLLINGWOOD SHIPPING CO., LTD. COLLINGWOOD, ONT. H. N. Smith Moses. Johnston M, J.'CUMMINGS, OSWEGO, N. Y. Str. Western: Star. © Edward Hendricks ' Charles Moderson ' DAVIDSON-GALLMEYER LUMBER CO., TOLEDO, 0. William McQuinn J. R. DAVOCK & CO., MGRS., CLEVELAND, 0. Str. Rufus P. Ranney Henry W. Stone Robert C. Cummings CAPT. FRANK F. DESOT, TONAWANDA, N. Y. Frank F. Desot ' C.F. Ontario C. F. Michigan Str. Russell Sage Bee. Allegheny Str.. Wasaga Sch. Commodore