34 A costly fire occurred on the new freight and passenger steamer Texas of the Norway and Mexican Gulf Steam- ship Co. as she was on her maiden voyage from Christiana to Havana. The Texas put into Savannah, Ga., with fire eating through her cargo of paper and carbides. Although strenuous efforts were made to check the flames it was only accomplished after a serious loss and considerable damage to the vessel. The Temagami Navigation & Hotel Co., Ltd., has given an order to the Tor- onto Ship Yards, Toronto, for a small passenger boat for Lake Temagami, to be 75 ft. long, 12 ft. beam and 7 ft. deep. She is to be equipped with a triple-expansion engine, supplied with 'steam from a Mosher water- tube boiler, and is to be ready for the coming season's business. LUMBER AND COAL BARGES Donaldson and Fannie Neil for sale, well equipped with hawser_ Ines, pumps, boilers, siphons, yawls and tools. Class a 2 straight. Carrying capacity either boat 900 ton coal, 550,000 to 600,090 ft. lumber. Price each: boat, $4,000. Address J. U. Karr, 1330 West Eleventh _ street, Cleveland, O. THREE SEA-GOING SUCTION hopper dredges ffor sale. These dredges are capable of dumping at sea or pumping ashore without alter- ation. 500 cu. yds. hopper capacity each. These dredges are built of iron and in first class condition, are fully equipped with modern machin- 'ery, electric lighting, etc. Address © -(.. Crandall' (307 'Trust. building, Galveston, Tex, THe Marine REVIEW The British torpedo boat destroyer Tartar, using liquid fuel and steam- ing under war conditions, has recently exceeded 38 knots an hour, thus eclipsing her official trial record, SUMMARY OF NAV AL CONSTRUCTION. made Dec. 6, in which she made be. tween 35 and 36 knots. The 'Tartar is a sister ship to the Mohawk, each being 270 ft. long and fitted with en- gines of 14,500 horsepower. The monthly summary of naval construction, issued by the bureau of construction and repair, shows the following progress upon vessels: : " --1909-- ' moa er Cent of Completion. Name of Vessel. Building at-- Feb... 4, Shar 2 BATTLESHIPS: South Carolina... ...eseesseeeeees Wm. Cramp & Sons.......-----+> 78.9 : 82.3 Michipan..<.52 cess ce. och eee ccs 3 New. York S. B. Coy... ee. ee 89.7 93.0 Delaware. . vrs cs eee ee eran He ees ai Newport News S. B. Co........-.. 64.1 68.5 North Dakota.....ssecccececseeees Fore River. GS. Be COs aa ss 70.6 74.5 WlOrida ss hess ce ba vee ee Ree Sette ss Navy Yard, New York........... 373 48 UWiahs ee ad Sem ste cated New. York 8. B.. Coss. i. eens 331 56 TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS. Simitli cies eae pees eit eee Wm. Cramp & Sons........- ehcey ee 65.2 67.8 TAMSONs ns eect rec eens ee Wm. Cramp & Sons....---+++--+- 63.8 66.3 Preston oes ee ces eee ee eee eens New York S. B..Co... 0.5... oe: 59.3 60.2 Plusserecfoc soos 0s cole ee ce ee ce Bath Iron Works........+--+++-+- 29:0 60.6 PRET ove oe vo digce oe ine ere nimraceie ease Bath Iron Works.......----+--+-++> 54.6 60.0 " Paulding... . Upon Cates CaS Bath iron Works....2 56.5469 e00s 337 5.0 Drayton ec. ee ee seen ces nee es Bath Iron Works... oc. ccs see ee 3:7 5.0 Roeeevce. eet ees Pete a saa wie ste ote Newport News S. B. Co........-- 10.2 17.6 TERT ee eae eee cee se Newport News S. B. Co.......... 9.5 A Perkins cine co hae ae cera es Fore River S. B. Co.........-5+. 6.7 TET. Sterretteny ser ec 6 cir se ieiare sepsis si Pore River S-: B: Co. ss fs os. sss 5 6.7 1.7 McCall aie oars oe we ee ce New Work 09: be COe Sci veces sire 5.8 8.2 Burrows: 0 Sooo eee ees ce ee New Work S$. Bi GOs seca tee t 5.8 8.1 WALTHINGTOMG ccs ects se cee es wes Wm. Cramp & Sons....-.-----++> 6.2 8.4 Mayrant vo. +. «: Poche eeuete in eaters Wm. Cramp & Sons......-..--++> 6.5 8.1 SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. GtinGtav aii co ck latest es eens Fore River S. Be Coc. we... us 69.9 Ti TATPONG hates creas eet es cs Fore River S. B. Co...........-. 7150 76.2 Bonitancs os re ease ee cna More River S. B. Co... ..-..2-35- 68.4 71.5 Saappehs ic: cece sce os os Rote ore' River Ss Be Connie see se 65.6 71.0 Norwhal PR ee weg Sha bie Mite w eute re Bore: River S. Br Cow seer cscs 70.0 74.4 Grain coi eG ot ces une eae 8 Fore: River S. Be Co... 13... dass 64.7 70.7 GalmOns cee his sae ee spe eo wie Pore iver S B. CO. vce ee nes 61.3 64.2 Seal, 'EakesSubs Te Boo. os Newport News S. B. Co........-- 0.0 4.6 COLLIERS. VieSta li ree fas cos sce ee et oe Navy. Yard, (New, York... 20.0.4... 98.6 98.6 Prometheus .6. 4 re. ee ee Navy Yard, Mare Island.......... 98.5 98.5 TUG BOATS. PatanSeOs cise sis ateiee icicle bares so pis ols Navy. Yard, Portsmouth. <.° .....<. 97.0 98.5 Patuxent ed phn asics oa eas wae 3 Navy. Yard, Nortolk 7... 60... 98.0 99.0 Lake City, Minn. GILLETT & EATON Who Wants to Buy or Sell MACHINERY A Patented and Superior Engine Write for catalog and prices State size desired PADDLE-WHEEL RIVER-BOAT a boat--wants a position--or is in need of first-class help in any phase of marine work? The liner page places you in direct communication with people who closely scan the '"'For Sale" and ' Wanted" columns. The cost is a trifle ¢1linch 1 time-i dollar THE MARINE REVIEW Cleveland, O. Howard H. Baker & Co. BUFFALO, N. Y. HATCH COVERS -- Made o: ack: os Waterproof Flax Duck WILLCOX, PECK & HUGHES Average Adjusters Insurance Brokers 3 South William Street NEW YORK HULLS AND CARGOES We place insurances in the most advantageous markets, and have unequaled facilities for procuring, in the inter- ests of our clients, the best obtainable rates and terms from the strongest Foreign and Home companies. BRANCHES: Cleveland Chicago Buffalo New Orleans Represented by C. T. BOWRING & CO., (Insurance) LTD. Winchester House and at "Lloyd's", London WE REPRESENT THE ASSURED