May, 1909 'TAE MARINE REVIEW cot q B 4 3 Bee o 3 3 PRINCIPAL DIMEMSIONS x . a3 3 & shoe 3 z = Length Overall __ _524/0" BaD e ey Bh "Be ea 3 Ho betweeh Pop, FOL 0" a Be Ae Cea a Breadtl weld, 8g 3 S 8a By} oe S 23 HY 4 Depth " Nyt z aS eee Reig A yx Waid a a 2 8 0, Sou gee e es wo RAE pe | = % Engine Quad. Exp. 20" 29x 42"x 61! : ao 5 68 Ba Oa Meas ' 4 5 " 42" , B28 S84G2.99 Hee VE ge 'so & Three Boilers 12'6"x 11'1034"x 210 # A a Gas as. & feo ee BM ae 4 ~ a mows . CA Ie BS bse 2 < Ba eS A 3a Woe re Benes | a \é \ 3 ee Line Bracket 4 dia. Vent Pipes : Ss San Ste rin\\ [\ : st. | 18 6 3°x 3's 7.2 Fu. 3'x 887.2% s waste & \S E \ \ 1 \ 9°x 18% 18. -------- ,Ae MBSE +H as 4 Sil | ae (anges = Sue seo 3 Ee Ah AE Ld A ah ; Si es s a s ce Hy uv 18/di \\ (asta < in Al! f q ee b eae eaaen 8 Il 2 : : ie () 7's 18x20 |] Arches f¢ be 16 f 1 Lbs. || Ni < 346 x 814 x 8.5" ae 3 Po GH pay sod 3M0"Gen. Hes : ' } -- EO a8 Se | Nia 2b Cont Soll 3°x 3'x 7.2 JL ee a ee a a+ : = 23 ! 12 x 25 Intercostal Clips 1 ea Str ue eae a | o 5 s "GF Pree Nc a ae : J <sxc4e 23 5 5 ae 10 15 x 337 C Cont. 164; Fl. Plate o'r aifxis.6o tz © [Ox 3%'x 15.61 2 Bar Dbl. Roe =. if S te . Po Alain aap ae Clips 334'x345" SCANTLINGS 33g x 3¥g x 8.51 Ox 32g x 117: Sie tab" | {{====S= oO " : 5 -------- 2 eee Ls gon8 H r and 6 x 33g ¢ 17346 Plate Girder|Intercostal | 4! YU i 'e sR SES ist mt: 33g x 31g x 8.5 Cont, ee between Arches. Shae mt es as) Se ag : { M.D.S. 60 x 221% " Butt Lapped -- Seo "336 x 944 x if é ee | Web Treble riveted 14" Riy. 2'dia. >A a YH a : EO on Ns" 5"x 19.3 + " Tank Top Plating 20 under Hatches to 1rigit at Ends. : 8.545 Doll | 3 a cr ? bs n | we 2 3 Bigxegni6"C "Ibe || N8ig'x 31¢'x 8.5% Dile 'Rider Butts Single Strapped 1 Riv, Balance of Butts pa 6"x 334" 15.62 shed = |e Xe 23 3 et. aS 1 Rivet lL 6" 8 x8ix1ht ec and Seams Single Strapped Double Chain. CONNECTION OF PLATE GIRDER 15 #1 sh ae * gs ee ie ae 1g" 18x 16% Riy. 34 Riv. 31g x|034 x 8.517 Dbl. TO ARCH. e % : Sof] 2 a = " sex 2 ee ee ee = GFP { _12"x 25% C Intercostal between Webs , SECTION SHOWING LONGITUDINALS. 2 28 jer sai s mee esas tral 16 * Interc'l Pl. Clips 834 x 334, 6 x 344 = a ef alas } 8) w%xivet|! | Fr 12"s 25) d RP ry *= UI | ob do" IS oh eB 3 &||0" ms See 5 ge Spaced 36/ J-----~ Water Side Plater to be 15 #F Butt Lapped Double ees Hh I 3 4) os "t ce ee : > tod / a4 Riy. 34 Riv. Seams to be Double Riv. 34" Riv. 18"dia.!'Manhole! e \ 42 4 SoS ee ee = 9 =i-== es ) ; { ' % MBs a5 eas oi x§ 2 NO : ¥ th i 1 aE. s "<4 S53 Bore S38 Fc | Similar tol | 4 a = 5 ees M . o anh ste q " pee vl ne x 0 S) oN OQ 5s : =e 6 4 5if pagrute ve ee 6'x3"x 9.8" INTERMEDIATE STIFF. SPACED 18" a < = 2px 30" I © 2 v & iss te o 2 ~ a 3 a ee ° a eo el 154 Rep e103 + Te cies eae ine. 'g alo\ sik 8 S 3 Gis Gos 3 3 Rivet ph 79% 9X 12. Light. Hole in Brs. #152 to ae ee --= 4 a9 sae O eee -- a -- = = ES SZ Boe oe oak ant tT. | i: a a Sie Hoe i co ag 022 jor ex 9.87% ee ae a jes xsoile, As i 12.34 Il]. 7% A | J + cg reble . ; St Tt S " m 2 E EX] 3'x3x7 2) Lvsaae Ho BH 3 'Limber avg te 20"x 30": |? e "9 t SECTION SHOWING 274 2926 28.517 eat i Aipaee a fh : o SIDE STRINGER 10 7F Flanged | 7 ea Cees sa) a : a\ 09 ft 1 Riy. \ Bea Tae, ae e \Web Fratnes 15 7+ Spaced 12 feet- : = 3 " tes sy " " - Dand E81 for 24 Lto at F End Dat pA oA \ oe ee pow " " oe : ; ; ee Gas maraacaed eu %' Riv. 1%" Riv. y% Riy. "\1"Riv. K \tiner 9% 42% C.K. 06x 2244" Plate Plate Floors 15 : "ps = = 2 £ Floors 15'x 33", oie hn A ae Butt lapped Treble Riy, . Spaced 12 feet : 4 Ple. 1 Riv. for3, Pile. at Ends. sm Spaced 36 28144" Throughout. Butts lapped 42x 87447" Quad'le Riv. i Riy. -- 4 q F 4Ple. %"Riy. Single Stvap- 1' Riv. Ug Band C 25%" for%Lto tat F. End and '9 = tat A End Butts lapped ¢ Ple. % Riv. ~™ 4s for 3g L to 33 Fic. 50--MupsH1p. SECTION. length, 'breadth and draught divided cent of 6,356 = 1,398 tons. 6,356 -- The ends in this case are considered : by 36 will give the block coefficient. 1,398 = 4,958 tons of cargo. : the same and when the middle part is 15,890 By placing the same amount of car- 201.6 = Example: go in this length of the vessel the removed leaves eee IS EE. ae 504 X 58 X20 = 36 =--0.978 weight and water pressure are equal. a A b, Fig. 52, represents the length of The cargo space is rectangular so fore and after ends. the vessel of the same dimensions or that no coefficient is required in this The cargo space does not have that "dead flat." case. length so that the cargo must be This length is 201.6 ft. long. 201.6 X 47 X 8.372 = 4,958 tons. stowed in a way not to injure the The width is 58 ft. and draught 20 ft. : =. structute. There 'are 36 cu. ft. of fresh water 16 Cargo space left is 63.2 ft. aft and to the ton so that The height of the ore is 8.372 ft. 84 ft. forward. 201.6 X 58 X 20 X 0.978 = 6,356 tons. above the tank for this length. ; Tons. ; ee The cargo and steel in hull equals The displacement amounts to.. 15,960 36 6,356 tons and for this length of the. Steel and machimery........... 4196 The weight of the hull equals 22 per vessel the ship may be considered at. ee cent of the displacement so that 22 per rest. Careo =. eee eee Fic. 51--Oursoarp PLAN ABOVE THE 20-Foor WaTeR-LineE AND Spar DECK,