April, 1909 "TAE Marine Review Fic. 3.--SToRAGE BATTERY Room oF RHINE River Exectric Ferry Boar. The, main. tyses,-.and:.desk panel switchboard as well as the controller for handling the gangway motors may be seen in illustration Fig. 5, while Fig. 6 shows the interior of the same pilot house and the arrange- ment of the starting levers and the reversible controllers, In this navigating cabin all of the necessary operations of the boat pro- pelling motors and landing motors may .be controlled. It will be noted -that the two reversing controllers are mounted on the wall of the: pilot house and operated by chain gearing, with levers so arranged 'that :a for- ward or backward motion caused the corresponding. propeller -motor to start in one direction or the other. Fig. 4--50 H. P. InrerPote ELECTRIC Moror. 'house. -constructed At the. top .of the freight "handle lever there is a stub which may be pressed down with a catch for lock- ing the two levers in which case both motors are operated together. The two overload circuit breakers for the two-motor circuit are noted ceiling .of the motors .of ~3-horse- in the The two .small power each for operating the land-_ ing gangways are enclosed in <a wooden casing in the battery room and these' motors are handled by a third controller installed in the - pilot The electrically operated hinged landing gangways are about '26 "ft. long and "3 ft. -wide, and are of 'iron 'boarded with 'pine and fastened to .the side » of 'the ors 2 & 5.--Pitor House SHow1nc MAIN Fuse, CONTROLLER FOR LANDING Fic. GANGWAY. pilot house. 11 boat, forming a continuation of. the guard railing which encircles the deck, these gangways being raised and lowered by the 3-horsepower- mo- tors rapidly when desired from the pilot' house. The boat is lighted throughout with electric lamps, the cabin being plain' but neat in con- struction and finish, about two score of incandescent lamps being distrib- -uted in the vatious parts of this elec- tric ferry: boat, A small electric-driven pump is wovided for pumping out the boss, it being capable of delivering about 1,000 gallons of water per hour. Be- fore the electric ferry boat was placed in operation the cross river. traffic was handled by a cable fe:ry which caused considerable annoyance to the other users of the river Rhine, fre- quently obstructing this German wa- terway. The battery on the electric ferry boat is charged with current from the Godesberg electric light and power station on the left bank of the and armored _ cables being provided for making the neces- sary connections with the battery journals on the boat, the construc- tion of the terminals of theze charg- ing cables being indicated in .the accompanying illu-traiion, . Fig. '2. river, 'NEW PACIFIC COAST LINE. A new steamship line has been or- 'ganized at Portland, Ore., to operate a fast freight and passenger service be-_ tween that city and San Francisco and it is reported that two vessels have been purchased from the Metropolitan. Steam- -ship.Co.,.of New York, to take care of 'the traffic which may offer. The .new 'line, it is said, will operate in connec- tion with the North Bank Railway, which connects with the Great Northern and Northern Pacific. A traffic agreement is 'to -be entered into which will give J. J. Hill entrance into San Francisco terri- 'tory and the Hill and Harriman 'inter- -ests will thus become active .competitors there for the first: time. eat a ag op aa ee fe le MALLORY LINER'S FAST TIME. The Mallory Line steamship Brazos arrived at New York from Galveston re- cently after having made the passage in 4 days 15 hours and 15 minutes, thus breaking all records between the two ports. The best previous time was made by the Brazos on her maiden .voyage last October when she covered the dis- tance in 4 days 18 hours and 40 min- utes. The managers of the line declare that the Brazos is capable of making a still better record.