VOL. 39. CLEVELAND, JUNE, 1909. NEW YORK No. 15 Twin Screw Steel Steamship Columbian HE «twin screw steamship Col- built in the Iron Co: at Francisco and owned by the American - Hawaiian Steamship Co., New York, is one of the best. known cargo umbian, 1907 by Union Works San carriers in the Pacific trade. So. far as we know, the details of the con- struction of this steamer have never been published. We present therefore in this article drawings, photograph and a complete description, of the vessel, The Columbian ig a= sister ship to the Mexican which was built by the Union Iron Works Co, at the same time. The two-vessels are iden- tical in _construction:.and both . are owned by the American-Hawaiian Steamship Co. The Columbian "is a steamer with limited passenger ac- commodations. In studying her de- sign we should consider her as a freight rather than a passenger steam- steel cargo er. We will look, therefore, for a roomy vessel with ample _ cargo handling equipment, moderate speed coupled with a long steaming radius, AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP Co.'s Twin-Screw STEAMER CoLUMBIAN.