Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), July 1909, p. 233

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July, 1909 ment on the dynamo circuit when the dynamo is again in operation, so that the apparatus is constantly in com- mission. : The chart will last thirty-one days and the time and date 'are printed thereon. The time is graduated to five-minute spaces so that it is an easy matter to ascertain the time to less than a minute at a glance. All points east of north and. south are shaded while all points west of north, and south are clear, so that the chart can be read with comparative ease. TAE Marine REVIEW Duluth-Superior harbor, is unfavorable to the improvement. Bids received by Lieut. Col. Graham D. Fitch .for furnishing riprap at Ashland were as. follows: Alex. Sang, Duluth, 'Minn., Division A, sand stone, granite or trap, $1.05 per ton; Division B, granite or trap, $2.10 per ton; Whitney Bros. Co., Superior, Wis., Divis- ion A, $1.20 per ton; Division B, $2.50 -per ton. Alex. Sang's bid was accepted, The new White Star Canadian liner Lauren- tic, made an excellent showing in her trial tests. The coal consumption per indicated horsepower was as low as 1.1 lb. and. only 11 lb. of water per indicated horsepower. The Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. has been awarded contracts for four freight steamers for the Morgan line. These steamers are to be 450 ft. long each. . The Wilson Line has given contract to the Harlan & Hollingsworth 'Corporation, Wil- mington, Del., for two steamers 240 ft. long SUMMARY OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTION. he hey The monthly ssummary of naval construction, issued by the bureau of construction and repair, shows the following progress upon vessels: --1909-- : an Per cent | of completion. Name of Vessel-- Building at-- May 1. June 1. pee 'BATTLESHIPS. South Carolina... 66s e yo. 3. .eWm. Cramp' & Sons. ..25++-..-.s 90.0 92.3 VCHIDAM Sie a tee ey ee Ses ents New York or Bo sCOve aca cce 97.4 98.1 Melawarew cc ne ek Gels oe a eae: "Newport News. o.. 6. 1COcc.9 <a .e. e.g 82.4 Mori Wakota. i. ee cece ews Fore "River Se Ba Coe eons wan sae 81.5 84.8 Pelntilc ceo oy ore eee wo ere ees Navy Nard, New, YoOrk..sts.4 Pes te LG 16.4 Utah... . pices cece ee cee eee te ee ees New "York S.0 Bic COsseee dt news. ue 14.9 20.0 TORPEDO BOAT DESTROYERS Pt co vt Aa Wm. Cramp & Sons........eee0es 81.6 88.4 QUSMISOU cc ies do es Ssigsotai arene tae Wm, (Cramp -<& SONS... es eee ZO.7 80.5 PYEStOMs 04,5 doko » Hh Folge hha > oN News Sork 182.28. (OO. vie ees seta 70.7 714 WR SSOC OC fe ee cael ee hee see ce Bath [ton Works: sve ers 68.7 74.0 Regd. ear ar cw aos Pare eee Ree Be Bath Wton Wonksi.ce ee arose 67.8 73.0 AMAT ear eels s aes FOG fee eA ccece orcs Bath Tron Works ies cess ees 9.8 14.2 Davin: ee cost am ae peewee Bath iron Worksesca soc te or ve OF 14.2 Rant ers PO Mee cette ness Newport News: S. B..'\Go.n e.205-% 38.6 46.7 RETIN fp cress sacle Sot ae! aieie Mauer at sis oelaiete Newport News S. B. Co.......... 33.7 41.0 PRS ore. opr ete eee e anes Bore River Si BucGoeoi sie face: 22.05% 28.3 MEO RCETES Gee ce cn cis oe eemcn ies Fore River S. BY Co... 30.0.8... 22.0 28.3 MCCA eee ss. ES tia Gos New York S. B. 'Co...... nee 167: TB. UCIOWS ase ee ee re ee New York, Si Bi 'Co. owes. aoe 11.3 12.8 WATUINOTON a sa cee eee se es Wm. Cramp & Sons... ic... 00... 16.0 19.6 MEN Tee pe aise land eno, ciouale eieiato Wm. 'Cramp & Sons.........0.... 16.1 © 23.4 SUBMARINE TORPEDO BOATS. Bei SG, ce eaves aes Fore River. S: Bi Cooswiencos 89.8 91.7 PATON. 5 sine soe ad eats casen Sarees 'Bote River S. Bi Coosa cs wets 89.7 91.7 BOnitAs cee GU as Bore: River (Si cB 2C0e 2 te eine. 81.4 85.2 MADER: oy oA ces le Hawi e water ein Bore River (Si Bs Cow. tiie 80.4 84.9 Watwhal..¢ 0% ORAM 5 ae Soe a i cea Hore: River' Si Bi Oo. ne. 89.7 91.6 Grayling: i500". Goyer Limos oe pi Fore River S. B. Co.........0.5. - 84.6 88. SANMOMe er Mi On Gisis ees ew cer b are Fore' River SS: B: Cort. .eiec. 6... hows 81. FAIR eee orl sees irk Union fron Works......+-+...+.- 0.0 0 WSO ELOCUIG AG oes nee acwat ty wold nese s Union Iron Works.............:- 0.0 0. PACKETOL SS ol tes oe Pe. SG Ia es The Moran COm is ose kiss soe beanies 0.0 0. WRATOL Gh cme Bae alas iy iol As The Moran Co....--.-.seese cree) 0.0 0. MIDIACK eka iee ee ieee Bore River So B.71Co. aes oe 0.0 0. DEUEPE OTe oe ee Crest Ohne eles Fore River S. B: Co..... 20.2... 0.0 0. MMNTASNED ci Oe. 2 BAG che TNS 8 Wm. Cramp & Sons........-----: 0.0 0. ana. eke Lhe ce Pats seat Newport News S. B. Co.......... 0.0 0. Re ak eens ob Newport News S. B. Co.......--: 12 7, '18. es COLLIERS. -- é WEG os Ase re ees here Navy "Yard,.New York.......... 98.6 98.6 PPOMRINEUS oil g eee es tee ....Navy Yard, Mare Island.......... 98.9 98.9 PUG BOATS. | Patapsco see Wate ce eo ete sie ...Navy Yard, Portsmouth......... 99.0 99.0 and 40 ft. beam over guards. These vessels SHIP YARD NOTES. will be similar to the Brandywine and City The F i i ilding 'Co. incy, f Chester. : e Fore River Ship Building Co., Quincy, o Philip D. Winstanley succeeded the late - Mass., recently launched the submarine torpedo boats Grayling,' Bonita and Snapper. © The Bonita and Snapper are duplicates of the Oc- topus, 'being 105 ft. long. The Grayling is a duplicate of the Narwhal, 135 "ft.. long. The non-magnetic yacht Carnegie, was launch- ed from Tebo's Yacht Basin, foot of Twenty- third street, Brooklyn, N. .¥.. on. Saturday, June 12. Not a single iron bolt,: spike or nail has been used in building the Carnegie, the hull being held together 'by locust tree nails and copper bolts' and spikes. The engine equip- ment is of rion-magnetic material, the cook fanges are of bronze, the tableware of Mex- - ican *silvers andthe. cooking utensils are either Copper or aluminum. «Lieut: €ol. Graham. .D..-'Fitch's'. neport' on € proposition for 'securing «increased an- chorage area in the vicinity of Superior: entry, Henry Wilkinson as chief surveyor for the United States for the Bureau Veritas, Inter- national Register of Shipping, 17 State' street, New York. The Craig Ship Building Co., Long Beach, Cal., launched the ocean-going tug Virgil G. Bogue on June 12. The tug 1s intended for work in the harbor at Long Beach and is 120 ft. over all and 24 ft. beam. liver Reeder. & Son, Baltimore, Md., have sain 'stocks one harbor lighter 92: ft. long by 28 ft. beam by 8 ft. 6 1n.. deep. They are also rebuilding the schooner Annie Belle, 77 ft. 8 in. long, 23. ft. beam and 5.ft. 7 il. OED. ta het 3 oe The new freighters building for the Southern Pacific Co. will be 403 ft. in length from SSSOODODDODOCM 233 forward: side of stem to either side of stern post, 53! ft. beam and 36 ft. deep. George Lawley & Son Conporation, South Boston, Mass., are' about to build a 125-ft. motor launch for C. B. Borland, of Chicago. They also have an order for an 80-ft. launch for a New Yorker and also a small _ steel launch hull. for Messrs. Tams, Lemoine & Crane, of New "York: The Dubuque Boat & Boiler Co., Dubuque, Ia., are building a catamaran ferry for the Burnside & Donaldsonville Packet Co., of Burnside, Ala. The Submarine Signal Co. has issued a bulletin concerning its service. The total number of vessels equipped with submarine Signalling apparatus now is 498. ihe G. G. Deering -Co., Bath, Me., are building a four-masted 'schooner to carry about 1,800 tons. She has a southern gak frame, is planked and ceiled with long-leafed yellow pine, and .is expected to be launched about Aug. 1... She will cost about $65,000. , _ The Fore River Shipbuilding Co. is build- ing a freighter for the Union Sulphur Co.; also a yacht 216 ft. over all, .for Commodore James of the New York Yacht Club. The Harlan & Hollingsworth Corporation, Wilmington, Del, are building two freight and passenger steamers to operate between Philadelphia and Wilmington for the Wilson line, They are to be 205 ft. over. all, 40 ft. beam over guard, 32 ft. beam molded and 11 ft. 4. in. depth molded. . The Newport News Ship. Building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va., have merchant vessels under order or under way _as_ fol- lows: ge One freight steamship for A. H. Bull & Co., of New York, 310 ft. by 46 ft. by 24 ft. 3 in, 3; 1,200:.0.. FL P.;2;800" eross, tons. -. One freight and passenger steamship. for the Matson Navigation Co., of San Francisco, Cal., 423 tt. 6 in. by 954 ft.) by 33 ft, 6 im: 5,500; I. H.. %P:;. 6,800 'eross 'tons. eee Three oil barges for the Standard Oil Co., of New York, each 225 ft. by 36 ft. by 10 ft.; 700 gross tons each. : Two freight and passenger steamships for the San Francisco & Portland Steamship Co,, of San Francisco, 364 ft. by 47 ft. by 34 ft.; 4,000 I. H. P.; 4,100 tons gross, Two freight and passenger steamships for the .Ocean Steamship Co., of Savannah, Ga., 379° ft. bY 49 St. 6 ini by. 35) ths! 2,500 1) P.; 5,600 tons gross. One oil tank steamship for the Associated "Oil Co., of San Francisco, Cal., 382 ft. 4 in. by2:52 "it: by 30 ft; 2,000 1 H, P.; 5.200 gross . tons. : ; : . Four freight steamships for the Southern Pacific' Co.,, 410. ft.. by 53 ft. by 36 ft.;.5,500 I. H. P.; 5,700 gross. tons. : eh In addition to the merchant work listed above this company has under construction or under contract three torpedo boat destroyers and one battleship for the United' States navy and two submarine torpedo boats for the Lake Torpedo Boat Co., of Bridgeport, Conn, : : The Gildersleeve Ship Building Co., Gil- dersleeve, Conn., has under construction or under order five deck scows 112 ft. by 30 ft. by 10 ft.; seven coal boats 116 ft. by 30 ft by $2. tt) 6 in... for Lonts Gildersleeve, 1 Broadway, New York. a The Coastwise Transportation Co. has giv- en an ordeer to the New York Ship Building Co. for two steel colliers to be 375 ft. long, 49 ft. beam and 30 ft. depth equipped with triple-expansion engines and Scotch boilers. The Coastwise Transportation Co. has hither- to carried its coal in sailing vessels. The Pusey & Jones Co., Wilmington, Del., have the following boats under construction: One mine planter, 168 ft. long for the United States quartermaster's department; 'one steel hull double and knock' down ferryboat for ser- vice in Porto Rico; .one*steel hull single-screw steam yacht 167 ft. long for William Aw: Lay- don, Chicago; one steel hull, single-screw steam yacht 180 ft. long for George F. Baker Jr., of New York. pe The Jackson & Sharp Co., Wilmington, Del., | have the -following work under way: | One sand barge, 116 ft. long by 28 ft. beam and 8 ft. deep; one dump scow; 138 ft. long, 38 ft. beam and 11% ft. deep; one steam lighter, 110 ft. long, 29%4 ft. beam and 9% ft. deep; one tow boat, 75 ft. long, 18 ft. beam, 9 ft. deep. : Bids for. the. construction of the two bat- tleships, Arkansas and Wyoming, will be opened by-the navy department on Aug. 15; They will be equipped w--- turbine engines. The Pusey & Jones Co., Wilmington, Del., has been given an_ order. by the war -- de- partment for a steel ferry boat for service in New York harbor on its bid of $88,846. Cramps,' Philadelphia, will build three 'steel

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