June, 1909 sense of what took place during a meeting which lasted from 8 o'clock to 10 p. m. Every one seemed quite satisfied. ; W. STANDISH. April 12. POWERFUL SUCTION DREDGERS. The suction dredge Jinga, and 'her -sister Kalu, built by William Simons & Co., Renfrew, for Bombay service, are fit- ted with one of the most powerful pump- ing plants afloat, capable of dredging 2,700 tons of material per hour, and dis- charging the spoil through a floating pipe line, and through land pipes, to a distance of upwards of 4,500 ft. from the side of the dredger. It is estimated that by the operations of these two dredgers, under the present scheme alone, an addition of 4% per cent will be made to. the area of the city of Bombay. The Kalu, it may be stated, is the seventh dredging vessel which Messrs. Simons have constructed for the Bombay Port Trust. The pumping plant of each dredger consists of very large centrifugal suc- tion and discharging pumps, directly coupled to triple-expansion surface-con- densing engines. A large condenser is fitted to take the exhaust steam from (he Marine Review all engines on board. The Jinga and her sister were arranged to proceed to Bombay under their own steam, and for this purpose they were fitted with two sets of compound surface-condens- ing engines, capable of giving the ves- sels a speed of eight knots. Steam is supplied from four very large cylindrical multitubular boilers, constructed to Lloyds' full requirements and fitted with Howden's patented force draught. The boilers are specially designed for burn- ing inferior Indian coal. A very full equipment of engine room auxiliaries is provided, including independent circula- .tion pumps, automatic feed pumps, bilge and -general service pumps, feed heater, filter, evaporator, etc. A spiral rotary cutter, for disinte- grating clay or hard soil, is fitted at the lower end of the suction frame, this cutter being driven through steel spur gearing by a set of compound surface- condensing engines. The suction frame is controlled by independent steam hoist- ing gear. Bow and stern winches, of very powerful construction and arranged for rapid handling, are provided. The control of the dredger is centered on the operating bridge, on which are placed all telegraphs, speaking tubes 169 and signals for controlling the cutter engines, pump engines and stern winch, as well as the handles for controlling © the frame hoisting gear and the bow winch. One man can thus direct all the operations of the dredger and the pipe line. The living accommodation and the general arrangements are all designed for working in a tropical climate, every attention having been given to light and ventilation. The vessels are electrically lighted throughout, having a powerful searchlight for manipulating the pipe line when working at night. Telephone com- munication between the dredger and the end of the pipe line is also provided. The vessels, as launched, were complete anid ready. for trials. The passenger steamer Mackinac, building by Johnston Bros., Ferrysburg, Mich., for George L. Craig, of Toledo, O., was launched on May 26. The Mackinac is 150 ft. over all, 136 ft. keel, 28 f. beam <and 11% ft. deep. Her engine is compound with cylinders 18 and 40 in. diameter by 30 in. stroke, sup- plied with steam by two boilers, 6 ft. 6 in. by. 12. tt. The Carnegie Coal Co. of Pittsburg has closed a lease for the coal dock property oper- ated by the Great Northern Railroad on St. Louis Bay. The company owns and operates several mines in the bituminous district of Pennsylvania. The Craig Ship Building Co., Long Beach, Cal., is building a dry dock at its plant. - STEAMSHIP Fiona, DesiGNeD FoR SuGAR T oe ae ee ee RADE AND Burtt By Sir RayLton Dixon & Co., MippLesproucH, ENGLAND. For description see Marine Review for May.