20 without bilge keels. The vessel is much steadier and more seaworthy than her appearance above the wa- ter line would indicate. The con- struction of the frame is clearly shown in Fig 4, which shows cross sections at frame No. 63 and frame No. 75. Angle irons are used almost ex- clusively for the frames. Following is a table of the framing: THE Marine REVIEW Double bottom: 40 in. deep from frames 33 to 53. Oil bunkers, frames 38 to 53: Watertight bulkheads at frames 10, 33, 53 and 6/7. Engine keelsons, 12% in. below shaft center. No. 16 plate. Angles, 5% x 3%; 85 pounds. Stem, 6 x 1% in. Stern frame, 6 x 13 in. Main Frames: 314x214; 4.9 lb. Frames 1-33, 38-53, 66-98. 314.x2%; 6.1 lb. Frames 34-37, 54-66. So. x ; 4.1 Ib. Frames 99-101 and cants. Reverse Frames: 2% x 2%; 4.1 lb. Frames 14-88. 214 x2 3.3.7 Wb Erames 2-13, 88-99. Deck Beams: 31%4x2%4; 6.1 lb. Frames 11-32, 64-99. : 3144x2%; 4.5 lb. Frames 33-63, 100-101. 3 x2%; 4.5 lb. Frames 1-10. Moegary Lisyaed Foet Knees Live cach ile af cabin Floors GL Brose Zr. SZ Section at frame 63 Fic, 4--Cross Section or Steamer H. B. KENNEDY General bimensions Length ondech.... -190% cee - oS mete 28' . te epee. e A 2 \ - Plate Gebth movltea EG Ne ee Man frames ISK2514.9F Seamer 1-33, 30-55, 66-96 Faxzfuos SF a2s4sF ce Bev frames 2h024041" 4-8 a oS eee Malx57* , 2-44, 49-99 fedvced Ca 242452. Deckbeams Ff K2$1b6/ + H-I2, 69-99 Jiatsds « I3-63, fo0-104 ItIMsPS + t-00 20 "except in engine room 4o,end ends 4: shown 10% eycpl ef ends Lavble Bottem- F0'derp, trom IS a $3 Jb to £3 Sram "10, 33, $3, 67 zeae Hoctiens 125 below shale, 18 *Piele angles HiHtab st ois: Jlern Trame 64 /$7 Pedder puch 4d Scale FLL ~ / foot hee eee « Mahegeny Filia Mohogany / of TaG-" ¢ Canvas (Mea Paneled Fartition Jrohal Tab ee eee Ni \ ei 26s a" 34-57, $4-66 99 --(or & Conts oh Fh22h> $76 Phd (2"Plarg efdi te? Nn a tera* At Knees awhere shown onplans 5p * 546" Studs 1g 124 10"Plote 2h 12b 1 $° AS (2 fo 8" Rudder stock, 514 in. diameter, ; As is seen in Fig. 1, there are 100 frames. * There are four decks, as follows: Hurricane deck, promenade deck main deck and hold deck. The ar. rangement of these four decks js shown in Figs. 2 and 3. 'y the hurricane deck is the ailat house and the texas with accomme: dations for the captain, mate and pilot, chief engineer and assistant engin- eers. The six life boats are stowed on this deck. Between the smoke stacks is the main companionway to the promenade deck. =" 4 corres ns <% Aehogey TaG Cedar\ \ ¥°THG Cedar fist'on Waite Ah VIH Puahere town "1h __ as 127 8* _€S:/2%te 10" BS 12%te 10" Sechion ot frame * 75 AT FRAME Nos. 63 anv 75,