May, 1909 THE Marine Review 67 Bridge Dk. Plating Vy, D.R-B.L. 3, "Riv.Seams 8.R. ' iad - Dk Stzingor 10 9/2 T.R,B.L aj Riv. Poop Dk. «« 8/20" SR. B.L.5¢ Riv, ¢ " SR, ar I Dk. Stringer ¢ 30x V/20S.R.B.L. 4 "Riv, F'c'le Dk, Tio Plates. Bx7/0.8. RB.L. 34" Riv. i . oWaterw ay 5 ie , ce oo Aagla on Ee'le Me 4 tage tigel0/eo For Bridge Dk. This Strake = Bridge Dk , 24 VT "5xBV. P. Deck on F' o!lg 1g T.& G. Gypress Covered Ee, Oyprias Sheath 3 " eas 12. 3 aged Bgx Yq 6 B'e'le and s 64x 9/20) 3x8x "ho a) 50 Deck ia\Way of Gall e with No.6 Canvas Coaraing ot ie Lo 4 125 --ok oop Ol oy a1 - 20 a 18"\ owen 6x19, Y.P*Margin eee : Pilot House TRB 3 2 a ial 66 oe eS | [U7 \ 2% Bridge Dk. vee ax2iges 7-0 from © of Ship , * i For F? cle aut Posy Dks\ WN A TERE = -,-Combor,t2.n HBO Ho 33 a" . gah 125 /9 ne eee aban oracle a cifan aac me ASSESS ASSESSES i 3 D.R BL $4 Riv. af meet Di Bouma Ox8%5393427/20 6 onovery Fu | ae ia ies s eye ip Bx21gx5/n, eye HH] 5<hhe D Lightning Caee ee een ToL 5 oi vol Stiffeners 4x3x7/20 Spaced 30'apart 58 shed Tie, Placedy [K~v2xi257/ 20° Olin Baligs "% 4 Bor Phe Pe aad Bodie | |Z oles Fro'le 1 4 84gx34¢x 8/00 E on Alternate mS 105/28 ¢ bx] 20 Beams; 4x3x7/20 30 Apart-Oamber et ; \ t , gu 10/59 Ror Bridget iG DxdIx! 8/20 for Bridge Dk, Frames } ure 3 5x3x9/20 .12 in 45.0 Y.P-Caplings in Basoms 78 *%/'20 ridge {ff = 1/2" WM eleca 5 aytell 1 ry Engine Casing 3] 2 bi! Die Wi Stiffeners | Tie Plate 9 x 5f 09 S$) Dk. VRBLY Riv | | Be/eyt ow abeop: A This Strake we 1/30 "or 8-6"Boiler Casing ------> a sangha' ej Plating | 334*234x"/o9 6194) Y.P. Margin vat IN\ Taper Bette & ee dks *5"Webs in Bridze for $gL to 5/20 7 | | "oa ai || Spaced 540"S| 4/20 Spaced . ie a Spaced about 8 Fram ' spaced apart w'| Spar Dk.Plating torlfefor "WL to 6/20 & aa <Parpart, : 30"Apart 7 x. 4g T. & @.Cypress ae i' So 21g 1'| D.R.B.L.for ish to S.R.B.L. 34 Riv. 5 2\e Cypress He -- ox3x2x 6/29 "7,4 Covered with ls ar ge, ° Spar Dk.Stringer 16x18 Sy fordgL to abe! a9 oo i Seams | 8. BR. 34" Riv, 2m 3 ia Sheathing Plating 4/20 - 12x12x7/20 No.6 Canvas i+ | fincrea-ed 7/20 from Frame 5914 to 14L For'd and Th st q 8 £ ls 56) Dia.W.1. | : 6 from Frame 951¢' to 4L ft «18 ax8% Y/a0 ae S|" ail e Coaming Stittenors 344x216x°/20 ge Beh lg Aft D.R:B.L. 3%! Riv. tae cle Rails 525 Spaced 3 c THROUGH for 34l to D.KD.L87 Riv ae 2464. | fi 720 13%" 4 26" Spar Dk} ale Pa ,15x5/aysf) | Spaced 80 Apart ae ar PILOT HOUSE pees ' Lappe aioe Tn <r 4d per <3 B3k/e0 EB ER DECK HOUSE ayaa Praine Serearel (28. efi oer = 3x8x 7/0 $9 Brice' D : . <a 23ZY.P. Deck BULA Sheerstra ake a 44 1369 tor WL = Tams in way of Hatches Hatch Baa Beam Plate M4x11/39 £ oe ad 3 2utrom Kr 60M 1 oe Clipped to Hatch Coaming Angles 6x6x «10/29 einile SECTION THROUGH SIDE OF a dud trom Fr. 9614 WON eg with Single 6x6x 10/25 Clips 4, c Age eae 2 FORWARD DECK HOUSE x '\ ,, 30x30x M20 Hatch Side Coomings 10/29 & 9/20 | estore a a ae 120, 8 A y . 0/3 ee SE, os atch Inn oamings °/20 it = i 39430x 10/20 Bounding Bars 6x mie 10/29° aoe on "Hatch End Coaming ~2 Lo Plate lx 720, ms | hy . G ; aa coo 'iit cA Pomerat Ul cae Oe gu /29-+ 4 a par frour F é I I Chip bxt's 10/29 = " ea ; a 'ont Fr, o Ric Cargo Battans 6x2 Greate Soo ue ae me eual \sia Coaming below Deck to Extend AL a, | ' Spaced, about 9 "apart re eayeauacd/ay t : 4-0 Past each End of Hatch bad oxide 729 Double See i ol MK x " ry h ' B3gxdlgx 20 SECTION AT END OF HATCH. pia piated Vertically ES | 6x6x10/20 i : 2 meal. i) 4 4 7 i "Gs "aye ne ks y" Ii Stringer 58x12 fo for 4g Lto 31x8/20 B bee BOe72n9 Soy ) Plates Ye el mee i QR.B.L. Biv bt] y [* R.B.L 3 Riv for 8{LtoD R.BL. ayy xT2XM2p 8.R.BL.56 Riv 18 -- ~ T.R.B.L-34 Riv Ces | 10x3 363 34x 590 rade Axx 720 Dosple Plate 12x 11/99 ee Plating 6/20 | |_© Butlkhoad : [4 coe ---- r e ifs § AIS is 2 enc iz x 5 24" L 5 115 feet & = ap : ed me aH | Va ee a6 33gx3 34x 9/y fe wea BUgxB1Bx7/4p SECTION Beano HOLD wold Beams of Ends of Hatches |& Gs = ee Stifeners | " || LD 8 and at Frame No,66 D We | 4 Flange ds Fo 54 145 for wb to Y60 t: 4h ' Bracket £0x31x 11/99 at Alternate Frames = & As 3 se Noise H| a8 So] Q.R.B.L kK. Riv.for WL to ff {li 31g' Frame to Stringer Plate = ° 2 a2 RR T.R.B.L.34' Riv. se eee Ce i eee 28 ot al ee Bracket 3lx3lx M20 at Hold pecue ; oe 36a a 2 é s ffs eC Tank Top ao Webs on Frames 86 'and 95 15- "Deep x 8/20 g Bgvad. g 3 6x6x 8/29 a Lj Frame 6x3 UGRT/20 Face Bars 4x31g 8/9 a} eas g2s a Horizontal Blanges of 3 a Byftollg ; Double aes sas aa 3s Angles Sleted ie neem w a 4h, | & 8 8 eee a ga | Out in Way of Shifting] |}? Tk31gx31429/09 2 '| 3% Flange + A Side etl: eget 7 Ts 'Ya Fitted in Long Lengths a 8 ae e Be 3 £ 2 236! YP, Boards i : a $855%33 Ae | SN tie ee ae ! Bets fy for °/5 5 L to 9/29 Qs Asa aS Bx Ss Shifting E54" 1259 for YL to'¥0 Wee Si Tatas , one Boards y p Filling SECTION-THROUGH Q.R.B.L. %& Riv.for 4) L to i Margin Plate 3 ix8/20" af 8 3a ee Clips BY Y208 a 23 "Biec AA T.R,B,L.34' Riv FE} fa0/ag in Boiler Space ane 4 ee Ae 5 ge Yoh Was Bpac Ss iece : { | | D.R.B L.34 Riv 1 ga Ame owe oe Ag << aioe | Bt 4 ang et Be 2 eihe "i Double for gL * a 2% DETAIL SHOWING CONSTRUCTION ee a 1 jt B tho 2 be 5 te 4 Ze es AT ENDS OF ERAT CUBE Ss se oe nu Brackets ( g AEM a = . 7 35 " ASS ¢ Strake 509/20 for i to 9/20 D.RBLY, Biv, "Det" M40 or 1gL to 980 " % " 2g aoe 8 ly epee 63 68 Rie £oin Bee Bee aL oe ZEST ASE SUIS. aS S 4 B. B.L.34) Riv, 5 : B4gx3 gx 209 for Le to %66 Wpoin Boiler Space Uongl. Clips B4gx3 x50 29 aS Bo Space 7 ® \ 10 Long: Clips #604 7ato Sips Tiger tgx v ie my | 'in Bo 3, av Double for WL Lcfroin~ -Collison Bhd-7 ol : oud Le fo Center Keelson 38x19 for YL v0%o 0. in Bo Space Lowleadila fag eotwsen (__ TRGDIL. Jf Rivifor 941 to D.R.B.L 94 Bir, CE rs 7330" 9g] | Engine Spa: seealy A cd Dye ee a dx tx 12/20. for r Hh to %! Riv, = tg Ray Elgtots ae: bY" ' «f a 66 yy deo FAD 2" Weg cofeom Ovllision Bhd! to 3L Aft to 6to5 64 B 2 ly. frou oor on Phd. to 466 Aft to" QRBL % Riv for YL vo T ris L% Riv | a ne i \ rat Plate Keal 481g for 3g to 12/30 ' 2 QRBL Y/Riv fr WL wT R BL 94' Riv, : ----9-0 : T.R.B.31 Riv for'SgEeto ¥% Biv Qutside . 2 t Maa eak oe een 18/20 fr Hl 2 18/0 Garboard 60" "12/06 for 3g i/o a \ MARINE REVIEW Q np.L. 34 Riv for IL to T.R.B.L. H Bin ; : ! AC: a1 12/oofor ML 2% Q.8. -B.L.36, Riv. for ZL to T.R.B.L,34 Riv. MipsHip SECTION OF THE STEAMER BuiLpiNnG For A. H. Buti & Co. on every frame' At hatch ends the deck beams are built up of plate and angles. Hold beams are built up of plate with double angles top and_bot- tom. The centerline bulkhead is stiffened by vertical channels spaced 48 in. cen- ters. Machinery casings of steel ex- tend to the top of the bridge deck house. Wood ceiling is fitted on the tank top and bilge brackets, and cargo _bat- tens on the side frames throughout the cargo holds. Cargo Handling Gear. The cargo handling gear consists of two booms on each side of the fore and main masts and two derrick posts on the bridge deck with one boom on each. The booms on the masts are 40 ft. to 46 ft. long and those on the derrick posts .22.-ft, long. :The latter. are..atr ranged so that they span the coal hatches as well as the bridge deck car- go hatch. For operating the main car- go booms four Lidgerwood double 8% in. x 10 in. winches are provided each _winch having two drums and two gyp- sey heads so that two cargo booms can be operated by one winch. There is also one Lidgerwood single 64 in. x 10 in. winch with extension shaft, located on the bridge deck, for use with derrick post booms. Steam steering gear is provided, a steam engine of the Lidgerwood Mfg. Co.'s make being located at the after end of the engine casing on the up- per deck level. There is a Hyde wind- lass and.a steam capstan located on the forecastle deck with the windlass en- gine on the deck below, from which both are driven. Baldt type stockless anchors are fitted. The vessel is heat- ed throughout by steam. The Machinery. The main propelling engine is triple expansion with cylinders 22 in., 3/. in, and 60 inj x. 42.-in. stroke. -- Piston valves are fitted to the high and inter- mediate cylinders and .a double ported slide valve to the low pressure. Sep- arate liners are fitted in the high pres- sure cylinder and for the piston valves -and a false face for the slide valve. All valves are operated by Stephenson double bar link motion. Steam re- versing gear of the direct type is pro- vided. The bedplate and housings are cast iron of box section. The crank shaft is built up in three interchange- able sections. A horse-shoe type of thrust bearing is fitted. The propeller wheel is a_ solid cast Iron one with four blades. The main air pump is of the Edwards patent type driven from the low pressure crosshead. Two main feed pumps, two bilge pumps, and an evaporator feed pump are also driven from the air pump beam. The surface condenser is separate from the main engine framing and has a cylindrical cast iron shell with 1,900 sq. ft. of cooling surface. A centrifugal pump driven by a single vertical engine is used for circulating water through the condenser. All independent steam pumps are of the Blake type and con- sist of a ballast pump 10 in. x 10 in. x 12 in. duplex, donkey pump 9 in. x 5% in. x 10 in. vertical duplex, and donkey boiler feed 414 in. x 234 in. 4 in. special duplex. There is also a 12 ton Reilley evaporator. There are two main boilers each 15 ft. diameter x 10 ft. 10 in. long built ©