laid lengthwise, and the six, 6 x 16 in. track stringers spaced 5 ft. center to center between rails and 6 ft. center to center between tracks, Every Ht... for the full dength of. the barge, on each side, is a 6-in. hang- ing knee made of natural bent fir. The' bulkheads are longitudinal, five in number, 6 in, thick and water- tight. The bulkheads will be built up of long 6 x 12 in. timbers and to insure watertightness and_ stiffness these timbers will be battened with 3 x 12 in. diagonal braces. As shown in the: cross section published here- - with the bulkheads are separated by 6 x 6 in. 'diagonal cross bracing, 8%/2"5ide - Ybolt Farkg e eee 4: 29'ButtingPrece 4, ji ee 2 of Far, Center Deck CouUNTER GED! 40 BA Lven Thickness. THE MarRINE REVIEW BALANCED TRANSFER BRIDGE. Bortnc BArce TimBers With Com- (And Wrath = UBolt Ua for of ¥ Chan 5x16" Trach Stringer (2 Wearing 3x6 "Deck Planks PRESSED AIR. Top of Stringer chains tached O' Dia Drum. U Bo/t tor fas ten! Ld of Wire Cable Base of Fai) Pean sition of Br ae z 5 NG ge a | l Sas spaced 12 ft., 6 in. between. centers. Thirteen diagonal tension rods, each 1% in. in diameter with turnbuckles and bolts carry. the stress from the lower corner of the cross section to the top of the central bulkhead. The ceiling is 4 in. thick; the bot- tom planking is 4 in. thick and the side planking is 8 in. thick, The barges will be built on tem- porary inclined ways built of 12 x 12 timbers, supported on 14 x 20 in. cribbing. The two barges are being built side by side and occupy a plot of ground in the ship yard 220 ft. in length by 125 ft. in width. An interesting feature of the con- f pel r lua | 0 1 Gq =o é Th 1 ye | eel o Age S [ae Ky HS es eee LJ pass YH is Floatmans labin \ f N 8 J AYORAO~7O' High AN x \ fetes a 5 \ + 7 AN = S| Ss ean s IZ LJ PLEA Se (4 «-B-6-- 1 pt 1 © Pump y ar SL EZ : KE! Deck Beams = MO) L liga = Eis 7 ZaS q 5 Joe 1 Hi LipageE rf y 2 < age -- ZO S <= a =u <I 2 = --] 7 Wned He fan os +S Soo ee Buiting Pie SS =A = A. < = IN = ( 7) ece. E eer ere i : Ls Se = | 12" Thick a : it ee eas --f eee | Anchor Stock i y fe 1 Pees IA 0k ee koe i "7 ==> : eee eS ---.-- -- -- * Gatton Planks 6414"Gartuard etal -- 15050" ear - : ' ~ 1 OwciTuoINaL sft Tion ~~ 9/" a" - LoNGITUDINAL SECTION AND Deck PLAN oF CAR FLoat,