188 Fic. 4--View rrom Apout THE SAME Point as Fic. 2, LooKING SWUNG INTo PosITION. immediately over the upper sill. The water dropping out of the chamber lowered her bow so that the current rushing in through the _ restricted passage along her sides washed over her forward deck; but gathering head- Tre Marine. REVIEW way rapidly, she shot over the sill and settling into the lock chamber, sub- merged, momentarily, her (aiter - deck and was then shot through the cham- ber and down stream where she fouled the Assiniboia, the latter's stem cutting Up Stream Jowarps Movaste Dam, Wuicn Has Bren SuHows CHECKING oF FLow or WATER. a serious gash in the Crescent City's port bow. Both the Walker and As- siniboia took the ground and the Cres- cent City crossed to the American side. The two former were easily released, and the Assiniboia proceeded down the . Vic, 5.--Virw Taken THe Fottowinc Day. Suows Soutu GATE rack ae FALLEN DowN; AND THE EFFECT OF THE DAM.