218 | Tae MARINE REVIEW os July, 1909 tABLE 2° COMPARISON OF STRENGTH OF BEAMS WITH STRENGTH OF KNEES ; AND BRACKETS , TAKEN FROM PRACTICE. ae Pp RATIO sich =|s . : 23 a Ores s U.S.N. | LLoyps|MVETS. USMIRWETS Lum "is "15 *15 3 { z Se Sie, vies) ie | Ce TRS 16 i7 18 19 | 20/21 |22| 23 OLYMPIA te IG X35" x26 lao] s | ro| £ 7 - 1648 986 | 940 |60\.57| 735 559 | 57! 683 S98 | 1051 1.07\ 128) 12 VERMONT | [| 102x228 [3°] 30" 3 oly lr lg'lsex | 786 | 940 |72|.70| re9 | 559 aS cas | 598 |r23|i26l.s%a7 poor wiand [| MxexeM zl 27") jo | 2 | 6 |g | Aes | 986 | 806 |.74).60) 375 ¥9e | 973. | yoo | 49s -|s33|s26lse9la2 RHODE ISLAND c B°KSLKNRS «| 2) 24") 3 18 6 a 120./ 788 G06 |.66).67| 270 376 406 S525 F255 | 1L37|1,40\,81 1,47 rove stand [ |7esuets [2 )arla|7 | ¢ lo |Z | Ms | 620 | 622 | 62/60] 2¢4 29e | 3/2 | 360 | 327 |nas\s2elevalsay / VERMONT [ Tat xs* Far se ee 1S Z| 908 696 | 672 |.76),7%] 133 29% 3/2 360 327 | 2.2//2.35|2.7112.% veRMONT | [ | 6'x3fxHAS™ [03s] 8" 3) 6) 5 | 6 21 935 | SE) | R763 | 43 176 z2¢ | 22% | 273 | 273° | aryl a¥|c39\s39 a [. Gina a xe Bea |e) 6 ae] 2 ea. 69 Wes iar gal toe | 250. 6 98.) 768 126 |zabeaolsez sis hwasnvase | [ [exserize [x] la le] s js |$] a9 | sar | ves |olse| se | 224 | 490 Soar ee nuove isvand [ | s*x3atz «|g | /9 | 3 | 6 | ls % | 768 | 52 ¥9,2 |.77|.64| (47 224 | 191 273° | 234 | 450)/28|183|457 rHoversLang [ |6'xafx19 [a |/7)9 16) 5 |S |Z") 82 | 5% #23 |.73|,6) | 100 22% =| /9/ 273 | 234 |2ai\rgelz7ol2a2 VERP ONT 4 S'X31T8 FIP \98l6) 7 1s 2°! 526 S/ ¥23 |103|.85) 60 224 19/ 273. | 234% |377\3vel¥ss\290 pes moines| [ ve xs'nd/ lel e izzy | @ | # |Z | $33 | 397 317 |.75|.75| #7 99 79 (2t- | (24 | 2,022.02) 2.47) 2.97 housugue | | [ecxsrxe' [¥) jazi ¥| 7 | ¥ |e | He | 327 | ze7_ (2! we oa os ee OUBL QUE [ |sg'xa"x6t Flo 2g 1 9 | # 12°] 386 | 397 | 327 |1.039.03| 26 78 78 90 90 | z00|a00la.¥6la4, % )UMBER OF RIVETS ASSUMED FROM PRACTICE ON U.S. NAVAL VESSELS Salem and the 5-in. beam of the TABLE IL Vermont. For comparison, the number COMPARISON OF STRENGTH OF BEAMS WITH STRENGTH OF pee ee Gt Aivets sequired by Dleyes KNEES AND BRACKETS RECOMMENDED FOR USE Rilés for the same knees are given - in columns 8 and 9, and are determined TS |wel - 2s RATIO- ; a w=] AR |S|<| BENDING MOMENT TO PRO- |, entirely from the depths of the knees. BEAM =|8 w ae i St OUCE _RUPTURE-FT TONS oR The strength of knees at the ends ele | Ele sl Ste d d TYPE BS SSS] ms | NO. Bel chime (canine CRUSHING IN =) S of a beam depends to a great extent ae ice z\z 5 = | 3 BEAM | RIVETS| & [ENDING HEARING lreowT OF e| 3 on the depth and the thickness of the SECTION Qs s/s < RIVETS. | & | & knees and the number of rivets placed \ 2 a1 eS lel Zz 8 e lfol 4 fz | WTA therein, and must be considered with ee - oe File reference to the strength of the beams [ |ixst v2 1%] 99") 33)4 | -- | 16¥8 | 1085 | 66) 535 cof supported. [ 10'x3f x3g x28 |F | 30"| 3 |\/0| 4 | 136% | 986 |.72| 453 | S559 683 | 4.23) 457 The rivets and plating in the knees ¥[ euaeis lend lela ver ee oe sea i Fee Vue must be able to resist the shearing Ss eS and crushing forces caused by loading [ |resx2 |g )27")3 | 7] 2 | 1346 | 888 | 65} 375 457 657 | A202) 474 the beam to the point of rupture. Rup- x ex as xan? |F \2¢13 |e | 3 N60 788 |.68| 3/9 296 ¥OS | Lay| 152 ture by shearing or crushing may be pnaxets |Zlaels lel 3 deo Bae | eel 200 ee oe lee caused either by the concentration of - a load at one end of the beam, or by x[ pxsg'xavxnd |F)27"] 3 +7) ¢ | 1060 | 690 |.65| 2se | 29% | Joe | acleze the combination of the rorces due to [ Wiwatewts Flee) 312) | rs 69.0 |.42| 2¥% | 29% 340 | 42arls¥e loading the beam between the support- : ao 'ae hoe. PP i rwanis |g 1s Bt 90.8 493 | s¥| /33 188 226 | 4/9|470 If the load is concentrated at the [ |erwaztesg tas" las] 8"| 3 | 6 | ¢ 93.3 eh 63) (96) gee | 21S | ee end of a beam, the shearing and crush- [ Sxoxsos \d 2s |? 639 493 | .s9| 1a | 797 rue | yas lis$ ing forces are uniformly distributed [ Pee gig el : ' . AS X72, a among the rivets, and are vertical. If 2: S 76 Ge eee C90 203 | 420/496 the beam is loaded between the sup- , 6 xaZ'ts | AIS" z7|5 | 8 81.2 ¥93 |.6/| 707 (SB 226 | 4.561 2.2% ports, the shearing and crushing forces «[ Pis'ne sie ke ag | -- | 772 cee oe sae pe roe lS are the resultants of the vertical forces ee tt due to the load, which are uniformly [ [saad Be rie? 576 | ¥23 | 85) 60 | *¥% 477 |290|2.98 distributed among the rivets, and the E Cast] (2 | 231% | 70 53.3 397 |75| ¥9 oF 421 |2.02|2.¥7 horizontal forces due to the bending ee a" , ¢naate (Fue lag]@ | ue | var | 397 39 | #8 | 103 moment which are distributed among [ od , 6 f nab aay the rivets in proportion to their dis- [ jadxarxee la | "| 2$| % | 02 386 | 377 | 403, 26 78 70 | 3,00|3.%6 tance from a pole through the center of gravity of the area of all the rivets, BENE aN Hanes