June, 1909 it Used to Take Weeks to Repair a Stern Post Now it can be done in two or three days if the Thermit Process is used. The weld is made without removing the stern post from the vessel. The saving in cost of dockage alone is enormous. Write for our new pamphlet No. 20-E which illustrates 30 Thermit welding operations and will give you a general idea of the class of work for which the process is adapted. The work can be done almost anywhere as all appliances are light and portable and may be brought to the job. Only "TRAE. Marine REVIEW 179 CAPTAIN How many trips this year? Do you know that a vessel equipped with an up-to-date sounding machine is insured against delays occasioned by SMOKE OR FOG and that her running time is thereby greatly increased? Write for a circular of our NEPTUNE and learn how you can keep your boat running 12 to 14 miles an hour, and yet take soundings up to 100 fathoms requirement is a small supply of compressed air GOLDSCHMIDT THERMIT Co. Groundings Impossible 90 West St. NEW YORK CITY THE UPSON-WALTON co. 432-436 Foisom St, San Francisco 1294-1310 103 Richmend Si., W. Toronto, Can. : West 11th Street Cleveland, Oo. 169 Jackson Boulevard ILLINOIS High efficiency because the scientific and practical requirements for the rapid absorption of heat are fully embodied in our construction. Permanent efficiency because there can be no lodgement of scale or sedi- ment in the tubes to prevent the rapid transfer of heat. These and many other strik- ing advantages of the Reilly Multicoil Heater are fully discussed and explained in our new catalogue. Copies free upon request. The GRISCOM-SPENCER COMPANY (Formerly, The JAMES REILLY REPAIR @ SUPPLY CO.) General Offices, 90 West Street, New York SHOPS: Jersey City---Pier B, North River, adjoining Penna. R. R. terminal. Philadelphia--Ft. of Washington Ave., Delaware River, Room 1024 Real Estate Trust Building. si Supply Department---229 West Street, New York City. G | M C d _ High Permanent Efficiency of the eo. L. C\Ur 7 Reilly Multicoil Feed Water Heater CHICAGO INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS