98 riers' Association, he makes this amus- ing remark: "He seldom speaks first? The author's experience in this particular has apparently been unusual. The common opinion is that William Livingstone speaks not only first, but last and all the time. The author doubtless has never heard 'the worthy president expounding briefly on one of his annual re- ports. Otherwise he is quite happy in his description of William Living- stone, who is one of the most courte- ous and accomplished of gentlemen The Marine Review and whose ideals of duty and devotion to them are of the highest. The author did well to go to Wil- liam Livingstone for ideas on lake shipping, for he is as full of them as a watermelon is of seed. Doubt- less many of the excellent compari- sons in which the book abounds re- garding the volume of lake commerce are Mr. Livingstone's. or instance, he says it would take a train of 40-ton freight cars encircling unbrokenly the globe to contain the commerce that is carried in the ships of the great lakes May, 19 during the brief season of eight months, This is very good and it was probably William Livingstone who thought of it. oe The chief merit of the book lies in the fact that it. e1ves to fhe lay- man a good idea of what the com- merce of the lakes really amounts to. The author's errors have been in trying to make things more won- derful than they are, not seeming to realize that the truth concerning the great lakes and their amazing. development is stranger than fiction. White Star Line Triple-Screw Steamer © LIZTEE satisiaction. was expressed by those engaged in the Canadian trans-Atlantic trade when it was officially an- nounced early last year that two new steamers were under construction at Laurentic. the yards of Harland & Wolff, Belfast, for the intended White Star-Dominion Line service between Liverpool, Quebec and Montreal.. With the arrival of the triple-screw steamer Laurentic at Montreal this month the first of the two vessels to -be completed has formally taken her place inthe service. Her sister ship, the Megentic, enters the service in June. The Laurentic is the largest ves- sel in the Canadian trade, being 565 ft. Wuite Star LINER Lavurentic, Firrep WitTH COMBINATION TURBINES AND RECIPROCATING ENGINES,