102 THe Marine RevIEW Fic, 2--Porttanp Harsor, THis 1s A View Lookinc Down THE WILLAMETTE River From THE STEEL BripGe, SHOWING THE LARGE FLEET OF SAILING VESSELS LoADING WHEAT FoR EUROPE AND THE ORIENT. president, secretary xnd treasurer from among their own number. They hire the chief engineer, superintendent. -of dry dock, clerks and other salaried employes. The organization is small, compact, permanent and efficient and in its operations is a happy contrast to the average political "river and harbor commission." 'For its 'dredging operations the Port of Portland owns two hydraulic dredges. The dredge Portland was built in 1898 and remodeled in 1902. It: cost, including the towboat and > pape lines; $70,000.,.)]¢ 1s 130, ft... in leneth,. 56 .4t.. beam and. 11. -ft...1n depth. The main engines are 600 H. P. The diameter of- the . discharge pipe is: 20 in. and the capacity of the dredge in sand is 8,000 cu. yds. per day. The dredge Columbia was built n° 4902. U4 is. 225- tt. 9 mm. in. lencth, 42 ft. beam and 11 ft. 9 in. deep. Its total cost was $240,000. The main en- gines are 1,500 H. P.. The. dameter of the discharge pipe,is 30 inches. and i capacity of the dredge in sand is 20,- - Drepce CotumBia, OWNED BY THE Port oF PorTLAND, PorTLAND, ORE.