July, 1909 BL 6L 866 cal 4 ace ibe understood that the idea of the right hand vessel overtaking the other is simply used for convenience in description. For given relative posi- tions the forces upon the right hand vessel would 'be the same whether overtaking or overtaken. The figures illustrate the difficulties which are known to exist in avoiding "THE Marine. REVIEW ASTERN' 4L eile AHEAD. 6L 02 125 ABREAST. "05 .48L APART. slo APART: Wit a8 24 L_ APART 62 L APART -61 \ 50 "002 28 L APART 841. APART. FORCES UPON MODEL 858 WHEN PASS- ING MODEL 866. THE ARROWS SHOW THE DIRECTIONS OF THE FORWARD ANO "AFTER FORCES. THE FIGURES SHOW THE AMOUNTS EXPRESSED AS FRACTIONS OF THE TOTAL RESISTANCE . certain positions are in Fig. 2, consider the position where the overtaking vessel is 04-1 astern. [There is. here a strong tendency to swing the bow in toward the other vessel and cant the stern out. If the rudder is put to starboard with the idea of throw- ing the bow out, the result will be collisions after reached. Thus SPEED OF MODELS 2TOS KNOTS Kia.3. either a diminution of the force at the stern which is pulling the stern to starboard, or its reversal, there being substituted for it a force which will push the stern to port. If the force is not reversed there will still 'be a tendency to swing the bow closer to the overtaken vessel. If the re- pulsive force is more than balanced 2 | ROPUL SION. ee REPULSION a ee ee | ae Cc a4 2 4 > Fia.4. FORCES, FORWARD. AND AFT, ACTING UPON | MODEL 834 WHEN PASSING 838 EXPRESSED AS FRACTIONS OF THE TOTAL RESISTANCE DISTANCE OF CENTER LINES APART = 3.90 FEET GPEED 2 TO 3 KNOTS UNITS CF REGISTAN SCALE FOR FORCE IN UNITS OF RESISTANCE aa) fs , 4 fs HiGnT 207. aF7e Bow ATTRACTION a 7 BSL AFT OF Bow @CALE FOR FORCE [tN ATT AAC TION » ; ie | | | to. 8 r a ASTERN pet te 3 7 1 s Y 3 SCALE FOR POSITION IN FRACTIONS. OF LENGTH ' « = oo os AnEAO