Pe ST et pee FE eR oe OPS FS, RT ee LODE Ege oe ee SS Oe May, 1909 TAE Marine REVIEW TABLEGIV. PORT OF PORTLAND. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements in all Funds for Two Years, Jenuary 1, 1907 to December 31, 1908. - , GENERAL FUND. Receipts. sLaxes 1907-1906, and .delinguent. . «45.3.6... 5 Received from United States Engineers for work, December, 1906, January and February, 1 Below Portland <7 SAcia 2) Glee Vencouver channel 37.308 oe ee eee ee ewe 1a aM ee as $267,495.84 channel i, fn Ga $ 9,473.77 4,972.51 Contributions for operating expense of dredges on private work-- Dredge 'Portland' Dredge "Columbia" Sundry receipts, scow rent, etc.-- kee a we 38,356.38 Mon eeecgyarat 73,550.03----$125,952.69 Dredge." Portland's os canon yee ee 396.30 Dredge "Colambia 4.06 eee 1,145.30----_ 1,541.60 By credit of uncashed checks and: interest: coupons.............. 392.21 Disbursements. : Interest-on Port' of ;Portland: 59% bondsai<. os ic ee, $ 35,225.00 Operating. expense of dedpes e- Dredger! Rortdind fet les wae oe a oe ee 105,194.86 Dredpes.Coltinbial sees es Va eee ee a ieee 178,791.22 Cost, ahdwopeératinge' expenses: of launch.) oes oe ' 3,417.38 General expense, - office; éngineering, legal; etes. 2. Oooo ek 16,428.44 Overdraft, December 30, 190615 0. 15a en a ee 2 4,982.74 Cash: balance" December. 31) (190881 eae. a ee a ee 51,342.70 $395,382.34 $395,382.34 DRY DOCK FUND. Receipts. Taxes 1907-1906, and delith pect Soin satel la Moet rey GaseibeR Oe EN oop Suan a Sey ea $ 37,319.89 Reeeived trom "dry dock earnings. 7. yo Oeil Teo Balance "December 31, ©1906. 5, aia ee ee 17,110.49 Disbursements Tutercet ouvdty deck bonds... $ 31,980.00 Operating expenses of dty -docki.6050. 4) 31,264.73 Construction: (2c a eee ie ee 14,569.30 Balance December Bde FOS iret bs is ie cA ec ie pea cara 13,793.58 $ 91,607.61 $ 91,607.61 REFUNDING BOND FUND. Receipts. ; Taxes: 1907-1906; and= delinquent.) | 250), 6) oe ee $ 74,059.22 : Disbursements Interest con refinding: bonds. . 63.6 cis ke ee . 14,620.00 60 refunding bonds redeemed............ POPOO RSE eee e : 60,000.00 Cash balance December 31, 1906............. iS se ies ep odors faunas 4,714.13 Cash balance December $i, VOOR ee ee eee oe oop ans been eae: 4,753.35 $7953 7 oc30 $ 79,373.35 ties of Portland 'mention should be made of the new floating dry dock of the Oregon, Dry,.Dock Co. This company operates in close sympathy with 'the Willamette Iron & Steel Works, which has extensive repair facilities at its disposal. The new dock is 285 ft. long over the body with a total length, including the overhanging aprons, of 340 ft. Its over all width is 77 ft. and its dead- weight capacity is 4,000 tons. This dock will be an important addition to the marine equipment of Portland harbor, since it is the only one small enough to handle 4,000-ton embss and under with economy, Alny »The Probleme of Dowland: In these days when the improvement of inland - waterways is a subject of great national importance, | the harbor improvements at. Portland, effected ye largely through | the corporate -organi- zation of the Port District, are a mat ter of wide public interest. "ihe 'prob- lems confronting Portland are not vastly different from those confronting the average commercial river city. The Port of Portland organization, while charges. not ideal in all respects, is a very Satisfactory and practical device; it has placed Portland far ahead of most American cities in the matter of har- bor improvements and reminds one of the splendid municipal harbor work on the German Rhine. The practica- bility of the Port of Portland scheme is the chief point in its favor; what we want these days in river and har- bor work is practical results, not talk and politics. As is shown by Table IV presented herewith, the financial operations of the Port of Portland are sound and reasonable. Here is one American city of only 250,000 in- habitants maintaining a 25-ft. ship " channel of over 100 miles in length in a river carrying large amounts of alluvial matter, supporting a _ large public dry dock which anyone is at liberty to use for a nominal charge and operating an efficient and econom- 'ical towage service designed to effect permanent reductions in the port Suppose while we are wait- ing for the national government to act, that the cities of St. Paul, Daven- port, Burlington, St. Louis, etc., would organize port districts and undertake - years, 105 the practical regeneration of the Mis- sissippi river. Would results equal to those obtained on the Columbia river by a far less rich community be real- ized? The writer will not attempt to answer this question categorically at this time; conditions vary widely. But in working out a practical method for the improvement of our rivers and harbors, the labors and success of the Port of Portiand will merit' deep and careful consideration by similarly situ- ated communities in other eae ot our country. PUGET SOUND THIRD IN SUP- PLYING COAL. a In a table recently issued by the bureau of navigation giving figures of the coal supplied to steamers at Amer- ican ports Puget Sound ranks third among the districts of the nation. The table embraces a period of three years ending Dec, 31, 1908, giving to the dis- trict of Puget Sound a total of 1,493,- 777 tons. This amount is exceeded only by New York and Baltimore. The former is credited with a steamer coal supply of 13,000,000 tons in three while Baltimore delivered 1,600,000 tons, only slightly more than that delivered on Puget Sound. Average prices of the coal form a feature of the new tabulation. Puget Sound prices are higher 'than those of the principal eastern ports. Also there was a sharp increase in prices during the past three years. The figures per gross ton are: Puget Sound, 1908, $4; 1907, $3.70; 1906, $3; New York, 1908, $3.35; 1907, $3.07; 1906, $2.97; Boston, 1908, $4.15; 1907, $4.20; 1906, $4.07. Coal at Boston is always 'higher than on Puget Sound. The figures for the consumption of the various districts of the Pacific are as follows: Puget Sound, 1,493,777 tons; Columbia river, including Port- land, 95,306; San Francisco, 703,090 'three years. The average prices for 1908 are as follows: .. Puget Sound, . $4; Columbia river, $5.13; San Fran- cisco, '$7.04. <A. large, share. of the steam coal sold on the Columbia, river and at San Francisco. iss 'mined in western Washington. AS Des See ae The board of. diccraey of 'he: Trade League Of: Philadelphia, at, a 'recent meeting, voiced. their . opposition to the city's plan. to. build new, 'piers, claiming that it is useless to spend money in constructing' such piers without having sufficient water space to safely dock the type of vessels which will use them. The board, how- ever, endorsed a resolution urging that Congress provide for a 35-ft. channel for the Delaware river.