April, 1909 treme aft, the vibration at high speeds' is scarcely perceptible. On this trial, which will be followed by the official trial later; no attempt was made to maintain test conditions. The accom- panying data gives a brief summary of the performance on the trial. This informal test indicates that the boat will experience no: difficulty in ful- filling the specifications of her de- signer. Data: ot Trial. March #25, 1909, Willamette and (Columbia "rivers,:.< Portland 402. St: Helens, Ore., and return. "Distance one way, 27 miles: Hull:--190 ft. over all, 25 ft. water line beam, 12 ft. 6 in. molded depth. Draught (approximate) :--9 ft. for- ward, 12 ft. salt. Engine:--Four cylinder, triple-ex- pansion, 17, 28, 34 and 34 in. diameter, 24-in. stroke, direct, vertical driven. Boilers:--Two Ballin patent section- al water tube boilers, total water heat- THE Marine REVIEW ing surface, 8,000 sq. ft. Pressure al- lowed, 250 pounds per sq. in. Crude oil burners, four for each boiler. Oil tanks:--Capacity, 500 barrels, or 21,000 gallons, Propeller:--9 ft. 6 in. diameter, 10 ft. 3 in. pitch, four blade, cast iron. Boiler Pressure:-- Half) speed. i0. ace 2CO0 pounds Full speed.ci) 220 pounds Vacuum (average) =... 18 inches Revolutions Per Minute:-- Half speed 2.30 112 Full speed) i... 196 Total 1: He PB. at full specd. 1 oa Speed of ship. in statute miles per hour: Half speed A 14.5 Full speed, down stream. anes 21.9 Full. speed; up stream... 19.5 Full speed, reduced to a mean, tak- ing: account Of "etitrent im - riy- GP a a 20.73 Weather, fair. Wind:--Northwest, brisk. Fuel oil consumption:--Estimated at 18 miles per-hour, 180.6 gal. per hour. = ee Wooden Car Ferries Built on the Pacific Coast. S ANNOUNCED in the Ma- Al rine Review Feb. 18, the Mil- waukee Terminal Railway, a subsidiary corporation of Ry., is having 'two large wooden car ferries built by Hall. Bros, Marine Railway & Ship Building Co., Winslow, Wash. These ferries, which we illustrate herewith sar a ck" -- i i _-- Ti Se eee, ottartloatAnd Track Lg, oe q <2) a Y Ly PEST Ue / . * w Y Lt SSS 6/4" Garboara exceptionally | bth COO Teh Sp. SSSZRSYZASEZESIASIZAN NY ZASASEZISIZASAC) --|-- Baes4oo Zo with drawiiigs and photographs, are among the largest of their kind on "he Pacific coast. On the Atlanti- barges of this size would undoubted: ly be built of steel, but the low price of timber and the exceptional faeil- ities offered by Pacific coast ship building yards for the construction of wooden vessels made it more economi- ical to build these ferries of wood. The time required to do the work was also a factor in favor of wooden construction. The two barges are exactly alike and offer a good op- portunity for the study of Pacific coast methods in the construction of craft of this character. The ferries will be 191 feet long, with a breadth, outside of the wear- ing strips of 43 ft. The depth at the center of the barge from the deck beam to the bottom of the floors is 11 ft... There: are three tracks run- ning the full length of the deck. These tracks have a capacity of 12 standard freight cars. The wheel load of each car is assumed to be the maximum possible, 19,125 pounds, which gives the total dead weight load 1,836,000 pounds or roughly 1,000 tons. Detail of Frames. The frames, which are spaced 30 in., are built up as follows: Extending the full width of the bottom is a 7 x 14 in, floor timber, 40 ft., 8 in. long. To each end of this is bolted at right. angles a 6 x 10 in. frame, Con- necting the tops of the frames is an8 x 12 in. deck beam, 40 to 8 in. in length.' This bears the deck, which is made of 3 x 6 in, planking -- 7 xl4x4.0-8 Floors MIDSHIP SELTION ' Mipsuip SECTION OF CAR FLOAT. Ze AN 3 7 E z SSSA ZS SEAS SEIS SS LESS SESS SLES UZZASSSEZZESSSEEZZISSSELZESSZZIR YN Wg RANA SSS ZZ B 4/2-./4:0P16Bottom Planking q Lraynes Without Knees. asso V4. Z KP 'X/0 "Frame +19" Thick Gide Bulkhead 6 "Hanging Mnee Every $0" 6*/0'BlochUnderhinee -- | 6"x/0'ExtraFramé Between Deck Beams And floor At aK