COAL DOCKS AT UPPER LAKE PORTS. Algonac, Mich.-- A. M. Smith, dock with steam hoist. Alpena, Mich.-- Bedford & Co., steam hoist and bucket. Alpena Coal Co., steam. hoist and bucket. Ashland, Wis.-- Clarkson Coal & Dock Co., has 22 ft. of water; three McMyler clamshell hoists, two of two tons each and one of one and one-half tons capacity, unloading 3,000 tons per 24 hours; storage capacity of dock, 75,000 tons; night and day shifts. C. Reiss Coal Co., has 22 ft. of water; two Mead clamshells of one ton each, five Hunt buckets, three of which are of one ton capacity each; storage capacity of dock, 80,000 tons; night and day shifts. This dock is owned by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway and is operated under lease. C. Reiss Coal Co., has 22 ft. of water; four one-ton bucket rigs, capable of unloading 1,000 tons in ten hours; storage capacity of dock, 50.000 tons. This dock is operated under a lease from the Wisconsin Central Railway. C. Reiss Coal. Co. 14 ft. of water; two buckets of one ton capacity each and one one- ton clamshell, capable of unloading 1.000 tons in ten hours; storage capacity of dock, 30,000 tons. This dock is operated under a lease from the Ohio Coal & Dock Co. Northwestern Co-Operative Coal & Dock Co., has 19 ft. of water; whirley rig with one-ton bucket, also a one-ton clamshell; can unload 1,000 tons per 24 hours; storage capacity of dock, 10,000 tons. Bay City, Mich.-- HP. Voting: 13 "ft: of: water: Charles Mitchell. Charles Clute. Robert Bentel. Hecla Portland Cement Co., private dock, 18 ft. of water. Bruce Mines, Ont.-- Aberdeen Development Co., Ltd., hoist. and buckets capable of unloading 400 to 500 tons per day. ©. Charlevoix, Mich.-- Charlevoix Coal. & Wood Co., no equipment. Chicago, Ill.-- Delaware. Lackawanna & Western Reo R,: Co., two docks--35th street dock, south fork of south branch of Chicago river at 35th and Iron streets, has two Mead _ hoists,' capacity per hour, 250 tons, storage cavacity for anthra- cite coal, under cover, 100.000 tons. Division street dock, north branch of Chicago River at Division street, has two Mead hoists, capacity per hour 250 tons, storage capacity for anthra- _ cite coal, under cover, 40,000 tons. FE. L. Hedstrom & Co., two docks--South. Chicago dock. on the Calumet river at 95th street, three Mead hoists with crab or clamshell buckets, capacity 275 tons per hour. North avenue dock, on north branch of Chicago river, two Mead hoists, capacity 200 tons per hour. O. S. Richardson Coal Co., two docks--one on the north branch of Chicago river, at 273 Elston avenue, just north of Division street on the main river, has two Mead movable towers, eauinned with grab buckets: cable sys- tem for distribution to yard; canacity of plant 200 tons per hour. The other dock is on the south branch, at 2423 South Halsted street, has two Mead movable towers equinned with grab buckets; cable system for distribution to yard; canacity of plant 200 tons ver hour. Eureka Coal & Rock Co., 146 Clybourn Place. two Mead hoists eauipned with one-ton grab buckets, capacity 125 tons per hour for each hoist. : George Lill Coal Co., 39 to. 67 Chester street. corner Clybourn and Ashland avennes, two Mead-Morrison rigs, capable of handling 300 tons per hour of anthracite or 200 tons per hour of bituminous coal. Lehigh Vallev Coal Co. two docks--one known as the Calumet dock on Calumet river has 19 ft. of water; five: McMyler hoists with a canacity of 180 tons each per hour: storage capacity for 100.000 tons. The other is known as the Clybourn avenue dock. located on the C.. M. & St. P. Railroad. Chicago river. It has from 17 to 18% ft. of water; four Brown hoists with a canacitv of 150 tons each ner hour: canacity of dock. 34,000 tons anthracite and 5.090 tons bituminous. Philadelnhia & Reading Coal & Iron Co., Meade hoists. Collinswood, Ont.-- Collingwood Shinbuilding Co., unload by bucket and steam hoist; also horse power. Corvoration of Collingwood Wharf, unloads by bucket with horse power. : Collingswood Packing Co., unloads by electric nower, working small hoists. Depot Harbor, Ont.-- TAE MARINE REVIEW 15 Appointments of Masters and Engineers of Lake Steamers. PAUL. H. HOEFT, ROGERS CITY, MICH. VESSEL. CAPTAIN. ENGINEER. str. C.F Starke William Crosby Herman Radtke THE HOMEGARDNER SAND CO., SANDUSKY, 0. ; Str. Mary John E. Hess George Moore HUTCHINSON & CO., MGRS., CLEVELAND, 0. Str.*. J; J. Sudlivan William P. Benham -- Did. Hania Sam B. Massey ee "- Joseph G. Butler Jr:: James Murphy a "~o: John Stanton Charles H. Heaton ee " - William <A. Paine Emil Detlefs ee "Martin Mullen O, S. Cody padesamniars EOS SCRE "John A. McGean Charles A. Benham ae ee ee mo oT) aCe John A. Logan Se a Bee ie. '2 eM, eek Herbert Dupuie ee Sch. Abyssinia T. K. Woodward THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., LTD., SARNIA, ONT. Str. Imperial Norman Scott . William Tweedy . Bge. No. 41 Standard Oil Co; of aN ¥; Hans Lunde INDIANA TRANS, CO.; CHICAGO, ILL. Str. Theodore Roosevelt Donald MacLean Edward Purvis " . United) States Edward Evans ; Harry Irwin INTERNATIONAL TRANSIT CO., SAULT STE. MARIE, ONT. Str. Algoma H: A.-.Pocock John Sutherland "Fortune H. Aj Pocock D. B. Smith J. G. E. JACQUES & CO., MGRS., MONTREAL, CAN. Str. . Gity of Ottawa. Jove Trowell William Kennedy '\e~ City of: Montreal... A. «Letepvie Fred Hamelin "~~ Bickerdike Oliver Patenaude Eugene Hamelin KELLEY ISLAND LIME & TRANSPORTATION CO., CLEVELAND, 0. Str. Alvah S. Chisholm Jr. D. Henderson F. Mahaney "RECO "- Andrew Geisendorfer Louis F. Miller re Clinton John Steible Robert Burke 'fo WW, B, Sandets J. H. Wysoon Frank Larsen Bge. D.~ G. Cutler A. Brant «> Norman melley Jk. Tedd... = James. E, Pellett William Kelley "David (NMorat ©. Smith CAPT, HARVEY J. KENDALL, MARYSVILLE, MICH. Str. H. J. Kendall H. J. Kendall George C. Morrison © G M'G. KOCH, SANDUSKY, 0. Str. Annie Laura D. O. Lockhart Jerry Shampaign GILBERT LA CROIX, MT. CLEMENS, MICH. Str." A. D, Hayward George C. Burns 'George Stromble CAPT. PETER LA CROIX, PORT HURON, MICH. _ Tow Bge. William Brake Peter La Croix LAKE ERIE EXCURSION CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. Str. Americana George S. Riley William Steen LAKE MICHIGAN CAR FERRY TRANS. CO., CHICAGO, ILL. Str. . S.° M: Fischer M. J. Emerson Fred Green Bge. Wisc. & Mich., Ry. No. 1. Alex Bohlen LAKE SHORE STONE CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. Str. Topeka Stephen Brownell Chris. G. Olson : " " Hennepin George Coon Charles Habermeier WILLIAM LIVINGSTONE, MGR., DETROIT, MICH. _ Str. Livingstone William Morehead . oer H. M. LOUD'S SONS CO., AU SABLE, MICH. Str. John B. Ketcham N. L. Morrison ------ 4 ide Kongo A. H. Shafer <r MARINE TRANSPORTATION CO., OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Str. Nipigon J. W. Goodrich D. G. Costello MARQUETTE & BESSEMER DOCK & NAV. CO., WALKERVILLE, ONT. - Str. Marquette & Besse- mer, No. 2 R. R. McLeod E. Wood " Marquette & Besse- : pe No. 1 M. M. Rowan Robert Leitch MATHEWS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., TORONTO, ONT. Str. Haddington George J. Motley R. J. Muchmore - esha H. Maitland James G. Fisher "« Beaverton J. Delaney H. R. Welch