June, 1909 when further information is availa- ble as to the ocean performance of this interesting vessel and her con- sort.--Engineering. THE THORNYCROFT SHALLOW DRAUGHT STEAMERS FOR THE AMAZON. With the delivery of the steamer Paso de San Lorenzo, which sailed from their Southampton works re- cently, Messrs. John I. Thornycroft & TAE Marine Review try, which has seen the formation of the company, Marina Mercante Ar- gentina, for whom the vessels have been built. The five -steamers particularly ex- emplify the class of work in which Messrs, Thornycroft specialize, i. e., large carrying capacity jon small draught. A load of no less than 730 tons is provided for on a draught of only 8 It The dimensions are 220 ft. in length THORNYCROFT SHALLOW DRAUGHT STEAMER FOR THE AMAZON. Co., Ltd., completed their contract for the supply of five vessels of somewhat unique features for the Amazon trade. The vessels in question are destined to open up the interior of Argentina-- particularly the rich region through which flow the Parana, Uraguay and Paraguay rivers. The resources of SHALLOW DraucHT STEAMER FOR THE AMAZON, this. country have. been but tapped hitherto, and it is the culmi- nation of the general desire of influ- ential Argentinas, that the benefits Should be reaped by their own coun- feebly 2 by 33 ft. breadth, with a displacement of about 1,200 tons. The machinery comprises two sets of inverted triple- expansion surface condensing Thorny- croft type engines, steam being sup- plied by two marine type return-tube boilers. A speed of 10 knots, mean, is guar- anteed, but this was exceeded very considerably on the official trials. The first boat actually ran at 11% knots as a mean of six runs on the admi- ralty course at Stokes bay, cafrying the full load of 730 tons. . The hull is built throughout of Sie- mens-Martin steel, and the vessels are classed 100 A.1 at Lloyds. Several powerful winches .are in- stalled on each ship, to facilitate hand- ling the cargo, which, being timber principally, has had to be provided for by specially large cargo 'hatches. Electric lighting is provided through- out, and the other arrangements are such that the boats are particularly adapted for working in the very hot climates to be met with in the north- ern portions of the rivers. The first few vessels have steamed out to Buenos Ayres without incident, 141 though an exceedingly rough passage was made by the Paso de Obligato, from Southampton to St. Vincent. Nevertheless the whole journey occu- pied 34 days, the coal consumed be- ing 40 tons less than was anticipated, and working out at the very econom- ical figure of 1.87 lbs. per I. H. P. The subsequent vessels, with more fa- vorable weather, have reduced the time for the journey by several days. Some very roomy saloons on deck have been added to the last two or three vessels, greatly improving the Passenger accommodations (which was not originally specified) and incident- ally, the appearance of the vessels. The whole of the work was carried out by Messrs. Thornycroft. SUCTION PLANT FOR MARINE WORK. A visit was recently paid by the In- stitute of Marfne Engineers to the -works of Messrs. Capel & Co., Dalston lane, London. The visit was arranged principally in view of a paper on the question of the adaptability of the gas engine and suction plant for marine work, recently read before the members by Mr. E. Shackleton, which has aroused a good deal of interest, Messrs. Capel & Co, more particularly devoting" their attention to the production of this type of engine. The erecting shop was first visited, under the guidance of Mr. F. Sellers, and here were seen gas en- gines in various stages of construction. Particular attention was given to a 65 H. P. suction gas engine, the various parts of which were minutely examined, the very large water-cooling space for the combustion chamber being noted, also the arrangement of the liner to eliminate the joint between the combus- SHALLOW DRAUGHT STEAMER FOR THE AMAZON, tion chamber and the water space so often the cause of trouble in gas en- gines, and other details. The party afterwards visited the testing shop, where a 40 H. P. suction