~ THE Marine REVIEW 94 DETAILS OF EXPERIMENTAL TANKS. o A cd . a es sh o s |e 5 g E g ; 5 n 2 ie & oO sel ra ~ bens uw Gq ~~ L Co o 3 5 u g Ss Souk 6 c 4 g 'S oO 'S ° as : 2 - e s x 8 o 2 oS 9 2 3 3 8 8 2 2 PI o 2 h e % © o ° c5) Q fa < fa fA S > q Ft. Ft. Ft. Sq. yds. Ft. Ft. Tous. Et: per sec. BOM snc ce cee oe 479 TS 34.0 29.5 34.6 19.8 13.5 23 20 Webigau ive ese. es 289 1.3 21.4 22.3 30.10 23 525 16.6 20 PACTS es cic ae wes os 528 14.0 32.8 3603 41 34 25 15:25. -100 TRAST ar ie ree ke 400 9.0 20 20.3 28.9 a 125 16 18 BGHTY C25 aes was net 275 10 25.11 285 26 ---- a Clydebank Cover ae 400 9.5 20 20 28 ZN z 16.6 iz Bremerhaven .......- 476 10.5 19.8 ae 26:3 20.6 es P56 20 BVAPAR | nas oe ce cies re 450 12 220 26.6 ---- -- -- 20 30 Washington .......-. 384 14.75 44.6 46.5 47 .6 45 32 30 200 Michigan: 62s case 300 10 22 2303 ---- ---- ------ 13 63.2 Suggested tank for the NG Pe Le hs een 6 500 12.5 30 40 42 ot 10 25 50 The effective length m charged. In general. the scheme would provide that the council of the Insti- tution of Naval Architects and the sub- scribers to the maintenance fund should have ample security that the tank was being worked in a manner consonant with the wishes of the donor. In order to take advantage of any improvements that may have been in- troduced into the construction or equip- ment of experimental tanks in recent practice, Dr. Glazebrook, the director of the National Physical Laboratory, un- eans the length at the full depth, and does not include the docks sloping beach at the end. or the dertook, with the full! concurrence of the committee, to visit the most recent establishments of the kind, both in the United Kingdom and also in France and Germany. Dr. Glazebrook's report upon the results of his visits is included in the second portion of the committee's report, and gives details of such fea- tures of the establishments visited as it appears desirable to introduce in.- the proposed installation. We have not space to do more than include the table of leading details of the tanks visited. 2: ¢ Lake Ship Yard Methods of Steel Ship Construction. : Loading Vessels. My observations in the loading of ships with ore have led me to think that the hopper type of vessel might be helpful to the captains in regulat- ing and placing the cargo in the right place. A load line could be run in on the hopper plating representing the height of the cargo as shown by Fig. 52. It is not necesary to have any fine line only the line most desirable for loading which saves trimming the car- go. The object being to confine the weight to its own place and thus cred- iting the designer with creating some- thing useful and lasting. The same thing would 'be beneficial to the struc- ture in having the weights placed rightly and prolong the life of the ship. : Two lines might be run in represent- ing the top and bottom of the dome formed by loading from the ore shoot, or the actual shape of the ore as it is By Robert Curr. run into the vessel, after the same thas been figured out and found to be the- actual weight of the water displaced. In representing the owners in the supervision of construction of their ships, I, as a rule, made the first trip and noted all conditions until the ves- sel was loaded and had arrived at her first destination. It was stated that a steel vessel loaded would sag as 'much as. 12. inches. We put on level lines at the center and on the sides of the vessel while she was on the stocks but there was no perceptible change in the shape of the vessel during or after loading. My experience arond the ore docks was neatly always after dark. The captains were governed by the ore in the pockets and regulated the loading by the number of cars in same. The captains went about this part of the work very intelligently and got along nicely until the trimming of the vessel came about. The aim is to have the vessel draw a few inches aft more than forward so that when a gets to her destination there will be so much fuel gone and she will arrive at her port on a level keel. The trimming of the vessel took a long time, even longer than loading the vessel on a level line. A lamp was hung just over the water marks at the bow and stern and men were sta- tioned there who notified the captain or mate what progress was made as the ore was run in from the shoot. ° If it is stormy or a ripple on the lake it is impossible to get the de- sired trim. If the load line were on the hop- per plating then the work could be done quicker and to the right trim. _ Fig. 50 shows a midship section, Fig. 51 a vessel floating at her 20 ft. water line and Fig. 52 the half of same ves- sel cut off at the 20-ft. water line. The load is shown on Fig. 52 as it ought to be so. that the vessel will float on an even keel, both weight and buoy- ancy being nearly equal. The following information may be of interest to the captains and at the same time useful: If all the weights of the cargo were located on the vessel then all the cap- tain would have to do would be to load to the marks but as he is not furnished with that information the fol- lowing will perhaps help him to make his own marks. The captain could furnish a lot of information to the naval architects if he took up the study of technical ship building. Theory and practice does not always agree so that it takes all those concerned to perfect practice and theory. This vessel I am considering is of the hopper type as shown by the mid- ship section, Fig. 50. Length over stem and stern post on L. W. L., 504 ft. 0 in.; breadth inside of plating, 58 ft. 0 in.; depth inside of plating, 30 ft. 0 in.; draught from under- side of plating, 20 ft. 0 in.; block coef- ficent, 0.978; midship area coefficient, 0.981; displacement, 15,986 tons; weight of hull, 3,500 tons; weight of cargo, 16 cu. ft. per ton; weight of machinery, 638 tons; center of buoyancy and gravity at center of ship. The captain can soon find out what the vessel will carry and 'by arranging his block or coefficient of fineness he can arrive at the placing of his weights. The shell plating weighs 6 tons tO the 1,000 when the vessel is loaded to her load water mark. 15,986 -- 96 = 15,890 tons = displacement measured from the inside of the plating. This displacement (the molded dis- placement) divided by the sum of the