April, 1909 which will permit of a view of a launching of a. lake steamer, as the method followed in lake launchings would be a novelty to a large propor- tion of the membership. 'A committee has 'been appointed, consisting of Messrs. Frank E. Kirby, chairman, Harvey D. Goulder, Frank Jeffrey, Richard P. Joy, Robert Logan, Henry Penton, Antonio C. Pessano, H. "TAE. Marine REVIEW C. Sadler and W. J. Baxter, secretary of the society, to formulate a program for the proposed meeting for the con- sideration of the executive committee of the society. It is to be hoped that the first summer meeting of the soci- ety will be most successful in every respect and will lead to the summer meeting becoming an established fea- LuLe: eb + Lake Ship Yard Methods of steel Ship Construction. Fig. 47 shows 'the expanded shell plating for one side of the vessel from the spar deck stringer to keel in way of a water tight bulkhead. This plan is similar to Fig. 43 ex- cept that it shows an inside view of the plating, while the other shows the outside. There are 159 rivets connecting the bulkhead frame to the shell plating. These rivets from the keel to No. 3 stringer are each spaced six diameters of the rivet apart. The balance being the usual pich. It will be observed that the number of riv- ets connecting No. 6 web frame to the shell plating does not exceed 91 riv- ets. , 159 --91 = 68 holes. 68 X 37/32=78.6 inches. The reduc- . By Robert Curr tion of punching. In order to find the "actual mate- rial reduced, reference must be made to the thickness of all the materials affected by the close punching at the bulkhead. material being caused by Fig. 48 shows the materials affected. at the bulkhead, as well as the num- ber of rivets in it. It will be observed that the close pitch of rivets does not' extend above: the tank side only far enough to insure watertightness in the vicinity of the tank side top. The longitudinal girder plates and bottom angles are continuous, Long- 'itudinal angles are not affected through this arrangement of watertightness as they have to be punched in any case. TABLE SHOWING DIFFERENCE IN AREA OF SECTION CAUSED BY CLOSE -PUNCHING. | rae 3 ay = 5 3 s 4 oO g. 3 o 3 a g a & 'a : a eG 8 z = 3 a 3 4 O O s 3 PARTS. g 2 fea = 5 3 Oo GH u oc a & eo 2 me 5 a oH q 7" u o | 'O Sun oe - I os 2 ™ 3 = n = a g o n moe co oR Be oe : ag 3 a Db 2.6 a a a< P Keel plate ce ta 15.55 20x15/16 18.75 5 18/16 5.62 14.38x15/16 13.47 4 Center Keeltonm = plate.< sani - oe 28:19 -60x 9/16. 33.75. 13. 16/16 13.00 47: ° 39/16 26.44 6 B. Strake shell plating........ 48.00 84x11/16 57.75 21 18/16 23.62 60.38x11/16 41.51 7 C. Straké shell plating........ 44.00 84x10/16 52.50 22 18/16 24.75 59.25x10/16 37.03 8 D. Strake shell plating........ 44.00 84x10/16 52.50 21 18/16 23.62 60.38x10/16 37.74 9 E. Strake shell platings... ..: 40.20 76x12/16 57.00 20 18/16 22.50 53.50x12/16 40.12 10 G. Strake shell plating........ 40.20 78x12/16 58.50 16 18/16 18.00 60 x12/16 45.00 11 H. Strake shell plating........ 3609 70x10/16 43.75 20 18/16 22.50 47.50x10/16 29.68 12 J. Strake shell plating........ 38.67 72x10/16 45.00 18 18/16 20.25 51.75x10/16 32.34 13 K. Strake shell plating........ 38.84 69x11/16 47.43 15 18/16 16.87 52.13x11/16 35.84 14 L. Strake shell plating........ 48.60 62x15/16 58.12 12 18/16 13.50 48.50x15/16 45.41 23 Longitudinal Girders..........- 54.08 167x 6/16 62.62 40 13/16 32.50 127 x 6/16 47.62 29 Tank top plating A:.s.. 6.3 sss 15.00. 36x 7/162-15.75° 7; 16/16: 700 29.5 x 7/16 12.68 30 Tank top plating B...... gr 29°50 70x 8/16 35.00 16 16/16 16.00 54 x 8/16 27.00 $i Fank top plating C.....-.+.5. 30.00 72x 8/16 36.00 17 16/16 17.00 55 x 8/16 27.50 oe Tank: top plating D.....+-.35> 30.00 70x 8/16 35.00 17 16/16 17.00 53 x 8/16 26.50 33 Side tank plating E.........-- 20.75 84x 7/16 36.75 20 16/16 20.00 64 x 7/16 28.00 og ide'tank: plating Ei. vs. oe ss « 27:00 86x 6/16 32.25 21 16/16 21.00 65 x 6/16 Ls 35 Side tank plating G.......... 13.87 45x 6/16 16.87 13 16/16 13.00 32 x 6/16 pe 36 Side tank top plating......... 30.00 66x 9/16 37.12 15 16/16 15.00 51 x 9/16 28. 618.93 Sean DECK, y : 2 HSS. | ih | P00fo 0% 0 F00909 fo 0!'o0 00 0 + Ix eo P0F%0Pq20 90% 0 oO iO ° IO. ° Q IO ° iO £D 4 creat jo ° jO. ° 1O °, 3 o [ee iO |O iO fo} jo --_ = | Oe ll" leo ° ® ello ora Cc © al lee® Lowe: 2 elle 6 ee ee @ Sloe eee eee |p| oe, oe © 0) cle eee | om o 00 Fo feeece. eee) 2 6 ee] joe : 6 elle ee e IC l 6 ° "Hol 0 elo eo ole elo |e o e Bes Os ee ae wis ss O} lo °} b | : p Pi ' ° Pa iO fc : eee jo oO; i iO ° lo °. LS ; ae # ---I+~- ic C e.e¢.% "£0.¢,¢ * < [Se eee. Petete u x @ oe Felcle%eo® k 8. 39